Make sentence of “favor”

How to use in-sentence of “favor”:

– The Anti-Federalist papers didn’t have the same influence as the Federalist Papers, who argued in favor of a constitution.

– The senior male agnate descending from duke Ernest the Pious, in 1991, was prince Frederick-Alfred of Saxe-Meiningen, and thus technically succeeded then as titular duke of Saxe-Altenburg and head of the whole branch; but, because he renounced all his succession rights in favor of his uncle Bernhard, was him instead Frederick-Alfred the general heir of the line of Saxe-Meiningen.

– On January 17, 2006, the Supreme Court decided in favor of Oregon.

– Sexual selection may appear to favor traits that may reduce the fitness of an organism, such as brightly colored plumage in Bird-of-paradisebirds of paradise, which makes them more visible to predators.

– The stop-and-go, episodic character of classical ballet was avoided in favor of a fluid continuity from start to finish.

Make sentence of favor
Make sentence of favor

Example sentences of “favor”:

- He says that children should love their parents, fathers should not make their children angry, servants should serve their masters, and masters should not threaten their servants, since God does not favor any group above another.

- On July 22, 2016, WikiLeaks revealed that DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and other DNC official, mocked and planned to sabotage the Sanders's campaign in favor of Clinton.
- Could all you regular editors do me a favor and never add a new page to this category? It's a category that needs to be completely diffused.

– He says that children should love their parents, fathers should not make their children angry, servants should serve their masters, and masters should not threaten their servants, since God does not favor any group above another.

– On July 22, 2016, WikiLeaks revealed that DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and other DNC official, mocked and planned to sabotage the Sanders’s campaign in favor of Clinton.

– Could all you regular editors do me a favor and never add a new page to this category? It’s a category that needs to be completely diffused.

– All work must be in favor of the wellness of warriors and their families.

– Generally, the odds are not in favor of the gambler.

– In cases where the word is a direct borrowing having diacritical marks not present in the above alphabet, official spelling tends to favor their use.

– People could not express themselves freely unless it was in favor of the Marcos family.

– Kerlikowske was not in favor of the legalization of cannabis.

– Even before it lost favor to larger, more powerful, and more luxurious cars, the Model T, known popularly as the “Tin Lizzie” or the “flivver”, had become an American folkloric symbol, essentially realizing Ford’s goal to “democratize the automobile”.

– But, when in Portugal, Pedro I renounced the Portuguese Throne, in favor of his eldest daughter Dona Maria da Glória.

– By the 1960s most major cities had shifted away from foot patrols altogether in favor of police cars.

– Miller voted in favor of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

More in-sentence examples of “favor”:

- They instead favor creationism or intelligent design.

- Milton had been censored himself when he tried to publish tracts which were in favor of allowing people to get divorced.

– They instead favor creationism or intelligent design.

– Milton had been censored himself when he tried to publish tracts which were in favor of allowing people to get divorced.

– A few of us discussed this criteria over IRC on Tuesday night, and most of us were in favor of bringing it back.

– They enforced use of the Arabic language in Persia, leading to the demise of the Middle Persian or Pahlavi alphabet in favor of the new Arabic alphabetArabic/Persian alphabet in use to this day.

– The Neolithic mainly abandoned this mode in favor of polished, not chipped, stone tools.

– The sea waters along the Malay Peninsula favor molluscan growth.

– Calvinism was popular as well for some time in Scandinavia, especially Sweden, but was rejected in favor of Lutheranism after the synod of Uppsala in 1593.

– The company later abandoned this approach in favor of attempting to make Linux applications easy to download, install and use.

– When an attorney writes a brief, they are implicitly promising to give the court good reasons for ruling in favor of their client.

– This is in favor of other sound effects in certain THX logos.

– Ragtime fell out of favor as jazz claimed the public’s imagination after 1917, but there have been numerous revivals since.

– Also, contrary to a nationalist, patriots do not favor imperialism, while nationalists tend to favor imperialism.

– On November 28, 2017, a federal judge ruled in Trump’s favor to allow Mulvaney to serve as CFRB Acting Director.

– The movie was going to be released after the success of the first movie but was scrapped in favor of “Looney Tunes: Back in Action”.

– On May 16, 1979, the Senate voted in favor of President Carter lifting economic sanctions against Rhodesia, the vote being seen by both Rhodesia and South Africa “as a potentially fatal blow to the diplomacy that the United States and Britain have pursued in the region for three years and to the effort to reach a compromise between the Salisbury leaders and the guerrillas”.

– She dropped out in favor of homeschooling because she needed to focus on her career.

– Henriette Adelaide had a lot of influence on Bavarian politics, in favor of France.

– The electoral law was approved on the 12th October by the Chamber of Deputies with 375 votes in favor and 215 against and on 26 October by the Senate with 214 votes against 61.

– Following a decade-long denial of the lawsuit at the Municipal Court in Kotor Varoš and the District Court in Banja Luka, the Constitutional Court of RS issued a verdict in their favor only in December 2019, obliging the defendant to reimburse all costs of the trial.

– The universality of this code is generally regarded by biologists as definitive evidence in favor of the theory of universal common descent.

– Chafee has shown some willingness to deviate from strict “War on Drugs” policies, in favor of alternative approaches to America’s drug-crime problem.

– By 1939 he had fallen out of favor with the government.

– Rebecca has learned that she was cut out of her mother’s will in favor of a distant cousin.

– On February 7, 2017, DeVos was confirmed by the Senate by a 51–50 margin, with Vice President of the United StatesVice President Mike Pence breaking the tie in favor of DeVos’s nomination; it was the first time a Vice President had done so for the appointment of a cabinet nominee.

– On July 17, 2020, Muñoz was elected as vice president by the National Assembly, after receiving 75 votes in favor of her election.

– Most people were in favor of the iconic “Tulip” logo, designed by Saul Bass in 1973.

– Napoleon had no choice but to abdicate in favor of his son.

– From 2002 until 2008, the race was moved to October in favor of awarding the final race weekend to Homestead-Miami Speedway and became part of what is now the NASCAR Chase for the Championship in 2004.

– His socialist views, formed in the 1960s and 1970s, have lost favor with voters.

– They released this album in 2009, had a tour in 2009-2010 and like every album, stops in favor for a new album.

– Simon has been identified with Simon the brother of Jesus, but there also are reasons in favor of identifying him with Nathanael.

– He is in favor homeschooling; IBLP publishes its own homeschooling material.

– The ruling was a 9–0 decision in favor of the plaintiff—the United States government.

– However, the entire part south of Dallas has not been used in favor of Interstate 45.

– The endorsement test is a question that you can ask if you think that the government is doing something in favor of religion.

– Jacob argued that many of these prisoners could go free if the Court ruled in favor of Gideon.

– In 1978, the cards were dropped in favor of flipping panels which had the dollar value on one side and the clue on the other.

– The maximum value for the correlation is r = 1, which means that 100% of the pairs favor the hypothesis.

– Chardin painted homely scenes that found favor with all classes of Parisian society.

– The Court ruled in favor of Oregon.

– Those in favor of Proposition 8 appealed to the Supreme Court on July 30, 2012.

– It was deactivated in 2016 in favor of the new WWE Women’s Championship.

– It’s failure resulted in a sequel getting cancelled in favor of “Ghostbusters: Afterlife”.

– An English high court ruled in 1750, in favor of Pennsylvania.

– The justifications are presented by proposing evidence in favor or in opposition.

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