“mass” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “mass”:

– Because of this, some towns had to use mass graves to bury the dead.

– Given the flood of issues created by a banned user avoiding that ban, could we get his slate wiped clear with a mass revert/deletion spree on everything he touched rather than let all this false info lay around until someone eventually gets the time to look into fixing them all? The new articles are microstubs anyway and even if fixed serve little use.

– The first parameter can be used for mass number.

– The rapid tests taken by South Korea have been successful in limiting the spread of the outbreak, without added a mass quarantine action.

– This shows that the mass acts as if it were only in one place.

– The relation between their height and weight is called their Body Mass Index.

mass - sentence examples
mass – sentence examples

Example sentences of “mass”:

– The truth is that when something is moved then its mass is increased.

– Radar signals passing near a massive object take slightly longer to travel to a target and longer to return than it would if the mass of the object were not present.

– It is a lumpy mass of rock that orbits around the planet at about the same speed as the planet is rotating.

– Wearing face masks might help, especially on any mass transit system.

– The 35.7-kilometre Circle MRT Line is Singapore’s fourth Mass Rapid Transit line, and the first medium capacity line.

– The discussion was about big need for a low-cost mass access device which will bring local-language IT to the masses.

– Surprisingly, W bosons have a mass of about 80 times that of a proton.

- The truth is that when something is moved then its mass is increased.

- Radar signals passing near a massive object take slightly longer to travel to a target and longer to return than it would if the mass of the object were not present.
- It is a lumpy mass of rock that orbits around the planet at about the same speed as the planet is rotating.

– A warm front is a leading edge of a warmer air mass that is advancing into a cooler air mass.

– On November 19, 2018, a mass shooting took place at the Mercy Hospital and Medical Center in Chicago, Illinois.

– In spite of all sorts of obstacles, and of the slowness of the Holy See, which in 1693 imparted indulgences to the Confraternities of the Sacred Heart and, in 1697, granted the feast to the Visitandines with the Mass of the Five Wounds, but refused a feast common to all, with special Mass and Office.

– Desiccation resistance in insects is generally measured by the change in mass during dry conditions.

More in-sentence examples of “mass”:

- Center of mass or barycenter of a system is the average position of all the mass in a system.

- More recently, victims of natural disasters have been buried in mass graves.

– Center of mass or barycenter of a system is the average position of all the mass in a system.

– More recently, victims of natural disasters have been buried in mass graves.

– When they are used on purpose to kill many people, blood agents are weapons of mass destruction.

– The mass evacuation of children also had a major impact on the lives of mothers during the war years.

– In 2005, Kofi Annan, then Secretary-General of the United Nations, described the mass murder as the worst crime on European soil since the Second World War..

– He is best known for the McLafferty rearrangement reaction that was observed with mass spectrometry.

– Much of the mass transit system works 24 hours, as well as the guards of the hospitals.

– Baade and Zwicky suggested that the release of the gravitational binding energy of the neutron stars powers the supernova: “In the supernova process, mass in bulk is annihilated”.

– As a matter of basic science, the estimates of dimensions such as the mass of extinct animals are very rough figures.

– In some languages like English, mass nouns have different grammar than countable nouns.

– For planet 581f, they found a mass of 7.0 Earth masses and an orbit length of 433 days.

– The Nazis built Chełmno with the specific goal of carrying out ethnic cleansing through mass murder.

– He talked with the RCARadio Corporation of America to make a large place for mass media.

– It is often said that they fall off cliffs or even commit mass suicide, but that is an urban legend created by a Disney documentary in which someone actually pushed the lemmings over the edge.

– In a time of flight mass analyzer, the speed of an ion is measured allowing the mass to charge ratio to be known.

– Saudi Arabia is home to the largest mass of sand on earth, known as the Rub-al Khali desert.

– As such, I would suggest that it be officially made policy that “AWB shall not be used for the mass creation of pages.

– This happens in concert with a decrease in volume behind the shock wave because of the conservation of mass theory.

– No weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq.

– Egi, Naoko 2001: Body mass estimates in extinct mammals from limb bone dimensions: the case of North American Hyaenodontids.

– The Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University is named after Walter Cronkite.

– The expression “quantum leap” or “quantum jump” has been taken to mean some great and transformative change, and it is often used in hyperbolic expressions by politicians and mass media sales campaigns.

– Changes were necessary against mass gatherings because of the COVID-19 pandemic; for example, there were no crowds or members of the public present at any time, with the number attending not more than thirty, in line with regulations.

– As her popularity grew, she started to conduct classes, through workshops, mass media programs.

– They died out during the time of the end-Triassic mass extinction.

– This equation means is that before adding the amount of mass to the amount of energy, the mass must be multiplicationmultiplied by the speed of light and then by the speed of light again.

– Its bulk density and mass are not known but assuming that it mean density is like that of Amalthea kg.

– The principle of conservation of mass was first outlined by Mikhail Lomonosov in 1748.

– Just like a mass falls from a place where it has a higher potential energy, an airplane or someplace in the universe, to where it has a lower potential energy, the ground or a different place in the universe, so do charges.

– The United Kingdom’s mass murders include the Denmark Place fire in London in 1980, the Hungerford massacre in Hungerford, Berkshire in 1987 and the Pan Am Flight 103 Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988.

– The twelve undergraduate colleges are the College of Accountancy Economics, College of Architecture Urban Planning, College of Engineering Technology, College of Human Development, College of Liberal Arts, College of Management Entrepreneurship, College of Mass Communication, College of Nursing, College of Physical Education, Recreation Sports, College of Physical Therapy, College of Science, and College of Tourism, Hotel Travel Industry Management.

– Factors that do influence sagging are the size of the breast, number of pregnancies, body mass index, smoking, and age.

– These books contest that traditional accounting methods are better suited for mass production and do not support or measure good business practices in just-in-time manufacturing and services.

– Its atomic mass is 121.8.

– People became concerned about weapons of mass destruction, weapons that can kill many people very fast, and are usually cheap and easy to make and use.

– All elements heavier than hydrogen and helium, accounts for less than 2% of the mass of the Sun.

– Oddly, the W boson has a mass about 80 times as much as a neutron.

– The following year, Harry hears he has been targeted by escaped mass murderer Sirius Black.

– There are uncountable nouns, such as “scissors” which refer to an item, are plural, and are not mass nouns.

– In the 1930s, Kinder Scout was the scene of the first mass trespasses by ramblers protesting at the lack of public access to the open moorland in many parts of northern England, which were then kept for grouse shooting by the estates of a number of stately homes.

– As a consequence it is common practice to use the two words, mass and weight, as if they mean the same thing and to use kilograms and pounds as the units for both mass and weight.

– Dividing the mass of 433 Eros by its density gives a volume of 3000 km.

– Zellers was Canada’s second-largest chain of mass merchandise department stores.

– There are many different types of atoms, each with its own name, mass and size.

– One gram used to be defined as the mass of one cubic centimetre of pure water at 3.98 degrees Celsius.

– The standard model predicts that certain types of quarks should have a mass of zero, while in reality they have a non-zero mass value.

– At the end of World War Two, most Germans said they knew nothing about the mass murders of the Jews.

– However, the objects still have their mass and inertia.

– A one-litreliter volume of water has a mass of one kilogram.

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