“mala” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “mala”:

+ Later, Mala and Babu drive a car together and develop romantic feelings for one another.

+ The mala is a common totem in Western Desert Aboriginal Dreamings.

+ It forms part of an important Mala Dreaming Dreaming track that runs between Uluṟu and Ulkiya.

+ In 1988, the “pool” of Pavone presented a complete chart of the organization of Mala del Brenta causing chaos in Veneto, an investigation that led to the 1994 attempt to satiate Mala del Brenta, with Felice Maniero sentenced to 33 years for the mafia association.

+ Also Mala is revealed to be part of a criminal gang.

+ Ramesh learns of the death of Mala and becomes sad.

+ It is located between Khreshchatyk, Borys Hrinchenko, Sofiyivska, Mala Zhytomyrska, Mykhailivska, Kostyolna streets, Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred Street, Architect Gorodetsky Street, and Taras Shevchenko Lane.

+ Francesco Saverio Pavone lived under the auspices of 1989 to 2006, following threats from the Sicilian mafia and members of the Mala del Brenta.

mala how to use?
mala how to use?

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