“math” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “math”:

+ The school is well-known for the dancing class, science and math class, and humanities class.

+ So within a few days of Heisenberg’s discovery they already had the basic math for what Heisenberg liked to call the “indeterminacy principle.” By “indeterminate” Heisenberg meant that something like an electron is just not pinned down until it gets pinned down.

+ Peano’s influence on math spread this notation across Europe.

+ Student achievement at the secondary level rose 14 points in reading and 17 points in math since 2007, gains that are unprecedented in DC history and unparalleled nationwide.

+ Von Osten was a teacher who taught math at a local school.

+ Lang was very good at math and math class bored him, so his teacher gave him an origami book to keep him entertained.

math in sentences?
math in sentences?

Example sentences of “math”:

+ The nature of science is that the math is only a model of reality, and there is no guarantee that it is a correct model.

+ But others took the possibility seriously, and argued that if the math is right then there cannot be definiteness or certainty in the world of the ultra small.
+ Her father was a math teacher.

+ The nature of science is that the math is only a model of reality, and there is no guarantee that it is a correct model.

+ But others took the possibility seriously, and argued that if the math is right then there cannot be definiteness or certainty in the world of the ultra small.

+ Her father was a math teacher.

+ Mirzakhani has worked as a math teacher at Princeton University and Stanford University.

+ People who study math create proofs that use logical rules to show that mathematical theorems are correct.

+ Someone who is fully illiterate can not read, write, or do math at all.

+ Computers and math are tools for the natural sciences.

+ Some books are written just for children, or for entertainment, while other books are for studying something in school such as math or history.

+ At the end of the Middle Ages, people started thinking math and engineering were more important.

+ There are many reasons in math why Tau could be useful or helpful.

+ The math above looks very hard, but the math leading up to it is very much harder and is extremely hard to understand.

+ In math and physics, this is described by Isaac Newton’s second and third laws.

+ Floating point math sometimes allows division by zero.

+ Some examples of math problems are addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, calculus, fractions and decimals.

More in-sentence examples of “math”:

+ See Help:Calculation for the syntax for math expressions.

+ This word is not used any more in math except as a curiosity.

+ The math used for phase calculations and angular momentum is complicated.

+ OpenOffice Math is a tool for creating and editing formulamathematical formulas, similar to Microsoft Equation Editor and is part of the OpenOffice office suite.

+ In 1964 John Stewart Bell developed a math method to distinguish between the behavior of two particles that have determinate states that are merely unknown to the two individuals that investigate them, and two particles that have entangled states that are indeterminate or uncertain until they are measured.

+ This is often how math works.

+ The math used by Heisenberg and earlier people is not very hard to understand, but the equations quickly grew very complicated as physicists looked more deeply into the atomic world.

+ Even though many physicists said they could not figure out the various math steps in Heisenberg’s breakthrough paper, one recent article that tries to explain how Heisenberg got his result uses twenty math-filled pages.

+ She was not allowed to learn math as a child.

+ There are effects that come out of the math of the frame dragging theory.

+ Born was one of the few people at that time who was interested in this odd kind of math that most people figured was not good for very much.

+ Expert abacus users can sometimes do math faster than basic calculators.

+ Using the basic ideas in algebra can help reduce a math problem to its simplest form making it easier to solve difficult problems.

+ Tao teaches math at UCLA.

+ There is a Math of Shankaracharya in this city.

+ She enjoyed math and puzzles in high school.

+ Later we will use a little math to be able to give a clear idea of how much wiggle room there is between position and momentum.

+ A:Generally I’d use a table of CIDR ranges as it is a very quick method and is less prone to error, but I do also have the knowledge to do the binary math if need be.

+ Since computers can use very complicated math to encrypt things, this stops people from trying a brute force attack to guess the numbers until it works.

+ He was used to calling the grid or table that we could write by doing, for instance, all the math for frequencies, a matrix.

+ Meaningful Learning of Math and Sciences Using Wolfram Alpha Widgets.

+ Baldi,” on September 3, 2018, when Orange attends Baldi’s math class and annoys Baldi himself.

+ All Occidental students must take a “Core Program” that includes classes in writing, the arts, humanities, foreign languages, math and science.

+ The parameter strloc can be a math formula, such as: strloc=-2, or strloc=abs+6.

+ The \oiiint command is not part of AMS-LaTeX, and thus not part of the math support that MediaWiki provides.

+ David Saltzberg, a professor of physics and astronomy at the University of California, Los Angeles, checks scripts and provides dialogue, math equations and diagrams used as props.

+ Then the math is done to make a number.

+ Template:Val/delimitnum/fraction limits the count of decimal digits to 14, based on the limit of computer math for the server computers.

+ Detailed observations of the location of Mars were made by Babylonian astronomers who developed methods using math to predict the future position of the planet.

+ The math settings could include examples; will images or math tags render in the option labels? And, I’ve never understood what “Recommended for modern browsers” means anyway, simple english or otherwise.

+ Counter to the story woven around the math by the Copenhagen group, there are other stories such as the “multiple universes interpretation” that says that every time there are multiple possible outcomes according to quantum theory, each outcomes occurs in its own new universe.

+ She spent a year as a teacher in math and physics at Montgomery County Junior College.

+ It is hard to remember all the steps! People made tools to help them remember where they were in a math problem.

+ The \oiint command is not part of AMS-LaTeX, and thus not part of the math support that MediaWiki provides.

+ The properties of pi have allowed it to be used in many other areas of math besides geometry, the study of shapes.

+ Knight studied physics and math while Mills studied graphic design..

+ To make the math easier, we will say that the pole is one half kilometer long.

+ For example, if one rolls six dice, the chance of them getting a number more than ten is not obvious, but can be figured out using math and science.

+ Inequality in math is when two solutions or answers are compared by greater than or less than.

+ To generate a bitcoin, a miner must solve a math problem.

+ In the first half of the 20th century, scientists started using computers, mostly because scientists had a lot of math to figure out and wanted to spend more of their time thinking about science questions instead of spending hours adding numbers together.

+ Mirzakhani was also given extra math assignments, which gave her access to university laboratories.

+ Later in life Gauss stopped working on pure math and turned to physics.

+ The parameter “strloc” can be a math formula, such as: strloc=-2, or strloc=abs+6.

+ The campus has a main building, four dormitorydormitories, a building for science and math classes, a gym with cardio machines and weight-lifting equipment, an indoor squash courts and faculty housing.

+ Born to parents Joseph and Emma Kildal, Gary studied math at the University of Washington because he wanted to become a math teacher.

+ See Help:Calculation for the syntax for math expressions.

+ This word is not used any more in math except as a curiosity.
+ The math used for phase calculations and angular momentum is complicated.

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