Make sentence of “somatic”

How to use in-sentence of “somatic”:

+ The process is called somatic cell nuclear transfer.

+ This can be done from culture cell with somatic cloning technique.

+ The peripheral nervous system is divided into the somatic nervous system.

+ The germ cells are not affected by anything the somatic cells learn or any ability the body acquires during its life.

+ Sexually mature individuals of “Xenopus laevis” from the transplantation of single somatic nuclei.

Make sentence of somatic
Make sentence of somatic

Example sentences of “somatic”:

+ Dolly was a sheep, remarkable in being the first mammal to be Cloningcloned from an adult somatic cell.

+ Cancer research has shown that somatic mutations are responsible for most leukemia, lymphomas, and solid tumors.

+ It is called somatic cell nuclear transfer.

+ In January 2019, scientists in China said they had made five identical cloned gene-edited monkeys using somatic cell nuclear transfer, like with Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua.

+ Either way, somatic cells have double the number of chromosomes that gametes in the same organism have.

+ The effect is one-way: germ cells produce somatic cells, and more germ cells.

+ DNA demethylation is necessary for the epigenetic reprogramming of somatic cell nuclei.

+ When a Somatic cellsomatic divides, the process is called mitosis.

+ Hereditary information moves only from gametegermline cells to somatic cells.

+ Dolly was a sheep, remarkable in being the first mammal to be Cloningcloned from an adult somatic cell.

+ Cancer research has shown that somatic mutations are responsible for most leukemia, lymphomas, and solid tumors.
+ It is called somatic cell nuclear transfer.

+ The Side chainside-chains of the cell wall carry the bases responsible for the somatic antigen specificity of these organisms.

+ The second was his idea that they were replenished by ‘gemmules’ from the somatic tissues.

+ The basic number of chromosomes in the somatic cells of an individual or a species is called the “somatic number” and is designated “2n”.

+ It is under the voluntary control of the somatic nervous system.

+ In medicine, the colloquial term “touch” is usually replaced with somatic senses, to better reflect the variety of mechanisms involved.

+ The SB system enables high-level stable gene transfer and sustained transgene expression in multiple primary human somatic cell types, thereby representing a highly attractive gene transfer strategy for clinical use.

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