Make sentence of “permission”

How to use in-sentence of “permission”:

+ Second, there are some permission requests needing attention.

+ According to statements to the media by a Federal Chancellory official, in none of the few cases of accusations against a Federal Councillor has the permission to prosecute ever been granted.

+ Married on 10 November 1749 to Marie Christine de Rouvroy the couple were married in Paris with the express permission of Louis XV of France.

+ The conquistadors had permission from the Queen to explore and conquer the New World.

+ Could an administrator please look at ; we need this permission so Rich can get on with something we are doing.

Make sentence of permission
Make sentence of permission

Example sentences of “permission”:

+ More recent statements have been made by Pope John Paul II Text developed during plenary sessions of the International Theological Commission held in Rome from 2000–2002, and published by the Commission with permission from Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger.

+ Parallel History Project on Cooperative Security,, by permission of the Centre for Security Studies at ETH Zurich and the National Security Archive at the George Washington University on behalf of the PHP network.
+ A person doing something illegal with a computer belonging to someone else without asking for permission from the owner is also called a hacker.

+ More recent statements have been made by Pope John Paul II Text developed during plenary sessions of the International Theological Commission held in Rome from 2000–2002, and published by the Commission with permission from Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger.

+ Parallel History Project on Cooperative Security,, by permission of the Centre for Security Studies at ETH Zurich and the National Security Archive at the George Washington University on behalf of the PHP network.

+ A person doing something illegal with a computer belonging to someone else without asking for permission from the owner is also called a hacker.

+ The government made laws that prohibited geisha from working as prostitutes, and only gave them permission to act as entertainers.

+ After his release in 1982, he was denied entry into Taiwan and lived in the United States for years before being granted permission to return to Taiwan in 1990.

+ Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special permission from their copyright holders, but you may include translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions of these Invariant Sections.

+ When built, it needed permission because it did not conform to regulations.

+ The History of slave tradeslave trade that made Britain a major economic power began with Elizabeth, who gave John Hawkins permission to start trading in 1562.

+ The President declares a state of siege and emergency upon consultation with the Government and with permission of the Parliament.

+ For crimes not relating to their official capacity, they can be prosecuted only with the permission of the Federal Council as a whole while in office.

+ However, one of the Top 10 band, Yeri-Band left the lodging without permission during training period.

+ The Dutch parliament gave permission for Máxima and Willem-Alexander to marry.

+ The Blender Foundation have the right to use dual licensing, so that, in addition to GNU GPL, Blender would also have the permission to use the following name: “Blender License”.

+ When the artist Qvarnström saw her drawings, he got her a permission to study art at the Swedish Academy of Arts in 1849.

More in-sentence examples of “permission”:

+ They got permission to publish a new facsimile.

+ In 2019, the Coastal GasLink Pipeline went to court to enforce the permission granted by the Wetʼsuwetʼen and other First Nations band councils to build in the area.

+ He brought him back, and had him held in Exford whilst he awaited permission from the authorities to drain the flooded, and defunct, Wheal Eliza mine, a mile and a half along the Barle Valley from Simonsbath village.

+ A “closed city” is a term for a city where residents need special permission to live there.

+ In 1998, Hume asked John Paul II for permission to retire, so that he could go back to his monastery at Ampleforth and spend some time fly fishing and watching Newcastle United Football Club.

+ We know patroller permission allows the user to patrol new pages and autopatrol their own articles.

+ When done without a property owner’s permission it is considered vandalism.

+ IN 1557, the Portuguese Empire made a permanent settlement on Macau, after being given permission from China to dock and trade there.

+ If permission is given, Google will check if the name is true.

+ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of the Unicode data files and any associated documentation this copyright and permission notice appear in associated Documentation.

+ Eamon was asked for the licensing permission which made him one of her song’s songwriters.

+ The permission to do so was embodied in a proclamation, whereby the conqueror endeavored to justify his claim to the Babylonian throne.

+ Please note that if you think you can add to the design in a constructive matter, I give you permission to do so.

+ The band was sued by New Yorker Frank Torres for using his image without his permission on the cover of “Yourself or Someone Like You”.

+ Some people insisted that removing the building would be better and got a permission from the Minister while the others asserted that it had to be maintained since they thought it was the Historic Monuments.

+ He saw many people take what the Beats wrote as a kind of permission to get into trouble, or abandon people and things they cared about.

+ Could I please have permission to upload logos for television channels? Commons does not allow uploads of fair use files and I don’t think I can use the ones that are on the English wiki.

+ Soon other publishers in Hong Kong, Malaysia, the Netherlands, and Australia asked the publishers, Hasta Mitra, for permission to make translations.

+ If one person wants to buy, and another person wants to sell to them, they do not need to get permission from higher power.

+ He was so beautiful that Selene asked Zeus to grant him eternal sleep, she learned from her sister never to ask for eternal life or be left with a grasshopper in her hands so he would never leave her: her asking permission of Zeus is as an Olympian change to an older myth: Cicero “Tusculanae Disputationes” recognized that the moon goddess had done it by herself.

+ He got permission to publish them, but they were never published.

+ A “charter” is a document which gives permission from a monarch to the holder.

+ It took until the October for permission to be granted to pump the shaft and, in the November, a local young man volunteered to be lowered down it.

+ I need to have community concensus before I can request the permission on Meta.

+ The prosecutor can appeal a refusal to grant permission to the Federal Assembly.

+ He went to ask permission from her father to marry her.

+ After a string of proposals from various members of European royalty, including Charles II of England, Afonso VI of Portugal and Charles Emmanuel II of Savoy, she eventually fell in love with Antoine Nompar de Caumont, Duke of Lauzun and scandalised the court when she asked Louis XIV for permission to marry him, as such a union was viewed as a “mésalliance”.

+ Gellar found out that she needed permission from the government to take the sword out of the country.

+ Mercedes needed special permission to supply engines to Brawn.

+ People given the permission to cross this border must do so on foot before continuing their journey by road.

+ But no permission is given.

+ Because he did not have permission to preach, he was arrested and put in gaol.

+ In most places picking locks that you own is legal, but it is illegal to pick locks that you do not own or do not have permission to pick.

+ The author of the Document do not by this License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or imply endorsement of any changed Version.

+ At this point, visitors must have permission to enter the territory.

+ The Emperor Napoleon III gave permission for another exhibition called the “Salon des Refusés” which showed all the pictures that had been “refused”.

+ The soldiers, who used stun grenades, then asked for government permission to use their firearms, which they then received.

+ They are sold without the permission of the manufacturer.

+ In November 2014, prosecutors asked the sentencing judge for permission to appeal the verdict.

+ Gingrich had been using “Eye of the Tiger” without asking permission in his political rallies dating back to 2009.

+ He so regularly appeared for the NFL in its Super Bowl advertising that in 2006, in a drive to get fans to submit their own advertising ideas, the NFL sought his permission to reference his previous commercials to portray themselves as having no new ideas: “he quickly signed off on the idea and found it funny.” Abe Sutton, one of the finalists in this NFL contest, played on this commercial by proposing an ad where every player on a football team is Don Cheadle.

+ There he was given permission to set up a music studio inside the yeshiva.

+ Walking on someone else’s property without permission is called trespassing.

+ So in order for another person to use an owner’s copyright they need permission from the owner.

+ The song “Rock and Roll All Nite” by Kiss was going to play but the show’s staff did not get the permission to play it.

+ It is therefore useless to email our contact addresses asking for permission to reproduce articles or images, even if the rules of operation of your company or school mandate that you ask web site operators before copying their content.

+ Chaiyo gained permission to sell the original series, but lost the right to create and market its own Ultraman, or even use the original, without Tsuburaya permission.

+ Parliament also said the king could only give permission when reached his majority age.

+ They got permission to publish a new facsimile.

+ In 2019, the Coastal GasLink Pipeline went to court to enforce the permission granted by the Wetʼsuwetʼen and other First Nations band councils to build in the area.
+ He brought him back, and had him held in Exford whilst he awaited permission from the authorities to drain the flooded, and defunct, Wheal Eliza mine, a mile and a half along the Barle Valley from Simonsbath village.

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