Make sentence of “ditch”

How to use in-sentence of “ditch”:

+ The design was so good and so reliable that British soldiers would often ditch their own Sten sub-machine guns and use the MP-40 instead.

+ He fortified himself with a ditch and rampart, and thought he was safe.

+ Most of the surviving structure is composed of earthworks, known as the dykes, consisting of a massive ditch and external bank henge.

+ She landed 35 feet away, face-down in a ditch filled with water.

+ The ditch alone was 21 metres.

Make sentence of ditch
Make sentence of ditch

Example sentences of “ditch”:

+ There was also a ditch which made it hard to cross if the gate was closed.

+ It was thought that this could become a good power source for some last ditch German fighters during the last few days of World War II.

+ A ditch is a barrier, designed to slow down or break up an attacking force, while a trench is a cover, intended to provide protection to the defenders.

+ There was probably a path or causeway across the ditch to the henge.

+ There were two entrances through the bank and ditch – at the north western and south eastern ends.

+ A deep ditch separated the city from its “suburb;” its location is today marked by a wide street named “Graben”.

+ At the site known as Kerma, near the third cataract of the Nile, archaeologist Charles Bonnet and his team discovered a ditch within a temple from the ancient city of Pnoubs, which contained seven monumental black granite statues.

+ All that remains of the site is the ditch of the henge and a series of stone settings, none of which is visible above ground.

+ The band is playing in a ditch where others are watching them.

+ It was defended by a deep ditch and wall.

+ For defence, it would seem better to have the ditch outside the bank.

+ There were 14 stones in the circle, and the henge was about 30 m in diameter, with a ditch about 5 m across.

+ The bailey was surrounded by a protective ditch and wall of wooden fence.

+ A ditch is created to channel water and can be described as a small or moderate depression.

+ Originally the ditch was some 5.5m deep, 7m wide at its bottom and 18m wide at the top.

+ The stone circle settings were surrounded by a henge, comprising an ditch and outer bank which appears to date from approximately 2400BC.

+ The ditch has been dated to between 2470 and 2000BC, which would be about the same time as, or slightly later than, construction of the stone circle at Stonehenge.

+ There was also a ditch which made it hard to cross if the gate was closed.

+ It was thought that this could become a good power source for some last ditch German fighters during the last few days of World War II.
+ A ditch is a barrier, designed to slow down or break up an attacking force, while a trench is a cover, intended to provide protection to the defenders.

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