“mars” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “mars”:

+ The surface gravity on Mars is 38% of that on Earth.

+ It is also believed that Mars once had an Earth-like environment early in its history.

+ Craters on the Moon and on Mars are named for Hipparchus, as are an asteroid and the Hipparcos satellite.

+ Created in 1998 by the actor Jared Leto and his brother Shannon, 30 Seconds to Mars began as a small family project.

+ That ratio comes from technical notes on time keeping on Mars from NASA’s Goddard Spaceflight Center.

mars some ways to use
mars some ways to use

Example sentences of “mars”:

+ Although these dates have been changed many times, 30 Seconds to Mars have announced that This Is War will be released December 8, 2009.

+ Nonetheless, the orbit lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter; it does not cross the planetary orbits.
+ Landforms seen on Mars strongly suggest that liquid water at some time existed on the planet's surface.

+ Although these dates have been changed many times, 30 Seconds to Mars have announced that This Is War will be released December 8, 2009.

+ Nonetheless, the orbit lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter; it does not cross the planetary orbits.

+ Landforms seen on Mars strongly suggest that liquid water at some time existed on the planet’s surface.

+ It was sent on a Mars flyby mission.

+ These minerals were much more common on Mars than on Earth.

+ Tyr was the God of War, like the Roman war god Mars Mars, and Greek god Ares.

+ One of the rovers that travel on Mars got stuck in a pit of iron sulfate and could not get out.

+ They formed a musical group called “The Mars Bars”, with Gerry playing guitar and Freddie the drums.

+ The most famous ones carried the New Horizons, Mars Science Laboratory Juno, the LCROSS, and the Boeing X-37B.

+ The Sun as seen from Mars is about as large as seen from Earth, and shines 40% of the light, approximately the brightness of a slightly cloudy afternoon on Earth.

+ In the late 1990s she was employed by Lockheed Martin Space Operations, to support the NASA’s Mars exploration research efforts at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas.

More in-sentence examples of “mars”:

+ The Curiosity rover has three scoops which can dig up the soil on Mars so it can be studied.

+ Because Mars is further from the Sun, less solar energy reaches the upper atmosphere of Mars.

+ But the god Mars seduced her and she had the twins Romulus and Remus.

+ However, since the creation of artificial satellites, the shadow of Phobos on Mars has been seen.

+ Some were about the colonization of Mars or otherwise used Mars as a setting rather than a goal.

+ NASA maintains a catalog of 34 Mars meteorites, that is, meteorites which originally came from Mars.

+ Simulations suggest that a body about 0.02 of Mars mass in size can produce a sizable debris disk in Martian orbit.

+ Mount Erebus and a small crater on Mars are named after the Greek God.

+ The exploration of Mars has been a goal of national space programs for many years with planned missions typically being stated as taking place anywhere between 10 and 30 years.

+ Jamie and Mars become unhappy over how little Nola cares for all three men.

+ It was going to land on the surface of Mars on 25 December.

+ NASA is continuing operations include missions to the planets Mars Mars, Saturn and Pluto.

+ For many years, the sky on Mars was thought to be more pinkish than it is now believed to be.

+ They would do this to make Mars a place where humans and other life forms from Earth could live.

+ The Mars Orbiter Mission is a space probe that has been orbiting Mars since 24 September 2014.

+ In the decades following Mariner and Apollo, the once-popular subgenre of realistic stories about a first Manned mission to Marsexpedition to Mars fell out of fashion, possibly due to the failure of the Apollo Program to continue on to Mars.

+ They changed the name to The Pacemakers because the Mars candy company said they would take them to court for using the name.

+ He started a rock musicrock band called Thirty Seconds to Mars in 1998 with his brother Shannon Leto.

+ Dozens of robotic spacecraft, including orbiters, landers, and rovers, have been launched toward Mars since the 1960s.

+ If Antares was placed in the center of our solar system, its outer surface would lie between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, in the asteroid belt.

+ The atmosphere of Mars is quite dusty, giving the Martian sky a light brown or orange-red color when seen from the surface.

+ The spacecraft was sent to map 70 % of the surface of Mars and to study the temperature changes of the Martian atmosphere and surface.

+ That makes Mars the best choice for a thriving colony off the Earth.

+ As a member of the Mars family, his share of the company and other assets were worth US$10 billion in September 2010, making him the 52nd richest person in the world and the 26th richest person in America, according to “Forbes”.

+ It arrived in the Jezero Crater on Mars February 18, 2021.

+ A Mars flyby is when a spacecraft passes near the planet Mars, but does not enter orbit or land on it.

+ The Curiosity rover has three scoops which can dig up the soil on Mars so it can be studied.

+ Because Mars is further from the Sun, less solar energy reaches the upper atmosphere of Mars.
+ But the god Mars seduced her and she had the twins Romulus and Remus.

+ The atmosphere of Mars is the layer of gases surrounding Mars.

+ But the god Mars seduced Rhea Silvia and she had the twins Romulus and Remus.

+ He was a member of the highly successful Mars Exploration Rover on the surface of Mars in 2004.

+ As of October 2012, Mars is listed as the 30th richest person in the world with a net worth of 20.1 billion.

+ Orgel also participated in NASA’s Viking programViking Mars Lander Program as a member of the Molecular Analysis Team that designed the mass spectrometer instrument that robots took to the planet Mars.

+ Astronomers mistakenly thought they had detected the spectroscopic mark of water in the Martian atmosphere, and the idea of life on Mars became popular among the public.

+ On September 2003, he was the Director for the Solar Systems Division in the Space Science at NASA Headquarters and he also held the position of Director for Mars Exploration.

+ Early science fiction about Mars often involved the first voyages to the planet, sometimes as an invasion force, more often for the purposes of exploration.

+ The Mars Orbiter Mission 2, also called as Mangalyaan 2 is India’s second interplanetary mission planned for launch to Mars by the Indian Space Research Organization.

+ Both “Anvil of Stars”–a sequel to “The Forge of God”–and “Moving Mars” propose a physics based on information exchange between particles, capable of being altered at the “bit level.” In “Moving Mars” this knowledge is used to remove Mars from the solar system and transfer it to an orbit around a distant star.

+ Earth’s species, including humans, could live on Mars instead.

+ The situation on other planets, such as Earth, Venus, Mercury and Mars must have been similar.

+ She is in relationships with three men: the polite and well-meaning Jamie Overstreet, the self-obsessed model Greer Childs and the immature Mars Blackmon.

+ This rocket will launch Orion for going to the Moon in 2022 and the Mars in 2033.

+ The Mars Volta were a Rock and rollrock band from El Paso, Texas formed by Omar Rodriguez-Lopez and Cedric Bixler-Zavala.

+ The only rovers to successfully land on Mars were sent there by NASA.

+ He also designed the sundial on the Mars Rover.

+ Many Mars flybys and probes have found evidence of water on planet Mars.

+ The first crude map of Mars was published in 1840, followed by better maps from 1877 onward.

+ Mariner 4 reached Mars after an eight-month journey.

+ A major surface feature is a huge canyon that dwarfs the scale of the Grand Canyon on Earth and is in the same class as the Valles Marineris on Mars Mars or Saturn’s moon Tethys.

+ Landis’s “Mars Crossing which took as their starting points the smaller and more focussed expedition strategies evolved in the late 1990s, mostly building on the concepts of Mars Direct.

+ Most asteroids in our Solar System are in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

+ He was known for his work with The Mars Volta, Jack White and a variety of bands from the Long Beach music scene.

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