“mandatory” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “mandatory”:

+ He moved to Mandatory Palestine in 1933.

+ Precedent that is not mandatory but which is useful or relevant is known as “persuasive precedent”.

+ There was a mandatory recall of the tires.

+ During a 1924 trip to the Mandatory Palestine, Fahn created a colony for Galician Zionist emigrants there.

+ The Arab–Israeli conflict began from earlier tensions between the Arab and Jewish communities in British Mandatory Palestine, with the rise of two nationalist movements – ZionismZionist movement among Jews and Arab nationalism among the Arabs.

mandatory use in sentences
mandatory use in sentences

Example sentences of “mandatory”:

+ He fled to Mandatory Palestine in 1944.

+ Herut believed that all of British Mandatory Palestine belonged to the Jews.
+ The Lower Dularge East Levee in Terrebonne Parish was overtopped, prompting a mandatory evacuation for nearby areas.

+ He fled to Mandatory Palestine in 1944.

+ Herut believed that all of British Mandatory Palestine belonged to the Jews.

+ The Lower Dularge East Levee in Terrebonne Parish was overtopped, prompting a mandatory evacuation for nearby areas.

+ People who use cell phone while driving improve the risk to violate the road safety code like running a red light, driving above the speed limit or failing to obey a mandatory stop.

+ The only mandatory parameter is.

+ For this crime he was sentenced to the mandatory minimum term of life imprisonment.

+ At Pit Stops, teams check in for a mandatory 12 hour rest period, although sometimes the period can be 24 hours, 36 hours, or even once 60.

+ Attorney General, Sessions overturned a memo delivered by Eric Holder to reduce mass incarceration by avoiding mandatory sentencing,.

+ The canonization cause was officially opened at diocesan level in April 2017, after Pope Francis had waived the otherwise mandatory five-year waiting period for the opening of such causes.

+ The “name” parameter is mandatory when adding a new row otherwise the entire row will not display.

+ He returned to Mandatory Palestine in 1931, and became a member of the Assembly of Representatives.

+ The Court ruled that North Carolina’s and Louisiana’s new laws did not meet the requirements, because they made the death penalty mandatory for some crimes.

+ This is how he arrived in Mandatory Palestine in 1942.

+ Vaccine refusal, mandatory immunization, and the risks of vaccine-preventable diseases.

More in-sentence examples of “mandatory”:

+ A mandatory quarantine was forced on travelers and those who were possibly in contact with those who traveled abroad.

+ The United States Supreme Court has made the mandatory death penalty illegal.

+ A mandatory quarantine was forced on travelers and those who were possibly in contact with those who traveled abroad.

+ The United States Supreme Court has made the mandatory death penalty illegal.

+ He was born in Tel Aviv during Mandatory Palestine.

+ The infobox accepts four mandatory parameters and seven optional parameters.

+ In 1951, a branch of the headquarters was opened in the Mandatory British Police building in Tel Aviv and in 1973 the headquarters was moved to a new building near Mount Scopus.

+ Artist id is a mandatory field for this call”.

+ At that point a mandatory cool-down solved the issue.

+ Apart from the parameters indicated as mandatory and other instructions in the “Parameters” table below, all parameters are optional and may be left out to simplify the template.

+ Bronya and Meir left the Ukraine in 1921 and went to Tel Aviv in Mandatory Palestine.

+ The event is part of the ATP Masters Series on the men’s tour and is a Premier Mandatory event on the women’s tour.

+ He was born in Netanya, Mandatory Palestine.

+ Fourteen of the countries in the Asia-Pacific region that use the death penalty have the mandatory death penalty for certain crimes.

+ I have learnt, somewhat to my surprise, that filling one’s change summary box, or ticking the small change square, is not mandatory even for anonymous users.

+ In the 1990s, following the decline of the kibbutz movement, HaNoar HaOved VeHaLomed began to re-examine the ideal life path of its members, which had always begun with settling kibbutzim in “gar’inim” after finishing their mandatory period of army service.

+ Events have been organized as dance parties, concerts, and meditations, however, the only mandatory observance is a synchronized mass awareness of the human right to enjoy life, and displaying hospitality.

+ He held it from 1986 to 2002, until mandatory retirement, and is now an emeritus professor.

+ A character of South Korean nationality, Jung Park’s natural proficiency for computers drove him to serve his mandatory term in the ROK Army immediately after graduation.

+ Provinces and territories made school and daycare shutdown, ended on gatherings, closed non-essential businesses, restrictions on entry, and mandatory self-isolation for travellers.

+ The parameters are mandatory for this template.

+ At a news conference 10:00 AM on August 28, shortly after Katrina was upgraded to a Saffir-Simpson Hurricane ScaleCategory 5 storm, New Orleans mayor mandatory evacuation of the city, calling Katrina, “a storm that most of us have long feared”.

+ No fields are mandatory but fill in as many fields as possible.

+ Midshipmen get grades on a broad academic program, military leadership performance, and mandatory participation in competitive athletics.

+ During the 1947-1948 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine, he was wounded in the Battle of Safed.

+ He used profanity and tirades freely to drive his arguments home, and once, famously, refused to attend a mandatory “charm school” course intended to make Merck middle managers more civil.

+ Nasser el-Din was born in Daliyat al-Karmel, Mandatory Palestine.

+ This template does NOT cross check parameters for nonsensical combinations of parameters or missing mandatory paramters.

+ It was mandatory for all German ships starting in 1905.

+ Sirhan was born on March 19, 1944 in Jerusalem, Mandatory Palestine.

+ He retired internationally in 2007 after reaching the mandatory retirement age of 45.

+ She moved to Mandatory Palestine in 1946, and converted to Judaism in 1957.

+ Jones was on the faculty at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine from the 1940s until his mandatory retirement from the institution in 1978.

+ It was founded in 1932 during the Mandatory PalestineBritish Mandate of Palestine by Gershon Agron as “The Palestine Post”.

+ Guilty of Murder with Extenuating Circumstances: Transparency and the Mandatory Death Penalty in Botswana.

+ The term or phrase is the only mandatory parameter.

+ Its only mandatory parameters are promotion, date, venue, and city.

+ In 1998, when two brush fires threatened to become one huge brush fire in Flagler County, a mandatory evacuation was ordered for the entire county.

+ Its graphical interface uses a step by step approach and some traffic lights indicates to the user if each mandatory steps are validated.

+ Part of it is a mandatory or voluntary resettlement areas as a result of the radioactive contamination.

+ The report recommendations include: greater data collection of air and water data, “rigorous” air pollution standards and mandatory disclosure of chemicals used in the hydraulic fracturing process.

+ In the UK, the elemental composition may also be shown alongside the mandatory traditional system, provided the numbers are put inside square brackets.

+ These are only examples; these are not mandatory for Leet-speak, which is not officially defined anywhere, like most slangs.

+ Zilberman was born in Eilat, Mandatory Palestine.

+ It created a mandatory minimum penalty for drug offenses.

+ Article 6 of the Constitution of 2001 says the official language of Somaliland is Somali, but Arabic is a mandatory subject in school.

+ This template depends on the mandatory existence of a /doc subpage, which is only used to transclude interwiki links.

+ Many country data templates require additional documentation beyond the standard mandatory parameters.

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