Make sentence of “ownership”

How to use in-sentence of “ownership”:

+ Agriculture led to the creation of the private ownership of land.

+ Many of the known specimens from the site have come from amateur collectors, and in 1996, an amnesty on previously collected fossils was put in effect, in the hope of getting privately owned collections back into public ownership and available to science.

+ Wiki-link if possible, and include the ownership percentage and a reference.

+ Laws were made to define rights about ownership of land, recovery of debts, trade and local peacekeeping.

+ Due to falling attendance and ownership failures, MLS bought the team back in February 2014, with plans to sell it to new owners who would give the team a new name.

+ The lease agreement ties the arena to the ownership of the Tampa Bay Lightning.

+ She also argues the persecution of witches was a fight for centralized power over the peasant rebellions and the ownership of knowledge by medicine and science which forbade the earlier teaching or practices by women and indigenous cultures.

Make sentence of ownership
Make sentence of ownership

Example sentences of “ownership”:

+ In 1997, the group changed its name to the Socialist Party, but the ownership of this name has been contested by the much older Socialist Party of Great Britain.

+ In most cases, the person or company buying the service does not obtain exclusive ownership of the service, but may take ownership of the material good, if one is produced.

+ Eco-socialists want community ownership of the means of production, and to restore the environment.

+ This ownership is shared between Sony Pictures and Sony Music Entertainment Japan.

+ Media ownership is said to be concentrated usually in one or more of the following ways., and the proliferation of cable televisionCable television or Community Antenna Television CATV is a system of providing television, FM radio programming and other services to consumers through fixed coaxial cables, rather than by the older and more widespread rad, digital televisionDigital television DTV uses digital modulation and compression to broadcast video, audio and data signals to television sets.

+ BMW ownership of Sauber started on January 1, 2006.

+ He is most famous for his ownership of Team Penske, DJR Team Penske, the Penske Corporation, and other automotive-related businesses.

+ In 2003, after a six year legal battle between Simon Property Group, the managing general partner of the property, and the Ghermezian brothers/Triple Five Group, over majority ownership of the site, a federal appeals judge ruled in favor of the Ghermezians, effectively transferring control and planning authority of the mall back to its original founders.

+ In 1997, the group changed its name to the Socialist Party, but the ownership of this name has been contested by the much older Socialist Party of Great Britain.

+ In most cases, the person or company buying the service does not obtain exclusive ownership of the service, but may take ownership of the material good, if one is produced.

+ Between 1326 and 1696 the municipality of Bredevoort repeatedly changed ownership during the eighties years of war.

+ Its value was £61 and it was in the king’s ownership until 1190.

+ Long interested in social causes, he supported such progressive ideas as the single tax as advocated by Henry George in his book “Progress and Poverty”, free trade, women’s suffrage and government ownership of railroads.

+ Three years later in 1999, the Fish and Wildlife Service received ownership of the island.

+ Convicted, he got seven years for attempting to sell stolen horses and forging horse ownership papers at Yass.

+ Loehe then gave ownership of the seminary to the synod.

More in-sentence examples of “ownership”:

+ He created Oswald the Lucky Rabbit but lost ownership of the character due to a contract problem.

+ This type of unit survived long enough in British Rail ownership to be allocated TOPS Class 402.

+ The 4Cor type units survived long enough in British Rail ownership to be allocated TOPS Class 404.

+ It was owned by Mark Zuckerberg, other founders and the shared ownership given to its employees but it went public on February 1, 2012, and was headquartered in Menlo Park, CaliforniaMenlo Park, California.

+ Land ownership was through land tenure in feudal systems.

+ As such, he argues that this informal ownership should be made formal, for example by giving squatters in shanty towns land titles to the land they now live on.

+ In the course of the raid and seizure of the canal by Nasser, the statue of de Lesseps at the entrance of the Suez Canal was removed from its pedestal, to symbolize the end of European ownership of the waterway.

+ However, with the rapid decline in fortunes of the football club, and sale of the stadium and new club ownership these plans are unlikely to happen in the near future.

+ He and Jackson became friends, but this ended after Jackson outbid McCartney for ownership of the publishing company which owned most of the Beatles’s music.

+ L’Enfant referred to the hill chosen as the site of the future Congress House as “Jenkins Hill” or “Jenkins Heights.” However, the tract of land had for many years belonged to the Carroll family and was noted in their records of ownership as “New Troy.” Some people have said that a man named Jenkins had once pastured some livestock at the site of the Capitol, artist John Trumbull, who would paint several murals inside the Capitol’s rotunda, reported in 1791 that the site was covered with a thick wood, making it an unlikely place for livestock to graze.

+ Sunderland Corporation’s massive post-war housing estate developments, such as Farringdon, Pennywell, Grindon, Hylton Red House, Hylton Castle, Thorney Close and Town End Farm, together with earlier developments, have all passed into the ownership of Gentoo, a private company and a “Registered Social Landlord”.

+ During the 1920s the building passed ownership to the Electricity Authority.

+ Taking note of names is taken a step farther by those who elect to celebrate a name whether their own name, someone else’s name, or names in general, complete ownership of one’s name might very well include celebrating it.

+ The authority was established in October 2002 after SCANA released ownership of public transportation back to the City of Columbia.

+ The theatre was reopened in October 2009 as the Derby Theatre under the ownership of the University of Derby.

+ The people were granted legal ownership to the block of land now held by the Katiti ALT on 30 September 1980.

+ The name has now passed into the ownership of Nanjing Motor Corporation, who have stated an interest in reviving it.

+ He ended American ownership of Cuban businesses.

+ The Murciélago was the first car made under ownership by Audi.

+ A stock is a share of ownership in a company.

+ Higher education in the city can be traced back to the second half of the 18th century when the ownership of the city was inherited by Jan Klemens Branicki.

+ The surplus, or profits, or money value of what is owned is divided according to the ownership accounts.

+ Until 1 March 2007 the young squatters used the house as if the change of ownership had not happened and the new owners were not allowed inside at any time.

+ According to its web page, Liberland is currently looking for those who have respect for other people and respect the opinions of others, regardless of their race, ethnicity, orientation, or religion, have respect for private ownership which is untouchable, and have not been punished for serious criminal offences.

+ The theatre reopened in 2009 as the Derby Theatre under the ownership of the University of Derby.

+ He created Oswald the Lucky Rabbit but lost ownership of the character due to a contract problem.

+ This type of unit survived long enough in British Rail ownership to be allocated TOPS Class 402.
+ The 4Cor type units survived long enough in British Rail ownership to be allocated TOPS Class 404.

+ The currency itself only documents ownership changes.

+ In some countries, China for example, private ownership of land is not allowed.

+ Operating from their “illam” houses, Nambudiris’ ownership of agricultural land under the janmi system increased over many centuries and, according to Moser and Younger, they “established landholding temples and taught the people the rules of caste”.

+ The Forester family of Northumberland provided the Crown with governors of the castle for 400 years, before the Crown granted ownership to Sir John Forester.

+ In 2019, it was decided to remove spouses Brianna and Kurshell, as well as sister Carissa from the LLC to avoid convolution of the company ownership structure, leaving just Joe, Garrett, and Chad as the company’s only owners.

+ This lasted until the English Reformation, when the Kingdom of England got full ownership of Ireland.

+ For the first time car ownership became a reality for average American workers, not just the wealthy.

+ The results of the election in 1882, led to parlamentarism becoming part of Norway’s political system; the votes of the “swamp men” decided the outcome of the election; they included teachers, artists and craftsmen who were not poor but also did not own land; ownership of land or a contract to use land was necessary to get voting rights; the “swamp men” had bough cheap land which was nearly useless, except for getting a right to vote.

+ Socialism places an emphasis on equal rights for everyone, and there is plenty of government ownership or regulation of various industries that make companies play by the government’s rules.

+ From the 16th century to 18th century, the FranceKingdom of France claimed ownership of large parts of North America.

+ The concept of ownership has existed for thousands of years and in all cultures.

+ Under the ownership of Jerold Hoffberger the Orioles won two World Series and four American League pennants.

+ They were founded independently, and have only had common ownership since 1966.

+ The fort’s ownership passed from Vijayanagara kings, to the Bijapur sultans, to the Marathas, to the Carnatic Nawabs and finally to the British, who held the fort until India gained independence.

+ The Napoleonic Code was among the first government acts of modern historymodern times to introduce the notion of absolute ownership into statute.

+ On 8 December, 2010, Renault announced that they had sold their remaining ownership shares in the team to Genii Capital, a private investment group.

+ In 1933 under the ownership of Jerold Hoffberger the factory of Natty Boh opened again.

+ It was founded by Michael Bloomberg in 1981 along with a 12% ownership investment by Merrill Lynch.

+ These units survived long enough in British Rail ownership to be allocated TOPS Class 403.

+ The mission land was given over to traditional ownership in 1982.

+ The positively biased article would discuss ‘lives saved’ by guns, numbers of crimes prevented by civilian gun use, and other facts and data that put gun ownership and guns in a good light.

+ The Inca Empire was supported by an economy based on the collective ownership of the land.

+ Nazi persecution and a change in ownership for the parent Universal Pictures organization resulted in the dissolution of this part of the company.

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