Make sentence of “shang”

How to use in-sentence of “shang”:

– Most of the Eight Immortals are said to have been born in the Tang dynastyTang or Shang Dynasty.

– They defeat the Shang in the current town of An-yang.

– Quan Chi teamed up with Shang Tsung for their Deadly Alliance.

– King Tang of Shang DynastyShang of Chinese:”” was the first king of the Shang dynasty in Chinese history.

– Chopsticks came from China as early as the Shang dynasty.

– Proto-Chinese changed to Old Chinese around the Shang Dynasty.

– The Zhou Dynasty defeated the Shang Dynasty using the mandate of heaven and said they where immortal at about 1046 BC, and came to power.

Make sentence of shang
Make sentence of shang

Example sentences of “shang”:

- This contradicts the Emperor's orders and forces him to put Mulan's relationship with Shang into question.

- The Shang dynastyShang 16th–11th centuries.

– This contradicts the Emperor’s orders and forces him to put Mulan’s relationship with Shang into question.

– The Shang dynastyShang 16th–11th centuries.

– It was advanced form of Shang Dynasty’s divination, and finally, it took place instead of Shang‘s divination.

– The bone flute plays both the five- or seven-note scale of Xia Zhi and six-note scale of Qing Shang of the ancient Chinese musical system.

– Some Chinese peopleChinese legends say people started binding women’s feet as early as the Shang dynasty.

– Some have suggested that the Chinese phoenix is ​​the counterpart of Shang Shang or the rainbird in the Confucian version, while the Shang Shang or rainbird is the bird that symbolizes the yin, but the phoenix is ​​commonly considered the symbol of the yang.

– Li Shang leaves Mulan alone in the mountains.

– The first dynasty of Ancient China, the Shang Dynasty, has been Radiocarbon datingcarbon dated through Turtle shells with writing on them to back to about 1500BC.

– During Shang Dynasty, divination was done by burning animal’s bone or tortoise shell.

– The Shang Dynasty was the second dynasty in China following the Xia dynasty.

– According to tradition, the last Shang king was overthrown in 1046 BC.

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