Make sentence of “drilling”

How to use in-sentence of “drilling”:

+ On 6 September 2012 Scientific deep sea drilling vessel Chikyu set a new world record by drilling down and obtaining rock samples from deeper than 2,111 metres below the seafloor off the Shimokita Peninsula of Japan in the northwest Pacific Ocean.

+ Saddam complained about the drilling to the United States State Department.

+ Untreated sewage is released into it, and oil drilling operations cause pollution with crude oil.

+ These included drilling screws into their wooden hulls.

+ In 1961, he bought out his father’s oil drilling company, Circle A Drilling, and earned large returns in Wyoming.

+ As of 2006, drilling for resources up to 8km away from the platform was possible.

Make sentence of drilling
Make sentence of drilling

Example sentences of “drilling”:

+ He founded SEDCO in 1947, which became the world’s largest offshore drilling company.

+ He ordered military training and drilling to be more rigorous and even made use of false reports of attack to keep the army alert.

+ During his rule, drilling the country’s Petroleumoil reserves funded the construction of hospitals, schools, roads notably, paving the Esmeraldas, and equipment for the armed services.

+ Crude oil is a natural resource, a thick black fluid found by drilling underground.

+ In the past decade, recent innovations in inverted hydraulic jacks have eliminated the costly process of drilling the ground to install a borehole jack.

+ Although the virus is harmless to humans, its viability after being frozen for millennia raised concerns that global climate change and tundra drilling operations could lead to potentially dangerous viruses being unearthed.

+ Caesium formate is used in oil drilling because of its high density.

+ Repts.”{“Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Initial Reports”, 197: College Station, TX, 1–117.

+ He founded SEDCO in 1947, which became the world's largest offshore drilling company.

+ He ordered military training and drilling to be more rigorous and even made use of false reports of attack to keep the army alert.
+ During his rule, drilling the country's Petroleumoil reserves funded the construction of hospitals, schools, roads notably, paving the Esmeraldas, and equipment for the armed services.

+ The top of the bedrock is known as the rockhead and identifying this, via excavations, drilling or Geophysicsgeophysical methods, is an important task in most civil engineering projects.

+ Most petroleum is found by drilling down through rocks on land or off-shore on the continental shelf.

+ The detailed record of forams from deep sea drilling projects are the basis of a fossil index for geological periods or stages.

+ Test drilling showed the rock was not far below the river.

+ The Gribeauval system was a new way of making artillery as a single piece of metal and then drilling a bore hole.

+ As of 2018, the company had 82 special permits for the extraction of hydrocarbons, 43 drilling rigs and 537 gas stations.

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