“mapping” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “mapping”:

+ GeoHack displays information customized to the location, including links to external mapping services.

+ The chert was discovered by William Mackie while mapping the western margin of the Rhynie basin in 1910–1913.

+ An early contributor to thematic mapping in England was the English astronomer Edmond Halley.Thrower, Norman J.W.

+ The raw KML file is available for download, for use in compatible mapping or geospatial software.

+ It makes use of the OpenStreetMap mapping data, and enables a place-based page or topic to simply show the area being described, without the need for pre-determined map templates.

+ Tindale began mapping the cultural groupings of Indigenous Australians early in his career.

mapping use in sentences
mapping use in sentences

Example sentences of “mapping”:

+ See each specific mapping template for other parameters to pass.

+ The location can then be used in another website or mapping tool.
+ Sometimes, a linear mapping is called a linear function.

+ See each specific mapping template for other parameters to pass.

+ The location can then be used in another website or mapping tool.

+ Sometimes, a linear mapping is called a linear function.

+ As of September 2015, Bing Maps and Google Maps are the only linked web mapping services.

+ These geological mapping trips were led by George Montague Wheeler.

+ Realising the potential of how mapping technology towards broader user applications, Farhand went onto create the Soar platform in 2018.

+ Uber uses third party Internet mapping services such as Google Maps to find the location of the passenger and to navigate the driver.

+ In October 2019 Soar announced a partnership with China’s state-owned satellite imaging company, China Siwei Surveying and Mapping Technology Co.

+ Starlings: mapping and modelling the ballet of the skies.

+ Another important piece of evidence is that it is possible to construct detailed phylogenetic trees mapping out the proposed divisions and common ancestors of all living species.

+ Complete mapping of the tattoos of the 5300-year-old Tyrolean iceman.

+ He made three voyages to the Pacific Ocean, mapping many areas and recording several islands and coastlines on European maps for the first time.

More in-sentence examples of “mapping”:

+ They are based on data set mapping of gamma-ray bursts.

+ This technique is used in cartography to produce photomaps by superimposing grid lines, contour lines and other linear or textual mapping features over aerial photographs.

+ It completed 30% mapping of Mercury on January 14, 2008.

+ The second is the MESSENGER spacecraft, which finished mapping the planet in March 2013.

+ An abstraction can be seen as a process of mapping multiple different pieces of constituent data to a single piece of abstract data based on similarities in the constituent data, for example many different physical cats map to the abstraction “CAT”.

+ Google Maps is a mapping website from Google, and also the name for the technology that it works on.

+ This template displays links to the popular web mapping services Google and Bing on articles, and when coupled with the content of a KML file produces a route line on those maps.

+ Other Non-Euclidean geometry#Planar algebrasplanar algebras are used to represent the shear mapping of classical motion in absolute time and space and to represent the Lorentz transformations of relativistic space and time.

+ It was discovered in November 2013 by mapping gamma-ray bursts.

+ For some locations this infobox supports the display of links to the popular web mapping services Google and Bing.

+ The mapping of the nodes of the network and the physical connections between them– the layout of wiring, cables, the locations of nodes, and the interconnections between the nodes and the cabling or wiring system.

+ Lindbergh is honored in aviation for mapping out polar air-routes, flying at high altitudes, and decreasing fuel use.

+ Another example of early thematic mapping comes from London physician John Snow.

+ Nokia also bought the mapping company Navteq in 2011, and changed its name to HERE.

+ During his trips, he spent a lot of time on science experiments, and mapping new areas.

+ Transcription as going from sound to script must be distinguished from transliteration, which creates a mapping from one script to another that is designed to match the original script as directly as possible.

+ Many implementations use hardware to do the mapping between the FireWire “Physical Memory Space” and device physical memory.

+ Friedrich Robert Helmert, who started the discipline, talked about measuring and mapping the surface of the earth.

+ Installations where security is a concern will therefore either use newer hardware, which use virtual memory to map the Firewire Physical memory space, or disable the mapping the OHCI does.

+ This template creates links to mapping services which display all the coordinates on a single map, and links to other services which allow the coordinates to be used or downloaded in a variety of formats.

+ Following the link to the specified web mapping service will load that website, with the map zoomed to the linear feature from the KML file, which will be highlighted.

+ In 2011 Farhand founded Takor Group Ltd, a mapping technology company based in Perth, Western Australia.

+ Measurements are from recent imagery, supplemented with Russian 1:200,000 scale topographic mapping as well as the 1990 “Orographic Sketch Map: Karakoram: Sheet 2”, Swiss Foundation for Alpine Research, Zurich.

+ Magnetic field lines are like the contour lines on a topographic map in that they represent something continuous, and a different mapping scale would show more or fewer lines.

+ They are based on data set mapping of gamma-ray bursts.

+ This technique is used in cartography to produce photomaps by superimposing grid lines, contour lines and other linear or textual mapping features over aerial photographs.

+ One of the primary criticisms of the iPod touch is the absence of iPhone’s email, mapping and stock tracking applications.

+ This metadata can be used by web browsers and other software tools to extract the details, and display them using some other website or mapping tool, index or search them.

+ The OKTMO/entity mapping is found on the subtemplate Template:Russia Time Zone Wikidata/getQID.

+ It helps transportation and communication; mapping and charting; and many science and engineering uses.

+ In 2012, TomTom was the main to provide mapping data for Apple’s iOS 6 Maps.

+ Google Maps is a mobile application for mapping that was released by Google for Android in 2008.

+ The mapping found an unusually high concentration of similarly distanced GRBs in certain areas.

+ The full screen option, which can be clicked through from below the map, provides an entirely different mapping approach, using the same base-map data.

+ After talking to many people in the area and mapping where each sick person lived, he realized that the sick people were almost all getting their drinking water from the same public water pump.

+ One of the biggest criticisms of the iPod touch was that it did not have the iPhone’s email, mapping and stock tracking applications.

+ In 2010 an analysis of available genetic data, mapping them to phylogenetic trees, gave “firm quantitative support for the unity of life.

+ He was best known for making the thinking and writing skill called mind mapping popular.

+ He is best known for his work in the field of remote sensing and mapping technology.

+ It may also have a more narrow focus, such as the mapping of the planet’s surface features and the makeup of its atmosphere.

+ When specifying image “width=270” be sure to “OMIT” “px” MediaWiki language which processes those mapping templates.

+ People began discovering different parts of Antarctica and mapping them.

+ He was often on a mapping team sent by the United States Geological Survey.

+ While the birthday attack attempts to find two values in the domain of a function that map to the same value in its range, the meet-in-the-middle attack attempts to find a value in each of the ranges and domains of the composition of two functions such that the forward mapping of one through the first function is the same as the inverse image of the other through the second function—quite literally meeting in the middle of the composed function.

+ This was the first technique used for mapping genes on chromosomes.

+ In the 1950s, mapping of the Earth’s ocean floors showed the Mid-Atlantic Ridge to have valleys and ridges.

+ A 2009 sonar mapping of the Challenger Deep from the “Kilo Moana” found a spot with a depth of Water pressure is more than a thousand times as great as at the surface.

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