Make sentence of “urinate”

How to use in-sentence of “urinate”:

+ Very soon, the kits will urinate anywhere they please unless one trains them.

+ The cyanide antidote kit used most often in the United States includes three medications: amyl nitrite and sodium nitrite, which attach to cyanide and change it to a less dangerous chemical, and sodium thiosulfate, which turns cyanide into a harmless chemical that a person can urinate out.

+ Because DKA also causes a person to urinate often, a person with DKA can get dehydrated very quickly.

+ He immediately told the soldiers to urinate on a towel and put it over their face.

+ This is why it is very difficult for a man to urinate when he is having an erection.

+ It causes weight loss, and makes the dog urinate more.

+ Once the ethanol is stuck onto the poisons, the kidneys urinate out the poisons.

Make sentence of urinate
Make sentence of urinate

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