Make sentence of “item”

How to use in-sentence of “item”:

+ Historically, in the West, trousers have been the lower-body clothing item for men since the 16th century; by the late 20th century, they were used sometimes by women as well.

+ A data item can be put on the top of the stack.

+ The Big Mac is a menu item at McDonald’s, I would like to change my username to a different username.

+ In the case of a binary tree, you can use a binary search to locate any item without having to look at every item.

+ The more floors the player goes to, the stronger the item gets.

+ Typically this is a list item in the external links section, so you should add “*” in front.

+ Pointing to an item on the screen means moving your mouse so the pointer appears to be touching the item.

+ The first item Venola created for all hotels was the door.

Make sentence of item
Make sentence of item

Example sentences of “item”:

+ Items from the Viking Age, are shown in museums: One item is the Gokstad ship.

+ One new item to the series is the “Lightning Cloud”, which raises the user’s top speed briefly, but shrinks the user if it is not passed on to an opponent by colliding with them.

+ The shelf life itself cannot always be trusted to tell how safe it is to eat a certain item of food.

+ An alternative way of constructing such a list is to output the separator “before” each next item in the list, but that still requires knowledge of whether another item is to follow to decide between the comma and “and”, so the two implementations boil down to the same thing.

+ The problem with artificial leather is different: When the item of clothing is no longer used, it is thrown away.

+ One important item was the Cape Feather from “Super Mario World”, which let Mario change into Cape Mario.

+ Teams must try to work out the fourth item in the sequence.

+ He always has a sword and shield out when he has them, and can have one other item equipped.

+ They voted against many of Clinton’s ideas and proposed ideas of their own such as a line item veto and a balanced budget amendment.

+ If the start overlay item for the first explicit grouping is after the first overlay item then the overlay text items from the first overlay up to but not including the first explicitly grouped overlay item are displayed as an untitled grouping before the first explicit group.

+ It is usually an item of street furniture, though some may be inside a building.

+ They are a fashion item for women, and may also be worn by men.

+ The following are the ancestral royal and ruling kindred in Item: Ndi Okorocha Apuanu Item, Umuafiaji Okoko Item, Ekwo Amaokwe Item and Umuovum Ameke Item.

+ For long dotted lists each list item can be put on its own line, with no spaces between each item and the template.

+ Items from the Viking Age, are shown in museums: One item is the Gokstad ship.

+ One new item to the series is the "Lightning Cloud", which raises the user's top speed briefly, but shrinks the user if it is not passed on to an opponent by colliding with them.

More in-sentence examples of “item”:

+ Some people say that art is a product or item that is made with the intention of stimulating the human senses as well as the Mindhuman mind, spirit and soul.

+ Preserve the section Entitled “History”, Preserve its Title, and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page.

+ A bead is a small item with a hole in it for stringing.

+ In Item generally as in most neighbouring communities like Abam, Abiriba and Ututu, the Otosi or Ofo Eze is the system of supreme authority of rulership.

+ In May 2007, the Roblox developers began making virtual items, and its first virtual item was a top hat.

+ Making marks on a wall, using one mark for each item counted is an example of unary counting.

+ In some US states, however, Simple Robbery refers to the knowing procurement of an item or items belonging to another by force but without “aggravating factors” such as violence or weapons.

+ Then go to the Wikidata item and add the property “Structurae ID with the value you found.

+ Tatami were originally a luxury item for the rich at a time when lower classes had mat-covered dirt floors.

+ If the middle item is the same as the target value, then the position of that middle item in the sorted list is returned by the algorithm.

+ In Item World, there are also characters called Specialists.

+ Under the Westminster system, an item of legislation is known as an Act of Parliament.

+ If the person who has borrowed money from the pawnbroker does not repay the loan and interest within an agreed-upon time limit, the pawnbroker can sell the valuable item to another customer to get back the money they loaned.

+ Festinger and his associates read an interesting item in their local newspaper: “Prophecy from planet Clarion call to city: flee that flood”.

+ In computer science, insertion sort is a method of sorting data, such as numbers, one item at a time.

+ Players can also use the ITEM option to eat food to heal, or to put on weapons or armor.

+ Some spiders in species of “Portia” can take long detours from one bush down to the ground, then up the stem of another bush to capture a prey item on a particular leaf.

+ The person who owns the item that will be leased or rented is called the “lessor”.

+ Since balikbayan box shipping is consolidated, even one illegal item will affect all 400 or so items inside the container.

+ He did sometimes play piano solos as the first item on the bill.

+ A tailor might make a new piece of clothing, or change an item so that it fits better.

+ This species is heavily used as a food item via mariculture in Korea.

+ Click next to an item to see what changes have been made.

+ No item has the root as a child.

+ Some people say that art is a product or item that is made with the intention of stimulating the human senses as well as the Mindhuman mind, spirit and soul.

+ Preserve the section Entitled "History", Preserve its Title, and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page.

+ This can include: killing other NPCs, hauling an item from one location to another, or a combination of both.

+ These aren’t necessarily stubs, because it only is applied when a specific item of information is missing.

+ Smoked fish is an important item in Russian cuisine, Jewish cuisine, and Scandinavian cuisine, as well as several Eastern and Central European cuisines.

+ Whenever there is a vacancy usually by the demise of the ruling Okpi, the Stool of Okpi Item devolves on the next senior man in Ndi Okorocha Royal Kindred, except where he objects to taking the office for a reason.

+ If there is no location map or map image specified, then a dynamic map will be displayed in its place if the article’s Wikidata item or the Wikidata item indicated in.

+ He seems to have an article only because of his connection to Paris Hilton, and the only source mentioned is actually a short gossip column item dealing with that connection.

+ This makes it so the person who gets the item has to change their dish based on what the item does.

+ Items can be bought in an item shop.

+ The term “best before” is also used to show the date by which the item will have outlived its shelf life, and is intended to ensure that customers will not unwittingly purchase or eat stale food.

+ In order to count as a pamphlet, UNESCO requires the pamphlet to have ‘at least 5 but not more than 48 pages’ not including the cover page; a longer item is a book.

+ One other item that isn’t in our version of the MOS, but still applies: when mentioning a person by name, the first time the name is given, you use the full name.

+ In every dungeon, there is almost always these items – a Compass, a Dungeon Map, several Keys, a Big Key, a special dungeon item usually used to beat the dungeon, and a magical item after the boss.

+ A relic is an object, especially a piece of the body or a personal item of someone of Religionreligious importance, that was carefully preserved with an air of veneration as a memorial that you can touch.

+ An item is a leaf if it has no children.

+ It was the essential item of trade from the ancient North African city of Cyrene.

+ It is item number 3 in the GA criteria, and number 4 for the VGA criteria.

+ Trade in this time was based on how valuable the item was.

+ Many stores use a system of code numbers, called price look-up codes, to identify the item being weighed and sold.

+ This category is populated by parameter is specified, or the article’s item on Wikidata does not have a suitable Attached KML statement.

+ Given the names of a taxon and the required item of information stored in the taxon’s taxonomy template, this function returns the value of the item, following one “same as” link if available and the value would otherwise be the empty string.

+ Players can hold one item at a time.

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