Make sentence of “shrink”

How to use in-sentence of “shrink”:

+ That font-size will shrink the text somewhat:.

+ Singularities form by a collapse of a star, where star with high enough mass would shrink under its own gravity and force until it becomes a single, one dimensional point.

+ Proliferative retinopathy is treated with scatter laser surgery, which helps to shrink the abnormal blood vessels.

+ It is important when making a mould to keep in mind that when the part cools it will shrink slightly.

+ Different substances were distinguished by the name of ‘alumen’, but they were all astringents, Astringent: causes body tissue to shrink or contract.

+ Their level of economic and social power began to shrink by the Metepec Phase, as well as their population.

Make sentence of shrink
Make sentence of shrink

Example sentences of “shrink”:

+ General George Patton, “”Compared to Medicine, all forms of human endeavour shrink to insignificance””.

+ Under the Parthian Empire, Babylon continued to shrink and lose importance.

+ Gold rush towns usually shrink and disappear after the gold is dug up.

+ Use style=”font-size:60%” to shrink the text within the box.

+ Micro black holes are predicted to be larger net emitters of radiation than larger black holes and should shrink and dissipate faster.

+ Once the walls have completely stretched out, the muscles in the arteries make them shrink back to their normal size.

+ They shrink when a person gets older.

+ Very often, a community blog or group blog will shrink into a small group of bloggers who know and trust each other, called a “creative network”.

+ Homemade aglets can be made out of adhesive tape, wax, resin, glue, Yarnthread, heat shrink or tubing, and by simply knotting or melting the end of a lace or cord.

+ When the soil dries, the soil may shrink and cracks will form in the soil.

+ Because helium in fusion reactions is not very stable, the core starts to grow and shrink very quickly.

+ In Shrink It Up, Crusty’s is their hangout but in this episode it has just opened up.

+ After Chuckie swallows a watermelon seed, the babies are forced to shrink down with a laser beam and enter his body to retrieve it after Angelica tells them it will grow inside his stomach and explode.

+ The pallet was later shrink wrapped but McNair managed to use a tube that he could breathe through.

+ Shrink ray : Henry fires a shrink ray at himself, which shrinks him down.

+ General George Patton, ""Compared to Medicine, all forms of human endeavour shrink to insignificance"".

+ Under the Parthian Empire, Babylon continued to shrink and lose importance.
+ Gold rush towns usually shrink and disappear after the gold is dug up.

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