“maximum” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “maximum”:

+ In other words, it is the maximum energy per volume that can be elastically stored.

+ In a youth school, you can occupy up to a maximum of 30 occupants to train.

+ Its maximum payload was 3,000 pounds.

+ It is wise to move away all the resources you want to keep, so that you can trade the maximum amount that your storage holds.

+ This species reaches a maximum length of 9.8 feet.

+ Injection means maximum one pre-image.

maximum - example sentences
maximum – example sentences

Example sentences of “maximum”:

+ Harrison promised to reestablish the Bank of the United States and extend its maximum amount for credit by issuing paper currency.

+ The simplest method to read encrypted data is a brute force attack–simply attempting every number, up to the maximum length of the key.

+ The rules about who could be a member of the society were also changed, making it open only to a maximum of 500 men who would be chosen by the leaders of the society.

+ A maximum instantaneous wind speed of 25 meters per second was registered at the cape of Shionomisaki in Kushimoto, Wakayama Prefecture, at around 5:20 a.m.

+ But, there is a maximum spin rate.

+ Each team can have a maximum of 20 players, including two goaltenders who have a zone to defend.

+ Numbuh 86 states that while she will normally get the other KND sectors to help out they are all at the beach and so Sector V is tasked with recapturing the villains and taking them to their even more maximum security prison on the dark side of the moon.

+ It once had an empire and was a powerful maritime nation from 1500s–1800s, the 10th-largest empire with a maximum land area of 10.4 million km² which included Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, East Timoa, São Tomé and Príncipe, Portuguese Ceylon.

+ As a result, the maximum dimension of the ship are of freight.

+ Harrison promised to reestablish the Bank of the United States and extend its maximum amount for credit by issuing paper currency.

+ The simplest method to read encrypted data is a brute force attack–simply attempting every number, up to the maximum length of the key.

+ The United States military also has a maximum security prison in Leavenworth.

+ If you want me to lay it out any less complicated then ask and I’ll write it out for a fourth time using words of maximum 2 syllables.

+ Its a maximum capacity is 19,908 people.

+ The quartet received 7 points from Ireland and the maximum 12 points from Malta.

+ The imprint only happens if the screen is used at maximum brightness for a long time.

+ It can seat a maximum of 375 to 410 passengers.

+ The Galapagos shark is a large species, reaching a maximum length of up to 12.1 feet, and weighing up to 86 kg.

More in-sentence examples of “maximum”:

+ Its surface maximum depth is 48 meters.

+ He was executed in Tennessee at the Riverbend Maximum Security Prison on December 5, 2019.

+ Cafes and restaurants, and hotel and club dining rooms, were allowed to reopen but with a maximum of 10 people.

+ Monthly average maximum temperatures at sea-level vary only between about 27°C and 31°C.

+ The maximum for “fully anchored chronologies” is a little over 11,000 years from present.

+ Equipment can also be found around the worlds Lore explores, which will increase attack strength or maximum health.

+ Gary Wilson scored a maximum break of 147 in qualifying during his first round win over Josh Boileau.

+ Gamma strengthened a little bit more to reach its maximum strength of 50 miles per hourmph winds during that day, but a trough moving into the Gulf of Mexico stopped any more strengthening.

+ The M16 uses the 5.56mm NATO, and has a maximum effective range of 550 meters, U.S.

+ Other games in the “F-Zero” series are “F-Zero X” for Nintendo 64, “F-Zero: Maximum Velocity” for Game Boy Advance.

+ Recent analysis of historical records have found that the supernova that created the Crab Nebula probably appeared in April or early May, rising to its maximum brightness of between apparent magnitude −7 and −4.5 by July.

+ The oceanic whitetip reef shark reaches a maximum length of four metres, and can weigh as much as 170 kg.

+ Returns the maximum value from the values specified.

+ The maximum age requirements to apply dropped from 35 to 27.

+ The C class 18mm motors have a maximum thrust from 14 – 14.15 N, a total impulse between 8.8 and 9 Ns, and a burn time between 1.85 and 2seconds.

+ The Governor is appointed by the President for a maximum period of 5 years.

+ The maximum level is higher than in “Guild Wars”.

+ In an optical microscope, the wavelength of light limits the maximum magnification that is possible.

+ She was later given a prison sentence for the maximum allowed by law of seven-and-a-half years.

+ The reason for this scheme is however not to display size or location, but simply to have enough combinations available within the maximum length of eight characters per plate.

+ The maximum speed of this train.

+ Sticking to Web-safe colors ensures maximum compatibility, which is often appreciated; i.e.

+ It reaches a maximum depth of more than 9,300 feet northwest of Corsica.

+ The error shown occurs if the requested precision is higher than the maximum supported by the server.

+ In laminar flow through a pipe, it is assumed that the velocity of the fluid is zero at the boundaries of the pipe and is at a maximum in the center; mathematically, the velocity profile is parabolic.

+ Its surface maximum depth is 48 meters.

+ He was executed in Tennessee at the Riverbend Maximum Security Prison on December 5, 2019.

+ Corals have evolved structures, often tree-like, which offer the algae maximum access to light.

+ The convective structure resembled a tropical, rather than subtropical cyclone, and the radius of maximum winds was very close to the center, also more typical of tropical cyclones…

+ The maximum speed limit on all county highways in Douglas County is.

+ Giant squid can grow to a tremendous size: recent estimates put the maximum size at 12 metres for males from caudal fin to the tip of the two long tentacles.McClain CR, Balk MA, Benfield MC, Branch TA, Chen C, Cosgrove J, Dove ADM, Gaskins LC, Helm RR, Hochberg FG, Lee FB, Marshall A, McMurray SE, Schanche C, Stone SN, Thaler AD.

+ The maximum tractive effort was unusually high for a Type 2 locomotive but, as there were five driving axles, the risk of wheelslip was minimal.

+ According to special relativity, is the maximum speed at which all energy, matter, and physical information in the universe can travel.

+ The maximum temperature in July and August is about 24 °C.

+ The size my be the maximum width and or height of the icon.

+ For Pascal, the first of these options is the most important one because it represents the maximum gain and loss.

+ Southern Florida saw fair rainfall, with a maximum of 16.47 inches occurring in Tavernier.

+ These EMUs have a maximum commercial speed of 160km/h.

+ The video probes were lowered to a maximum depth of 42 feet to observe the conduit formation and the processes that took place in the conduit.

+ The categories into which the scale separates hurricanes are noted by the strength of their maximum sustained wind speeds.

+ Under the current voting system, the highest scoring winner is him winning the Eurovision Song Contestcontest in Kiev, Ukraine, with 758 points, with both the maximum points from the jury and the public vote being attributed to him.

+ The C class 24mm motors have a maximum thrust between 21.6 and 21.75 N, a total impulse of between 8.8 and 9 Ns, and a burn time between.8 and.85seconds.

+ This was the first time since 2002 that a UK Eurovision entrant had received the maximum 12 points in the competition from any country.

+ The Silky shark is large, slim, and grows up to a maximum length of 3.3 metres.

+ At about 20 MBit/s maximum speed, ARCnet is much slower than other network protocols, such as ethernet.

+ However, the FAA says that the maximum time for an evacuation is 90 seconds.

+ Brophy’s theory proposes first that three of the center stones match the belt of Orion at its minimum tilt and the other three match the shoulder and head stars of Orion at their maximum tilt.

+ Kinetic Energy is the maximum amount of work a moving body due to its motion can do, whereas Potential energy is the maximum amount of work a body can do due to its configuration or position in a field force.

+ The maximum length, east to west, is 390km from Punta de Agua to Las Lajas, on the border with Haiti.

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