Make sentence of “in use”

How to use in-sentence of “in use”:

+ The term “Oceania” is usually preferred, and this is the term in use by the United Nations.

+ It is still in use today, with only a few modern improvements.

+ These names are still in use today.

+ These machines were in use up to the late 1960s, when integrated circuits became available.

+ The inspiration for these new colors can be traced back to the Arab Liberation flag that was in use during the 1952 Egyptian Revolution.

Make sentence of in use
Make sentence of in use

Example sentences of “in use”:

+ Embedded systems control many of the common devices in use today, such as card readers in hotel door locks or several things in a car.

+ It has been in use since the 6th century, mainly in the western part of the Church.

+ Most alphabetic scripts in use today are derived from the Phoenician alphabet.

+ This version of the coat of arms is in use since 1907.

+ Cast rather than forged spearheads and Swordlong swords, a revolutionizing cut-and-thrust weapon, The Naue Type II sword, introduced from the eastern Alps and Carpathians ca 1200, quickly established itself and became the only sword in use during the eleventh century; iron was substituted for bronze without essential redesign and javelins were used.

+ Now, there are a great many classes of sailing dinghies in use in yacht clubs around the world and it is a major Olympic sport.

+ They enforced use of the Arabic language in Persia, leading to the demise of the Middle Persian or Pahlavi alphabet in favor of the new Arabic alphabetArabic/Persian alphabet in use to this day.

+ It remains very much in use world-wide today, especially in local and rapid transit systems.

+ This system is still in use today.

+ The city has two engineering landmarks: the Muskingum River Canal, designated a National Historic Civil Engineering Landmark; and the Zanesville Y-Bridge, the only such structure in the United States still in use and listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

+ They are still in use where forms need to be filled out.

+ The following year that new road was inaugurated, but was in use for very little time, given its high cost of maintenance and traffic on it becoming sparse, once a train track construction from San José to the Caribbean coast was completed in 1890.

+ The horse was domesticated in Ukraine around 4000 BC, and was in use by the Sumerians around 2000 BC.

+ By April 2021, several vaccines were in use around the world and hundreds of millions of people had been vaccinated.

+ Many substances dissolve in water and it is commonly seen as “the universal solvent”; because of this, water in nature and in use is rarely clean, and may have some properties different than those in the laboratory.

+ The Irish curach is a similar, but larger, vessel still in use today.

+ Several terms are in use to describe the region of Australia and the nations of the Pacific Ocean.

+ NTP is one of the oldest Internet Protocols still in use and uses UDP port 123.

+ It was in use in the northern part of Germany.

+ Embedded systems control many of the common devices in use today, such as card readers in hotel door locks or several things in a car.

+ It has been in use since the 6th century, mainly in the western part of the Church.
+ Most alphabetic scripts in use today are derived from the Phoenician alphabet.

More in-sentence examples of “in use”:

+ Most computers in use today can do more than one thing at a time, they run more than one application.

+ The tael was common and was in use in Manchuria.

+ Albert’s costumes are closer to those of modern productions than those of Lormier, and were in use at the opera until 1868.

+ Of all the metallic alloys in use today, the alloys of iron make up the largest proportion both by quantity and commercial value.

+ The current coat of arms of Austria has been in use by the Republic of Austria since 1919.

+ It is still in use today.

+ Payment cards that use chips have been in use since the early 1990s.

+ The light weight launcher and the launcher which can be moved around by people have been in use since 2000.

+ The Ojocaliente is also an original bathhouse still in use today, and fed with thermal springs.

+ The current flag of Myanmar was adopted on 21 October 2010 to replace the former flag in use since 1974.

+ The use of punctuation in English can change from place to place and from time to time, for the rules in use at that location.

+ At the beginning of railways, different systems were in use in England and in France.

+ His classification of bacteria into four groups based on shape is still in use today.

+ This bugle was highly popular and widely in use until around 1850 – for example, in works by Richard Willis, later bandmaster of the United States Military Academy Band at West Point.

+ Both bridges are still in use although the newer crossing is more direct and less likely to be closed in strong winds.

+ The abbreviation IBF was already in use by the International Badminton Federation.

+ The class was intended to be a modern train to replace the ageing types in use on the Southern Region of British Railways but the prototypes built did not manage to secure production for the class and they were withdrawn in the 1980s.

+ Many oxen are still in use all over the world, especially in poor countries.

+ Various radio navigation systems have been in use since the middle 20th century.

+ Some of these trains, with their classic bullet-nosed appearance, are still in use for stopping services between Hakata and Osaka.

+ Currently the hydraulic jacks are not in use due to more advanced technology.

+ Tens of millions of the consumer IM accounts in use are being used for business purposes by employees of companies and other organizations.

+ Most water turbines in use are reaction turbines.

+ It is the oldest bridge still in use in Australia.

+ Modified versions of Kimura’s ideas are still in use today.

+ Shorthand systems have been in use since antiquity.

+ Another, more classical, form of handrailing which is still in use is the Tangent method.

+ Three of these names are still in use today.

+ Studies of rock art in Arnhem Land show that it has been in use for more than 1,500 years.

+ Iliad introduced the Simboxes in Italy, a new type of sales point, conceived and created by the French group, “Aures” and already in use since 2014 on the French market by Free Mobile; these are SIM card vending machines, which allow customers to register and purchase it independently.

+ Micro blogs are in use in many ways on different websites.

+ The kind of bow in use today was developed by the bow-maker François Tourte in 19th century France.

+ This results in substantial waste as more copies are in existence than are in use at any given moment.

+ All airlines transferred their operations from Dhahran International Airport, which had been in use until then.

+ The Sprinter is a family of diesel multiple unit trains in use on the UK railway system.

+ This song was in use until the Soviet Union broke down in 1991.

+ Piedmontese has been in use since the 12th century.

+ For the first two seasons three regional groups organized the second tier, until in 1994 the single table in use today began to be used.

+ Some of these pictures are in use on they can be uploaded there via the ‘upload file’ button.

+ The Mi’kmaq orthographies in use are Mí’kmaq hieroglyphic writingMí’kmaq hieroglyphs, the orthography of Silas Tertius Rand, the Pacifique orthography, and the most recent Smith-Francis orthography, which has been adopted by most of the Mi’kmaq First Nation.

+ After tests, this plane was selected and put in use by Royal Navy in 1962.

+ Lincoln Castle remained in use as a prison and law court into modern times, and is one of the better preserved castles in England; the Crown Courts continue to this day.

+ Red tail lights and yellow brake lights were in use by 1915.

+ Provided there is only one sandbox or testcases page in use for the particular main page, another option is to move the sandbox page to the standard “/sandbox” name, or testcases to “/testcases”.

+ The term “bushwhacking” is still in use today to describe ambushes done with the goal of attrition.

+ The signature continued in use under the Roman Empire.

+ Their “Traction Avant” had the first mass production of three revolutionary features that are still in use today.

+ Ecuador used to have its own currency called the sucre, which was in use from 1884 until 2000.

+ It remained in use by businesses for a number of years, despite Microsoft’s many efforts to get customers to upgrade to Windows 2000 and newer versions.

+ Most computers in use today can do more than one thing at a time, they run more than one application.

+ The tael was common and was in use in Manchuria.
+ Albert's costumes are closer to those of modern productions than those of Lormier, and were in use at the opera until 1868.

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