“martyrdom” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “martyrdom”:

– He was recognized as a great historian and recorded many important events in his time such as the martyrdom of his predecessors and the settling of disputes among Christians.

– Shi’a Muslims mourn for the martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali, the grandson of Muhammad.

– It is the location of the martyrdom of the first British martyr saint, Saint AlbanSt Alban, who was a Roman patrician converted to Christianity.

– En route to his martyrdom in Rome, Ignatius wrote a series of letters, including one to Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna, who had also known John.

– The doctrines of the apostles brought the Early Church into conflict with some Jewish religious authorities, and this eventually led to the martyrdom of SS.

– He wrote a number of other operas, “The Martyrdom of St Magnus”.

martyrdom - some sentence examples
martyrdom – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “martyrdom”:

- The name of the book seems to come from the similarities between this book and the stories of the martyrdom of Eleazar and the Maccabeean youths in 2 Maccabees.

- In the memory of the martyrdom of the three brave sons of India the day '23 March' is celebrated every year as Martyr's Day.

– The name of the book seems to come from the similarities between this book and the stories of the martyrdom of Eleazar and the Maccabeean youths in 2 Maccabees.

– In the memory of the martyrdom of the three brave sons of India the day ’23 March’ is celebrated every year as Martyr’s Day.

– Two ideas are central to it: first, that St James preached the gospel in Spain as well as in the Holy Land; second, that after his martyrdom at the hands of Herod Agrippa I his disciples carried his body by sea to Spain, where they landed at Padrón on the coast of Galicia, and took it inland for burial at Santiago de Compostela.

– XIV: Names of Soldiers Who, in Defence of the American Union, Suffered Martyrdom in the Prison Pens throughout the South”, in “Quartermaster General’s Office, General Orders No.

– Further, the “Preaching of Simon, son of Cleopas” also refers to a Simon who succeeded James as bishop of Jerusalem and suffered martyrdom under Trajan; and Hegesippus, whom Eusebius professes to quote, calls this Simon a son of Cleopas.

– On the 50th anniversary of the death of Lojze Grozde, the Archdiocese of Ljubljana started a process to recognize his martyrdom and also his beatification and canonization.

– According to Catholic tradition, Eulalia was a young virgin who suffered martyrdom during Roman times in Barcelona.

– On 19 December 2009, Pope Benedict XVI gave formal permission for the Congregation for the Causes of Saints to issue the decree regarding “the martyrdom of Servant of God, George Popiełuszko, diocesan priest; born on 14 September 1947 in Okopy Suchowola “.

– His death is recognised as martyrdom by the Catholic Church.

– He symbolizes the entire martyrdom suffered by Christians and Catholic Slovenians during World War II and afterwards for their affiliation to their faith…

– His death created an image of martyrdom around him, which was cultivated by German nationalist groups, in particular the Nazi Party.

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