Make sentence of “hiding”

How to use in-sentence of “hiding”:

– Vitellius went into hiding and prepared to flee, but decided on a last visit to the palace.

– This may seem unlikely, but this method of hiding the poet’s name within a poem was used in Roman times, and was quite common in late-medieval literature.

– Kelly told the police at Binalong where the two bushrangers were hiding so he could get the reward money.

– On October 21, 1818, Black Mary led another two men, a convict, Thomas Worrall, and a soldier, William Pugh, to where Howe was hiding near the Shannon River.

– Ned and Dan Kelly went into hiding in the bush.

– Sorcha agrees to this and spends several years in the forest hiding as she works on the shirts.

– The murder is carefully planned, and the killer killed the old man’s by pulling his bed on top of the man and hiding the body under the floor.

Make sentence of hiding
Make sentence of hiding

Example sentences of “hiding”:

– Applewhite convinced 38 followers to Suicidekill themselves so that their souls could ride on a spaceship they believed was hiding behind the comet.

– He returned in “Closing Time” to help the Doctor fight some cybermen hiding underneath a department store.

– Once it became dim and the jewels, which decorated it, were no longer beautiful, it still has power hiding behind it.

– During the day, the family had to be very quiet, because the business continued downstairs, and not all the workers knew that the Frank family was in hiding in the upper part of the building.

– There are many sources speaking about how the Adam and Eve tradition about them hiding their genitals after eating from the tree has influenced modern-day indecent exposure laws and other prudish worldviews.

– Von dem Bach-Zelewski went into hiding and tried to leave the country.

– According to tradition, a Praetorian named Gratus found him hiding behind a curtain and suddenly declared him emperor.

– Afterwards he went in hiding in the south of the Netherlands till the liberation of that part of the country in 1944.

– Anne Frank wrote a diary while she was hiding from the Nazis.

- Applewhite convinced 38 followers to Suicidekill themselves so that their souls could ride on a spaceship they believed was hiding behind the comet.

- He returned in "Closing Time" to help the Doctor fight some cybermen hiding underneath a department store.

– This can be a useful tool for checkusers to have here like hiding things that were courtesy blanked, and userpages and user talk pages of banned users.

– It means that a person tells true things that hurt people instead of hiding the truth.

– He was in hiding from 1929 to 1935 because the Party was illegal in Czechoslovakia at the time.

– While Windows Phone was hiding removed Adobe Flash, which ended on December 31, 2020, which based system is Google, and Windows Live.

– They are usually found hiding in reefs and rocky places.

– In the fifth book, “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”, Voldemort and his followers start trying to take over the wizarding world again, but they are hiding while they do it.

– Amonasro, who has been listening secretly, then comes out of hiding and reveals that he is the King of Ethiopia.

More in-sentence examples of “hiding”:

– The hiding of revisions is logged privately, visible only to other oversight users in the.

– Being undercover means that a person is wearing normal clothing and is hiding their identity from people.

– A common use which is relatively straightforward is hiding a system message or template you don’t wish to see; see.

– Crew Found Hiding In Wardrobe”.

– The last survivors, including Ishi and his family, went into hiding for the next 44 years.

– He uses irony by mentioning the lion as an Assyrian symbol of power; Nineveh is the strong lion with a den full of dead prey but will become weak like the lion hiding in its den.

– The other one follows Sam Tucker hiding the ship published by Dark Horse Comics.

– This can be done simply by hiding all images on the Main Page.

– Belinda, accepting her sorryapology, comes, and now Lady Delacour does everything Belinda advises her to do, and makes up with her husband, revealing to him how she is ill, that she had been hiding from everybody except herself and Belinda and her maid.

– Voldemort believes wizards should rule the world and conquer non-magical people instead of hiding from them.

– This scares Enola out of hiding and she is captured by the Smokers.

– On 20 April 1945, during the Battle of Berlin, Hitler was hiding in his bunker in Berlin with Morell and some of his other personal workers.

– He was suspected of being a leader of the Kumpulan Mujahidin Malaysia, being part of the central command of the Jemaah Islamiyah, and was hiding in Mindanao under the protection of the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters.

– Sometimes, people accidentally move this frog from place to place while it is hiding in the fruit.

– Jeffries is hiding the fact that she is the mother of Charley, the baby.

– These are places where people are less likely to bother them, and they have lots of good hiding places, like cardboard boxes.

– Her interest in the topic grew out of her own experiences during World War II, when she was forced to go into hiding from the NazismNazis and was arrested and deported to Auschwitz on the last transport leaving the Westerbork transit camp on 3 September 1944.

– Necker tried to publish a complete list of everything the government was spending money on, but this ended up hiding much of the spending.

– Seems to be a ‘bot but hiding bot edits in my “New changes” makes no difference for this “bot”.

– Since Levi-Montalcini was in great danger from Germans, she fled to Florence and was in hiding until the Germans left.

– Ciarán returned in hiding as a tinker during the ceremory for Sorcha.

– They are attracted to water sources and hiding spots.

– In the television series “The Simpsons”, the plot was mimicked in the episodes “Smart and Smarter” in which Lisa SimpsonLisa hides in a local science museum in embarrassment at finding her baby sister is smarter than she, and the episode “Bart and Milhouse hiding out in the shopping mall for one week while on a camping trip.

– They head to the hotel kitchen for something to eat, and find Nancy, the bartender, hiding in the freezer.

- The hiding of revisions is logged privately, visible only to other oversight users in the.

- Being undercover means that a person is wearing normal clothing and is hiding their identity from people.
- A common use which is relatively straightforward is hiding a system message or template you don't wish to see; see.

– On 2 January 1911, an informer told police that two or three members of the gang, possibly including Peter the Painter, were hiding at 100 Sidney Street, Stepney.

– Their darker color helps them stay camouflaged, easily hiding in the sand or mud or on the sea floor.

– The template works by hiding the lower levels with CSS.

– Human beings sometimes pick it up without knowing and move it from place to place while it is hiding in pipes or flowerpots.

– A group of three policemen from Mansfield set out to search for the Kelly brothers who they thought were hiding in the bush near Mansfield.

– According to his website, he went into hiding in Tahiti for six years starting late 2000 and lived in Taichung, Taiwan.

– Her parents believe that Disney are hiding certain facts of her disappearance.

– While playing Dungeons and Dragons, the players detail the actions of their characters to the referree, such as hitting an enemy or hiding from the guards, or talking to another character.

– In the endgame, however, the king may comes out of hiding to play an active role as an offensive piece as well as helping in the promotion of their remaining pawns.

– With its long, sharp claws, they quickly dig a hole until only their spines are showing when they are hiding in the hole.

– There is a scene in “The Godfather” in which Michael Corleone, hiding from U.S.

– When threatened by predators, they use their knowledge of their territory to finding hiding places in nearby vegetation.

– This may be useful for hiding things like “personal info”.

– This enables them to hide in cracks, springing out quickly to capture prey, then returning quickly to their hiding spot.

– One hot day, she takes a bath inside her walled garden but she does not know that the judges are hiding inside the garden.

– A total of 78 families lived hiding in the same building which was a total of 700 people.

– They are hiding in a secret valley in the mountains.

– It can be used by the wasps to bore through rotten wood, and lay eggs in grubs hiding under the wood.

– These rattlesnakes have been seen many times hiding in mammal burrows.

– It is not the same as a police officer who is wearing normal clothing but who is not hiding their real name and that they are a police officer.

– The plan was allegedly hatched after a Conservative Party Conservative Member of Parliament watched the episode, “A Good Day”, in which Democrats block a bill aimed at limiting stem cell research, by hiding in an office until the Republican Speaker calls the vote.

– He told her he needed help – he was going to turn the top floor of his business into a secret hiding place for himself and his family called “The Secret Annex”.

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