“make sure that” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “make sure that”:

+ With some voltmeters, one “must” make sure that the wires are connected to the right spots: the positive connection on the voltmeter to the more positive “part” of the voltage source, and the negative to the more negative “part”.

+ We get manganese from our food and vitamins also have some manganese to make sure that we get enough.

+ In the meantime, if you suspect that your computer or network has been infected, you might want to run a virus checker or spyware remover to make sure that your systems are free of viruses and other spurious software.

+ I would just like to say that any regular editor who seems to recieve a test4im warning from me should first look at your page’s history to make sure that it is in fact me giving you that warning.

+ Chromium is also put into vitamins to make sure that we get enough.

+ To make sure that the men would come get the spinal taps, the researchers sent all 400 subjects a letter titled “Last Chance for Special Free Treatment.” This was a lie; the spinal taps were not treatment.

+ The vacuum can then be used again to make sure that the uterus is completely empty.

make sure that how to use in sentences
make sure that how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “make sure that”:

+ To make sure that the treaty was acceptable to the ruler the treaty would not take effect until it was ratified by the ruler.

+ The Northern Ireland Policing Board make sure that the PSNI are fair and do a good job.

+ Germany thinks that giving this help is so important that the BMZ is a member of the Federal Security Council, which helps to make sure that Germany is safe and at peace.

+ Hutches have complex safety systems with redundant interlocking functions to make sure that no one is inside the hutch when the radiation is turned on.

+ It is the job of the employer to make sure that workers are safe at work by creating a program that will reduce the risk of any problems.

+ Choosing the correct solvent and temperature conditions is very important to make sure that the reaction happens.

+ Other documents are written by people who have studied the subject for many years, and many other people have read them carefully to make sure that the information is correct.

+ To make sure that the treaty was acceptable to the ruler the treaty would not take effect until it was ratified by the ruler.

+ The Northern Ireland Policing Board make sure that the PSNI are fair and do a good job.
+ Germany thinks that giving this help is so important that the BMZ is a member of the Federal Security Council, which helps to make sure that Germany is safe and at peace.

+ He thinks that the only way to make the worlds better is to make sure that the best minds are treated with respect and given enough payment.

+ Rand and I want to make sure that DisillusionedBitterAndKnackered is not a sockpuppet of Jonas Rand because Jonas Rand is currently banned from this community.

+ One goal of the Miranda warning is to make sure that suspects’ rights under the Fifth and Sixth Amendments to the Constitution are protected.

+ Wearing these clothes actually helped make sure that the doctors were not infected by fleas or rats.

+ To get the best results, special care is taken to make sure that each frame is the same as the one before.

More in-sentence examples of “make sure that”:

+ Article Four says the United States must make sure that each state has a Republicanismrepublican form of government, and protect the states from invasion and violence.

+ When the Founding Fathers of the United StatesFounding Fathers wrote the Constitution, they wanted to make sure that their new government would not have any of the problems that the colonial British government did.

+ In 1917, the Government of MexicoMexican Constitution was the first to make sure that workers had the right to strike.

+ This is to make sure that less garbage is thrown into landfills, so that these landfills can have more space and last longer.

+ He asked his friend to make sure that all his writings which were not published, including his three novels, would be destroyed when he died.

+ When adding a new designation, check first to make sure that no other designations use the callnames you wish to attach to the new designation.

+ The Lagerältester had to make sure that everything ran smoothly in the camps every day.

+ They make sure that the passengers on commercial flights are safe and comfortable during the flight.

+ This is to make sure that the government will continue in case of some catastrophe that would result in harm to the President and many top elected officials at once.

+ One of the ICD’s goals is to make sure that different doctors – and different countries – are using the same diagnoses.

+ To make sure that he could not escape again, he was sent to Fremantle Prison where a special cell was built.

+ A whip must also make sure that the elected representatives of their party are in attendance when important votes are taken.

+ I’m considering putting this one up for good article status and I want to make sure that it meets the requirements.

+ I want to make sure that the need for checkuser input doesn’t go forgotten because of the removal of the conversation.

+ This will only include descriptions in the language of your wiki to make sure that you’re only seeing changes that are relevant to your wiki.

+ They typically believe that the only things the state should provide are police and judges to make sure that people obey the laws, and a military to make sure that no one attacks the country.

+ Meanwhile, Business, dissatisfied that Emmet had escaped, has Bad Cop come to his office and makes him freeze his own parents in order to make sure that he remains committed to his plan.

+ Though I may be a little bit paranoid, I would like to check and make sure that these are not the same users.

+ The reason was to make sure that seafood that might be poisoned by the oil would not be sold and maybe make people sick.

+ The exception to that is “Malaria”, which I think might need to be gone over to make sure that all the information is encyclopedic and remove/reword parts that are not That being said, I would say that the best articles on the list are “Alanis Morisette”, “Caffeine”, “Japanese Tea Ceremony”, and “Malaria”.

+ In this way, to “breed” an animal is to make sure that it has descendants that improve the next generation’s qualities.

+ This is to make sure that tourists and people watching plays are safe.

+ To make sure that the probe is not damaged by the hot environment, engineers had to design a special shield to protect the sensitive components on the probe.

+ Most chimneys are vertical, or almost vertical, to make sure that the gases flow easily, drawing air into the combustion in what is known as the stack, or chimney, effect.

+ In countries where the monarch can dismiss or appoint governments, this is usually only done to make sure that the democratic process is respected, without taking sides in politics.

+ Article Four says the United States must make sure that each state has a Republicanismrepublican form of government, and protect the states from invasion and violence.

+ When the Founding Fathers of the United StatesFounding Fathers wrote the Constitution, they wanted to make sure that their new government would not have any of the problems that the colonial British government did.
+ In 1917, the Government of MexicoMexican Constitution was the first to make sure that workers had the right to strike.

+ By extension, a blockade is any effort to make sure that supplies, troops, information or aid do not reach an opposing force.

+ All articles need references and sources, but it’s most important to make sure that articles that are about living people do.

+ They did psychological tests and interviews to make sure that the participants were psychologically healthy, with no history of crime or drug abuse or any medical disabilities.

+ Posters will be reviewed just to make sure that there aren’t things which are too much out of scope.

+ The referee will make sure that the game is played fairly and that the competitors obey the rules.

+ Sometimes safety wristbands have been used to give to both a parent and child to make sure that only the parent can take the child home from an event.

+ It tries to make sure that people buy and sell fairly and that employment is fair.

+ Don Pizarro, the military governor of the prison, hears that the prison is going to be looked at by inspectors who make sure that the prison is being properly managed.

+ In the last several years 3D printing has been used to make sure that important things from history are safe.

+ They are still often used to watch over prisoners and make sure that they don’t escape or leave the area.

+ Quranists make sure that they are in the right frame of mind before they pray; they put aside all everyday cares and thoughts so that they can concentrate exclusively on God.

+ Lying down will also make sure that the person does not hurt themselves by falling if they faint.

+ The government decided to finance Angara because they wanted to make sure that Russia has independent access to space.

+ To make sure that countries follow this rule, the Convention also introduced Article 14, which allows complaints of discrimination to be heard by a committee.

+ It also has to make sure that any use of natural resources is fair and sustainable without harming the earth.

+ One of the project space edits was also to make sure that he extended his hold on the tools for a further year – being about three months from losing them due to inactivity.

+ He said that it was his job to make sure that people were ready for the most important message from God who would be sent soon.

+ If you want a new type created, please make sure that we have at least 1000 stubs to put into the category before posting.

+ The template automatically references the data to the appropriate source, so make sure that the number you are entering into the template matches that source.

+ The British government sent people to live on Norfolk Island in 1788 to make sure that these trees would be kept for use by the Royal Navy.

+ Doctors can give medications to make sure that a person is safe while they stop drinking.

+ I would make sure that notable people would not be “lost” in the cleanup.

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