Make sentence of “lattice”

How to use in-sentence of “lattice”:

– Most of the back and tail was lined by bony tendons arranged in a lattice along the neural spines of the vertebrae.

– After Ahab’s death, Moab rebelled from Israel, and Ahaziah had fallen through the lattice of his upper room in Samaria and injured himself.

– Margulis was known for his work on lattice lattices in Lie groups, and the creation of methods from ergodic theory into diophantine approximation.

– The interaction between the lattice phonons and the free electrons and holes will also affect the band gap a little.

– Intuitively, there is no reason for lattice vibrations to be quantized.

– By the addition of different atoms into the crystal lattice of the semiconductor it changes its conductivity by making n-type and p-type semiconductors.

– Gate-men rode on the carriage platforms to operate the lattice gates and announce the station names to the passengers.

– Krasnodar is home to the steel lattice Hyperboloid structurehyperboloid tower built by the Russian engineer and scientist Vladimir Grigorievich Shukhov in 1928; it is near Krasnodar Circus.

Make sentence of lattice
Make sentence of lattice

Example sentences of “lattice”:

- The original design was for lattice girders supported by brick piers resting on bedrock shown by trial borings to lie at no great depth under the river.

- Most big transmission towers are lattice steel structures.
- Method of good matrices for multi-dimensional numerical integrations—An extension of the method of good lattice points.

– The original design was for lattice girders supported by brick piers resting on bedrock shown by trial borings to lie at no great depth under the river.

– Most big transmission towers are lattice steel structures.

– Method of good matrices for multi-dimensional numerical integrations—An extension of the method of good lattice points.

– The lattice is capped with a roofing layer of finished brick.

– They were light in comparison with the brachiosaurs, because their vertebrae were a lattice of bony struts, used to reduce weight and take maximum stress.

– An amorphous solid is any noncrystalline solid in which the atoms and molecules are not organized in a definite lattice pattern.

– The tail was flexible at the base but sheathed in a lattice of bony rods; this allowed it to be carried in an upturned position.

– Half or more of the trench is filled with “green” bricks which are stacked in an open lattice pattern to allow airflow.

– Whelan for their work on the theory of electron diffraction and microscopy, and its use in the study of lattice defects in crystals.

– A wave of change in electron spins can then move through the electrons in the crystal lattice as it dissipates like waves on a pool of water.

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