“massacre” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “massacre”:

– During the Irish War of Independence on November 21, 1920 Croke Park was the scene of a massacre by the Royal Irish Constabulary.

– A Register of Massacre sites in Western Victoria 1803-1859″.

– When he was in 8th standard, the Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place.

– After the Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre in 1572 hundreds of thousands of French Protestants fled France, some to the East End of London.

– They would also cleanse him of the massacre of the Centaurs.

– The next massacre of sick prisoners took place in January 1943.

– The Mandarin Chinese name for the Nanjing Massacre is the “Nánjīng Dàtúshā”, in the simplified characterseasier Chinese writing now used by mainland China and Singapore.

– This is a collection of coins, jewellery and metalwork that is thought to have belonged to Jews who hid them at the time of the Erfurt massacre in 1349.

massacre - some sentence examples
massacre – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “massacre”:

- It is the eighth movie in the The Texas Chainsaw Massacre series, and works as a prequel to 1974's "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre".

- The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting on April 16, 2007, which took place at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, a college in Blacksburg, VirginiaBlacksburg, Virginia, United States.
- The Lawrence massacre was one of the bloodiest events in the history of Kansas.

– It is the eighth movie in the The Texas Chainsaw Massacre series, and works as a prequel to 1974’s “The Texas Chain Saw Massacre“.

– The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting on April 16, 2007, which took place at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, a college in Blacksburg, VirginiaBlacksburg, Virginia, United States.

– The Lawrence massacre was one of the bloodiest events in the history of Kansas.

– On February 3, 1953, the Batepá massacre occurred.

– To remember the people who were killed and hurt and to fight Japanese people who say nothing very bad happened in Nanjing, Nanjing Municipal Governmentthe city government built the Nanjing Massacre Museum in 1985.

– They passed along Menemen where a massacre took place against local Turkish civilians.

– The famous Kot Massacre took place during this period in which numbers of noblemen were killed.

– This lasted until 1623, when the Amboyna Massacre forced the EEIC to move its trading posts from Indonesia to other areas in the continent.

– This became the worst school-related massacre in United States history.

– Hart, who died in the Massacre of the River Raisin in the War of 1812.

– The Mountain Meadows massacre was part of the Utah War.

– In July 1830, the shrine was the site of a massacre when Jammu and Kashmir were under Sikh rule.

– In October 1942, the ghetto’s population was killed in a massacre carried out by German troops.

– The monastic abbey was completed in 1089 but not consecrated until Massacre of the Innocents#Feast daysHoly Innocent’s Day, 28 December 1115, by the Archbishop of Rouen.

– Representative from California’s 11th congressional district from 1973 until his assassination as part of the Jonestown massacre in 1978.

– After the Dunblane school massacre in 1996 followed by the Hungerford massacre in 1987, Britain passed the Firearms Act 1988.

– Maratha, Santalaris and Aloda massacre was a massacreOberling, Pierre.

– There is a lot of proof that the Nanjing Massacre happened the way most historians and survivors say it did.

– The Boston Massacre made more people want to fight the British for independence.

More in-sentence examples of “massacre”:

– Steger was President during the Virginia Tech massacre of April 16, 2007, in which 32 people were killed and another 17 were injured by Seung-Hui Cho in two buildings on opposite sides of the sprawling campus.

– This was called the ‘Khaksar massacre of 1940′.

– He was a survivor of the Columbine High School massacre in 1999.

– This article is about a massacre in the American Civil War, and it’s one of the most important events in the history of Lawrence, Kansas.

– The Jallianwalah Bagh Massacre, also known as the Amritsar Massacre was a massacre that happened in Amritsar, in 1919.

– Pinto was accused of involvement in the September 11, 2008 massacre in Porvenir.

– He lived through the Lawrence Massacre and the Sack of Lawrence.

– An important memorial hall is the Nanjing Massacre Museum.

– The movie is the sequel to the 1974 movie “The Texas Chain Saw Massacre” and the 1986 movie “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2″.

– Accusation of Vojvodina massacre consists in retaliation against Germans and Hungarians citizen and supposed Chetnik Serbs but some historians consider these incidents also ethnic cleansing against Germans and Hungarians because during World War II, the German minority in occupied Yugoslavia enjoyed a status of superiority over the Yugoslav population.

– Partly in response to the Sharpeville Massacre of 1960, individual members of the ANC thought violence was needed because peaceful passive protest had failed.

– He was known for his roles in “Agent 3S3: Passport to Hell” and “Agent 3S3, Massacre in the Sun”.

– The Nanjing Massacre was so bad that some even think of it as a kind of genocide.

– Two sleepers that hit the Katyn massacre article just now.

– The Khojaly Massacre was the murder from the town of Khojali Khojaly in 25–help of Russian armed forces during the Nagorno-Karabakh War.

– The massacre caused public opinion in the United States to shift further towards wanting peace and wanting to get American troops out of Vietnam.

– The massacre at Kanpur were also important.

– In the year of her election, 1916, the Everett Massacre happened.

– He is said to have rescued John the Baptist from the Massacre of the Innocents as a child and reunited him and his mother Saint Elizabeth with John’s cousin, Jesus.

– Another, much smaller massacre was committed in Wereth, Belgium, on 17 December 1944.

– The Penn’s Creek Massacre was a massacre committed by Delaware Indians on 16 October 1755.

– One of the survivors of the massacre was former Republican Party Republican member of the Texas House of Representatives Suzanna Hupp.

– The Dunblane massacre took place at Dunblane Primary School in Dunblane, Stirlingshire, Scotland, on 13 March 1996.

– However, he gave back the title in 1919 to protest the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre in Amritsar.

– In 2014 The Birthday Massacre will release their sixth album.

– In the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre of 1919 under British Rule a large number of people were killed by British troops.

– In July 2015, Russia vetoed a UN resolution that would have condemned the Srebrenica massacre as a genocide.

– On July 25, 1888, the Hay Meadow Massacre was a violent county seat fight between groups from Hugoton and Woodsdale, where 4 men were murdered.

– The Wounded Knee Massacre was a brief fight between the Native American Lakota people and the US Army.

– The entire family of King Birendra was massacred in June 2001 popularly Known as Royal Massacre 2001.

– The United Kingdom’s mass murders include the Denmark Place fire in London in 1980, the Hungerford massacre in Hungerford, Berkshire in 1987 and the Pan Am Flight 103 Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988.

– Another massacre happened in Murambi, a town in southern Rwanda.

– Stalin stopped all Poland–Russia relationsPolish-Soviet relations on 25 April 1943 after the Germans told the world about the Katyn massacre of Polish army officers.

– Bartholomew’s Day massacre in 1572.

– The Wounded Knee Massacre in 1890 was the last major armed conflict of the Indian Wars.

– He is best known for his role of Drayton “The Cook” Sawyer in “The Texas Chain Saw Massacre” and “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2″.

– Bartholomew’s Day massacre of Huguenots reached Geneva.

– This operation and its consequences will be disastrous and marked the Massacre of Tulle deeply.

– Admission to the Nanjing Massacre Museum is free.

– In 1905, after Russia’s disastrous defeat in the war with Japan and the massacre of protestors on Bloody Sunday, he faced widespread protests and calls for a parliament.

– During the 1968 Tlatelolco massacre prior to the 1968 Summer Olympics, Fallaci was shot three times, dragged down stairs by her hair, and left for dead by Mexican forces.

– In his autobiographybook about his own life, “Code Talker”, Chester Nez wrote that the Great Livestock Massacre hurt the work ethic of the Navajo people because it meant no matter how hard you worked to build your family’s herd, the government could take it away.

– The Columbine High School massacre was a school shooting and attempted improvised explosive devicebombing at Columbine High School in Denver, that happened on April 20, 1999.

– This led to the Wounded Knee Massacre in 1890, where many Natives were killed.

– He was held responsible and found guilty for the killings of the My Lai massacre during the Vietnam War.

– After news about the Boston Massacre spread throughout the Thirteen Colonies, people became angrier at the British.

– The Lawrence Massacre was an attack on the town of Lawrence, Kansas on August 21, 1863.

- Steger was President during the Virginia Tech massacre of April 16, 2007, in which 32 people were killed and another 17 were injured by Seung-Hui Cho in two buildings on opposite sides of the sprawling campus.

- This was called the 'Khaksar massacre of 1940'.

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