“manner” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “manner”:

– But not all characters are inherited in the simple manner of Mendel’s pea characters.

– In much the same way that the biosphere can permanently alter the physical landscape of the earth, so manipulation of the noosphere can distort all manner of physical reality: mind over matter on a massive scale.

– They are used in a similar manner to bay leaves and also used as an herbal tea.

– The melody is retained in the current national anthem of Tajikistan, done in the same manner as Belarus and Uzbekistan.

– The alternate setting is a secret “fantasy world” that Ofelia enters through an overgrown labyrinth garden, where she meets all manner of strange and magical creatures who become central to her story.

– The Math template formats HTML- or wikimarkup generated mathematical formulas in the same manner as HTML based TeX formulas, which uses a serif-based font.

– They don’t like the manner in which our articles are written, having referred to them as “demeaning” to the reader’s intellect.

manner how to use in sentences
manner how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “manner”:

- Different variations on all of British English exist from the manner in which words are pronounced to the manner in which they are spelt.

- This technique suffers from timing attacks on the second generator, since the speed of the output is variable in a manner that depends on the second generator's state.

– Different variations on all of British English exist from the manner in which words are pronounced to the manner in which they are spelt.

– This technique suffers from timing attacks on the second generator, since the speed of the output is variable in a manner that depends on the second generator’s state.

– The accommodations of the contestants are handled by Chef Hatchet in a similar manner to how it was handled in the previous season.

– To show gross register tonnage in a consistent manner that is compliant with WP:MOSNUM.

– Even though the nature of his influence, he begins to like his victims, caring for them in a jovial manner close to a loving grandfather; so he is commonly called “Grandfather Nurgle” or “Papa Nurgle”.

– Shirred eggs are eggs cooked in a manner which results in a firm white but soft or runny yolk.

– His talent redeemed a little the rudeness of his manner and a certain licentiousness which he indulged in.

– The military parade was cut into several sequences, somewhat in the manner of a play.

– Scrap is a term used to describe recyclable materials left over from every manner of product consumption, such as parts of vehicles, building supplies, and surplus materials.

– According to legend she was born in the same manner as the Buddha, a Sanskrit mantra sounding as her mother gave birth painlessly.

– It is decorated in the manner of a 1950s-style diner.

– To show net tonnage in a consistent manner that is compliant with WP:MOSNUM.

– Its special characteristics are that it is verbal and the manner in which it is transmitted.” This material may include folktales, Proverbsayings, songs, or chants.

– It consists of a ribbon of fabric tied around the collar in a symmetrical manner such that the two opposite ends form loops.

– The high mechanical strength of the PTA’s bridges allows the crossing of vehicles up to class MLC 80 over a gap of up to 24 meters in a repetitive manner as they are stress and fatigue qualified according to the FINABEL code.

– The CSS files can be used for all manner of customisation for those fluent in Cascading Style Sheets.

– Candidate Statement: I have a long track record of using tools in an appropriate manner here and on en.

– The tension between life drive and death drive represented a revolution in his manner of thinking.

– This uses the parameters, in the same manner as an image.

– Generally German soldiers behaved in a civilised manner towards the Dutch population, buying food at the shops.

More in-sentence examples of “manner”:

– Only removing those that were outdated, but I became overzealous and I made major errors due to my part and since then they have been restored on the page and those that were removed recently were just corrected in proper manner or outdated.

– Nowadays, in Brazil, “mate” is often toasted with sugar and prepared in a similar manner to tea, a custom that originated in Paraguay.

– The Iowa State Medical Examiner conducted an autopsy on the body and recorded the cause of death as “multiple sharp force injuries” and the manner as homicide.

– Hotels are classified in the traditional French manner 3 Star, 4 Star and 4 Star Luxe.

– All manner of tubes and cell-patterned cuticles from the Silurian are called “nematophytic”.

– This template enables the citation of articles from the Wikisource project A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature in the manner of non-link references and notes.

– The scheme, masterminded by Vishnu, was to wrap the serpent Vasuki Vasuki around Mount Mandara and then to rotate the mountain and to churn the surrounding sea in the manner of a gigantic food processor, by alternately pulling on the serpent’s head and then on his tail.

– The objective of the game is to legally return the ball over the net in such a manner that the opponent’s team cannot make a legal return.

– Also to promote friendly relations among the member national associations and to operate in an organized manner for the good order of the sport.

– The hypothesis is that the atomic nucleus is built up in “shells” in a manner similar to the structure of the much larger electron shells in atoms.

– This template enables the citation of articles from the Wikisource project Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900 or Dictionary of National Biography, 1901 supplement in the manner of non-link references and notes.

– Of course, editors are encouraged to garner up some courage and come into the light of day as a gesture of open friendliness and make their edits in a straightforward manner without being afraid of what others think.

– Charley did its damage in a very similar manner to Andrew: high winds caused almost all the damage, and both storms made landfall at low tide, preventing the storm surges from causing damage like they usually do when hurricanes make landfall.

– In 1693 Dryden famously said about English language that “We have yet no prosody, not so much tolerable dictionary, or a grammar, so that our language is in a manner barbarous.” Following the century’s ill formed ideas like latinising English, Dryden considered English as inferior and before expressing anything English in his works he transcribed them first into Latin.

– A unit code defined in this manner will have its sort key scaled by the software according to the SI prefix produced by the difference between the unit code and unit symbol.

– He also wrote a book of ballads in the manner of François Villon “52 hořkých balad věčného studenta Roberta Davida”.

– The manner in which the Ruby characters are displayed is dependent upon the browser.

– Someone’s desire for a hat, for example, will tend to cause that person to move his or her body in a specific manner and in a specific direction to obtain what he or she wants.

– They hold their body in a manner like that of a praying mantis, and have large, complex eyes.

– Typically these tasks can be performed in a manner that is non-linear.

– The word a cappella is Italian for “in the manner of the church” or “in the manner of the chapel”.

– He was bred, after the manner of his Latin forefathers, to agriculture, to which he devoted himself when not engaged in military service.

– Private communication refers to the conveyance of messages to a specific individual, in a private manner or in such a way that even those nearby may not get the message.

– Given the aggressive manner this has been handled by the candidate, that seems unlikely.

– The tales in the book are fables, using animals in an anthropomorphic manner to give moral lessons.

– All the goading in the world does not give you reason to receptively act in the manner you do.

– Turgut Tarhanlı of the University of Istanbul cited the ideal of innocent passage, under which vessels are given safe travel rights in a manner which is not “prejudicial to the peace, good order or the security” of the state.

– To show gross tonnage in a consistent manner that is compliant with WP:MOSNUM.

– If there were a third local designation, and its num_position parameter was left blank, it would display in the default manner – both top and bottom.

– Shovel : Henry produces a shovel in a Zelda-type manner and proceeds to dig underneath the bank.

– Named for Brian Pillman, who suffered a severe ankle injury when attacked in this manner by Stone Cold Steve Austin.

– He is sought out by others for his help and he acts in a manner consistent with our top admins.

– Your expeditiousness in looking into this manner is appreciated.

– If insufficient precision is available then the number is rounded in some manner to fit the available precision.

– Only now, recently, on the 23rd of September in 2012, the Supreme Court of Pakistan has acted in a very bold manner and defied the religious right, by granting for the first time, three basic rights to transsexuals i.e.

– Several tests showed that leopards, cougars, servals, and lynxes often reacted strongly to catnip in a manner similar to domestic cats.

– Killer Kane is even bigger than Max and acts in a very threatening, intimidating manner towards everyone, including his son, who he keeps tied up.

– This template facilitates the citation of articles from the Wikisource project “Collier’s New Encyclopedia” in the manner of.

– Kenneth Kaunda lost the elections and gave away his power in an orderly manner to his successor Frederick Chiluba, a former union leader.

– It is also commonly used in a derogatory manner by non-Southern wrestling fans to describe that style of wrestling.

– The “rice wines” made in this manner have more alcohol in them than normal wines.

– She was known for her tough manner and loud voice with a heavy New York CityNew York accent.

– Amish friendship bread is a type of bread or cake made from a sourdough starter that is often shared in a manner similar to a chain letter.

– There is an associated Template:Infobox UK feature which operates in a similar manner and is intended for features such as bridges, castles, and hills which do not require the options about governance etc.

– Indians started to break unfair laws in a peaceful manner in protest against the British rule.

- Only removing those that were outdated, but I became overzealous and I made major errors due to my part and since then they have been restored on the page and those that were removed recently were just corrected in proper manner or outdated.

- Nowadays, in Brazil, "mate" is often toasted with sugar and prepared in a similar manner to tea, a custom that originated in Paraguay.

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