Make sentence of “emigrate”

How to use in-sentence of “emigrate”:

– Melvin, Charles King Western Armenians consider Armenians who assimilate within the local population of the country where they were eventually forced to emigrate as lost to their nation due to the continuing exile after the actual genocide itself, and thus consider that lost Armenian to be another victim of the genocidal attempt to eliminate the Armenians.

– Some preferred to emigrate to the United States and other American countries, however, including Argentina, which to this day has a large Jewish community.

– In an interview with Piers Morgan, Lopez stated that if Sarah Palin ever becomes the President of the United States, he would emigrate to Canada.

– It is suppossed that if you’re blocked at you’ll emigrate here.

– After Papua New Guinea gained independence from Australia in 1975, most of the Unserdeutsch speakers decided to take on Australian citizenship and to emigrate to Australia, especially Queensland, because offices and posts in their homeland were to be filled by indigenous Papuans.

– He invited the Jesuits to Salzburg and asked for help from the emperor, and finally ordered the Protestants to recant or emigrate – about 30,000 people left and settled in Württemberg, Hanover and East Prussia, and a few settled in Georgia, AmericaGeorgia in the United States of America.

– The Italians in coastal Slovenia and Croatia were mostly an indigenous population, bolstered by new arrivals or the so called “regnicoli”, never well liked by the slavs while most were ethnic Italians, the so-called “optanti” emigrants who were living permanently in this region on 10 June 1940 and who expressed their wish to obtain Italian citizenship and emigrate to Italy.

Make sentence of emigrate
Make sentence of emigrate

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