Make sentence of “datum”

How to use in-sentence of “datum”:

+ But the main performance gain occurs because there is a good chance that the same datum will be read from cache several times, or that written data will soon be read.

+ Another alternative is to use a geoid based datum datum such as NAVD88.

+ In North America elevations are given using either Sea Level Datum of 1929, also called the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929.

+ This simple template will aid editors to document that the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 is being used.

+ It is used, for example, as a geodetic datum in cartography and marine navigation.

+ The client may have made many changes to the datum in the cache.

+ The typical reaction is to assume the elevation is incorrect and in fact the user can find reliable documentation based on the Sea Level Datum of 1929 to support their assumption.

+ This datum is actually about 80cm different from the mean sea level reading on the other side of the country.

Make sentence of datum
Make sentence of datum

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