Make sentence of “eternal”

How to use in-sentence of “eternal”:

+ The gospel is the news that Jesus has died and risen and promises eternal life to those who receive Him.

+ It is the belief that one can be saved from sin and the eternal death of hell.

+ In front of the Hall of Memory is a narrow courtyard with a memorial pool surrounding an eternal flame.

+ The cross, which brought death, is not seen as an instrument of torture but through the resurrection of Christ it came to be understood as a symbol of eternal life.

+ This movie is about a couple of childish rivals drinking a magic potion which promises eternal youth.

+ This symbol comes from the fact that Azerbaijan has many everlasting fires which also gives the name “land of eternal fire”.

Make sentence of eternal
Make sentence of eternal

Example sentences of “eternal”:

+ You may live a holy life but there is actually no God or eternal life.

+ Gilgamesh attempts to learn the secret of eternal life by undertaking a long and perilous journey to meet the immortal flood hero, Utnapishtim.

+ You may live a holy life but there is actually no God or eternal life.

+ Gilgamesh attempts to learn the secret of eternal life by undertaking a long and perilous journey to meet the immortal flood hero, Utnapishtim.

+ Through this, they believe they are given salvation and eternal life.

+ Queen Dido is mourning her dead husband, a man to whom she swore eternal fidelity.

+ It has a smaller shrine called Yeongnyeongjeon, or “the Hall of Eternal Peace” in English.

+ He was so beautiful that Selene asked Zeus to grant him eternal sleep, she learned from her sister never to ask for eternal life or be left with a grasshopper in her hands so he would never leave her: her asking permission of Zeus is as an Olympian change to an older myth: Cicero “Tusculanae Disputationes” recognized that the moon goddess had done it by herself.

+ God is shown as the eternal Creator, as the humble Sacrifice in Jesus on the Cross and as the inspiring Spirit.

+ Guru Granth Sahib is not just a holy book of Sikhs, it’s respected and treated as a living being as it’s officially The Eternal Guru.

+ Since Shiva is called Kāla – the eternal time, Kālī, his consort, also means “the Time” or “Controller of Time”.

+ In 1315 the people from the Eternal Alliance fought the Habsburgs in battles at Morgarten, Sempach and Näfels.

+ Jainism is a religion originally from India It teaches that the universe is eternal and that every living being has a soul which has the power to become all-knowing.

+ Within our span of vaporous life, if we believe in Jehovah God rightly, there are numerous promises abounded for health, prosperity, wisdom, longevity, good husband, good wife, and even our offspring would see beauty and excellence and above all eternal bliss after life will be received.

+ They believe that whoever believed in Jesus Christ was given a “second chance” to get back into Heaven, shown in John the Apostle’s Gospel: “…God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him would not be lost but have eternal life.” Different types of Christianity have slightly different ways of viewing the fall and salvation through Jesus.

+ He is not only a playable character in “Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2” but he has his own storyline in the main story mode of the game entitled “Beautiful Treachery.” Upon hearing of the power of the Dragon Balls, he hatches a plan to steal them and wish for eternal beauty.

More in-sentence examples of “eternal”:

+ He was buried at the Eternal Valley Memorial Park in Newhall, California.

+ Above the stage the ceiling is in the form of a cupola which has a painting which shows the Soul of Music looking up at the Genius of Harmony: a ball of eternal fire whose rays are reflected across the world.

+ Later when God says “let them not eat from the tree of life that’s in the midst of the garden lest they live in this state for ever, in an eternal life in the fallen state”.

+ The Summon Spirit helps Lloyd use the eternal sword.

+ Peter Cathedral and the Sistine Chapel that brought to the eternal city artists of the level of Michelangelo, Raphael, Cellini, and Bramante.

+ This the doctrine or belief that there are two independent divine beings or eternal principles, one good and the other evil.

+ Later that evening, he is visited by the ghost of his dead business partner Jacob Marley, a man whose greed and selfishness have doomed him to eternal hellfire.

+ This will be followed by a final time of trouble and eternal division of the righteous and wicked.

+ Jehan’s first movie was “Taj Mahal: An Eternal Love Story” in 2005.

+ He supports it with testimonies from “more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters” and it is this very truth which makes certain the believers will have eternal life.

+ After the group ended, he recorded some solo career songs, joined the Eternal Astral pagoda group, but soon after was called to join the Disguise Group.

+ Following the Bangladesh Liberation war in 1972, a structure consisting of a black marble plinth with a reversed rifle, capped by a war helmet and bounded by four eternal flames, was built beneath the archway.

+ They include the Eternal Spring Shrine, and the Taroko village.

+ After a person consciously accepts the free gift of eternal life, which Jesus’s sacrifice offers, God comes to live in the individual, as God lived in humankind before the Fall.

+ The symphony expresses the confidence of the eternal human spirit.

+ It also means an eternal friend of everyone in Hindi, Nepali languageNepali and Sanskrit.

+ In that hymn, a description is found of the beginningless and endless “Stambha” or “Skambha”, and it is shown that the said “Skambha” is put in place of the eternal Brahman.

+ You may live a pleasure-seeking life and be denied eternal happiness.

+ As a parallel to the Master and Margarita’s freedom, Pontius Pilate is also released from his eternal punishment.

+ People from other areas signed the contract and joined the Eternal Alliance.

+ Phoenix in European culture is often an allegory of immortality and eternal life.

+ Christians believe that human beings will receive judgement from God and are given either eternal life or eternal damnation.

+ In 1995 Louise left Eternal to start a solo career.

+ On 13 April 2012, Kim Jong-il was made Eternal Chairman of the National Defence Commission and Eternal General Secretary of the Workers Party of Korea.

+ The story of eternal love between Usha and Aniruddha finds expression in many stories, novels, dramas, dance-dramas, movies.

+ Therefore, if taken in its most literal sense, Hell is eternal separation from God.

+ For this reason, Christ could not have a physical body, as he was seen as the eternal Logos.

+ The movie “Galaxy Express 999: Eternal Fantasy” was released in 1998.

+ Davy Jones offered him a way out of his eternal torture, and Bootstrap Bill accepted.

+ And the eternal Guru is the Sri Guru Granth Sahib, which is a not just a book but contains the writings of each Guru.

+ Kim Jong Il did not become President since Il-Sung was given the honorary title of Eternal President.

+ You may live a religious and moral life and be rewarded by eternal happiness.

+ The purpose of most “evangelism” is to help others receive eternal salvation to people who have not heard of, or have denied God.

+ The eternal life will be perfect, with thousands of types of food and clothing more beautiful than humans could ever imagine.

+ Alyosha has lunch with his brother Ivan in a restaurant, and Ivan explains to him why he cannot believe in God: “Listen: if everyone must suffer, in order to buy eternal harmony with their suffering, pray tell me what have children to do with it? It’s quite.

+ Gold also was linked with ideas of eternity, so name may show the pharaoh’s eternal Horus name.

+ The strings, playing from behind the stage, play very slow, chorale-like music throughout the piece while several times the trumpet plays a short group of notes that Ives described as “the eternal question of existence”.

+ Karloff vows to rise from his grave and avenge himself against anyone who meddles with his plan, and he keeps this promise when one of his colleagues steals The Eternal Light after his death.

+ He said this was the 1st year of the “Era of Eternal Happiness”, which sounds like “Yǒnglè”.

+ They are locked in eternal antagonism after surviving the downfall of the Biblical city of Sodom.

+ Coming back to Sabbath/Shabbat, there is the eternal debate of Friday, or Saturday, or Sunday, and in Judaism I think there also is the problem of defining what “work” is.

+ While the song is well-liked, many felt that the song was too dark for a G-rated Disney movie because of the themes regarding lust and eternal damnation.

+ The Catholic ChurchRoman Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran, Protestant churches all believe that God is the “creator and eternal father of all things”, that Jesus was the “Christ” and son of God who died to save people from the punishment for their sins, and that the Holy Spirit is God’s gift to help and comfort Christian people.

+ Knowledge that is not scientific is not to establish immutable truths and eternal dogmas, but to approach truth by approximations.

+ The story of game starts three years after the end of “The Eternal Night.” Spyro and Cynder escape from the crystals that trapped them and are then bonded together with mysterious green energy chains created by the Dark Master.

+ But it does not consist of eternal torture.

+ She argues with him, but he won’t be swayed, and when he asks for a kiss for a departing soldier, Scarlett slaps him instead, declaring her eternal hatred for him.

+ And may their noble sound prevail thunderously across my eternal homeland.

+ Each one of the three is equal to the others, and eternal in the same way than the other two.

+ He was buried at the Eternal Valley Memorial Park in Newhall, California.

+ Above the stage the ceiling is in the form of a cupola which has a painting which shows the Soul of Music looking up at the Genius of Harmony: a ball of eternal fire whose rays are reflected across the world.

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