Make sentence of “continuing”

How to use in-sentence of “continuing”:

+ This happened at the end of the Mesozoic era, and is slowly continuing today.

+ It was returned to its current Saturday morning timeslot while also continuing to air at 2a.m..

+ He got it for continuing to fight after being seriously wounded.

+ A hurricane or typhoon or a cyclone is a large cyclonic weather system with continuing winds of at least 33 m/s.

+ Beginning Sony Pictures Television on September 10, 1984 and continuing into the present, the show is in syndicated format and was hosted by Alex Trebek from 1984 until his death in 2020.

Make sentence of continuing
Make sentence of continuing

Example sentences of “continuing”:

+ As of now, Veronin is Educationstudying in college in Taipei while continuing her music career.

+ On October 17, 2013, Young's family told the "Tampa Bay Times" that Young was continuing medical treatment at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center but his "condition turned for the worse overnight and he is gravely ill.
+ While he was prime minister of Japan, he made China and South Korea very angry by continuing to visit the Yasukuni Shrine.

+ As of now, Veronin is Educationstudying in college in Taipei while continuing her music career.

+ On October 17, 2013, Young’s family told the “Tampa Bay Times” that Young was continuing medical treatment at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center but his “condition turned for the worse overnight and he is gravely ill.

+ While he was prime minister of Japan, he made China and South Korea very angry by continuing to visit the Yasukuni Shrine.

+ The detailed timing and rates of change after the onset of melting of the great ice-sheets are subjects of continuing study.

+ He eventually decided that there was no point continuing to hide, so he walked off with shredded pants and shirt.

+ Although significant attempts have been made to halt this decline and attract new employers, Kilmarnock saw a continuing net loss of jobs in the five years to 2005.

+ Although the continuing wars made people suffer, it was at this time when many great philosophies were born, including Confucianism and Daoism.

+ By hosting each year more than 7,500 students who participate to more than 600 courses annually organized by the university, with a turnover of 15 million of euros, ENAC is now the largest organization in Europe for aeronautical continuing education.

+ Men use rape as a means of continuing male dominance by keeping all women in a state of fear.

+ It also includes parts of Europe such as Iberian PeninsulaIberia and era of the Muslim conquests and continuing into the 20th century.

+ Brother Jiri Kopidlansky revenged himself by continuing atrocities.

+ The church has a continuing musical tradition from the monks of St Augustine to the present day.

+ Tonkin’s government focused on the economy while also continuing the socially progressive ideas of the previous government.

+ The catalogs were purchased by Spink’s in 1996 and are continuing under the Spink’s name.

+ The orbital angular momentum also measures how hard it would be to stop the object from continuing to orbit around the axis.

+ In 1925 he began his training at the Moscow Conservatory, studying composition with Catoire and later with Miaskovsky, also continuing piano studies with Goldenveyzer.

More in-sentence examples of “continuing”:

+ In addition the Deutschland Tour returned in 1999 – evidence of the continuing popularity of cycling in Germany at the time.

+ In some countries like Chile and El Salvador, abortion is never legal, including in cases where the woman risks dying from continuing the pregnancy.

+ The game is based on the continuing storyline carried out through previous ones.

+ O’Shaunessy spent 2009 continuing to chase gold, earning two shots over January and February at the Florida Tag Team Champions Johnny Curtis and Tyler Reks but he and Ryback were unsuccessful in both attempts.

+ In boxing and other fighting, absorbing a blow is when one person is hit without being badly hurt or stopped from continuing the fight.

+ But despite this, the story is continuing in serials written by Greg Farshtey online at.

+ He became interested in the continuing high unemployment in Europe and published some work about it with Jean-Paul Fitoussi.

+ They promote research and continuing education in areas that are important to TESOL members.

+ Harper also recruits writers through the BBC’s Continuing Drama Shadow Scheme.

+ Reeves, started to acting in high school and then continuing to serve on student scenarios.

+ The artist continued to play in motion picture films after two years, and despite continuing age, he continued to play in the series.

+ On October 12, 2015, this research team concluded that there is no clear evidence of dholes continuing to live in Turkey or the Caucasus Mountains.

+ It is also where he is buried after he was murdered in 1457, because he was perceived to be a continuing threat to the rule of his uncle.

+ It ends at an exit in the settlement of Mabalacat and joins with the MacArthur Highway with the help of a road, continuing northward into the remaining part of Central Luzon and the Northern Luzon.

+ Just as people who are Certified Public Accountants must take continuing education each year, Certified Management Accountants have a similar requirement.

+ Throughout the solo, Bonham showed off his talents by playing hand drums while continuing to use his right foot.

+ Despite this gruesome defeat, Popeye did not weaken or falter and only became more dangerous from the experience, and he quickly recuperated and continued his service as a sailor on the “Josie Lee”, continuing to make his regular nightly rounds, winding the anchor watch, always staying in front of the mast so he could say “Blow me down!” when the wind hit the sails and always keeping his fists tough while walloping his foes with only his left fist, for if he used his right fist, he would be unable to control his strength without obliterating his opponent due to not having his right eye to be in synch with his fist anymore.

+ The LGBT rights movement, Women’s rights movement, and many racial minority rights movements are still continuing to fight for equal rights.

+ Lehman College offers a variety of selective and distinguished undergraduate and graduate programs in the Schools of Arts Humanities, School of Education, School of Natural and Social Sciences, School of Health Sciences, Human Services, and Nursing, and School of Continuing Education.

+ I have blocked for continuing disruption.

+ Since the early 19th century many Russians settled in Azerbaijan, but after the end of the Soviet Union with the independence of Azerbaijan which is back in control, most Russians and other minorities have left the country and are continuing to leave the country.

+ A Furby is a popular electronic toy or robot, more specifically, a hamster/owl-like creature made by Tiger Electronics, which went through a time of being the “must-have” toy following its launch in the winter holiday season of 1998, with continuing sales until 2000.

+ O’Shaunessy’s first successful title defence came against Burridge the following month but Burridge would not let his grudge rest, continuing to attack O’Shaunessy and finally costing him the title during a match against D’Lo Brown on 29 May.

+ Unfortunately, he also soon learns the polar ice caps are continuing to break apart, and the people that made his dream come true are responsible.

+ In addition the Deutschland Tour returned in 1999 – evidence of the continuing popularity of cycling in Germany at the time.

+ In some countries like Chile and El Salvador, abortion is never legal, including in cases where the woman risks dying from continuing the pregnancy.

+ On appeal, her conviction and sentence have been confirmed with finality by the Indonesian Supreme Court, with legal maneuvers continuing on her behalf.

+ In 2010, the series was shortlisted in the “Best Television Continuing Drama” category at the Writers’ Guild of Great Britain Awards.

+ During the Reign of Terror, Danton changed his mind: He said that continuing the Reign of Terror was a bad idea, but other people disagreed.

+ In 2003 he became sports manager of the club, but in 2007 he quit due to continuing criticism.

+ Wingu came to support the new centre as a working artist, while still continuing to paint for Irrunytju as well.

+ As the song ends, the camera pans back up to the street level where life is continuing on, completely oblivious of what is going on below the streets.

+ The court further enjoined the state of Alabama and city of Montgomery from continuing to operate segregated buses.

+ To make these sounds, the players simply have to use their voice to make the sounds of the animals whilst continuing to blow air through the instrument.

+ He arrived there during the Panic of 1837 and stayed to look afte Rothschild’s interests there instead of continuing on to Havana.

+ One of the main sources of dispute during his lifetime and continuing since then is Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s use of the terms “Nabi” when referring to himself.

+ The hurricane intensified to a Category 2-3 before hitting Galveston, Texas on September 12 and continuing onward to Mississippi.

+ The continuing education of ENAC has been developed in areas which ENAC is well recognized : air traffic, electronics, computer science, aeronautical engineering, aircraft control,…

+ To date, “Stranger Than Fiction” remains another one of Bad Religion’s best known albums, with sales continuing fifteen years after its release.

+ Cannibalism was widespread in the past among humans in many parts of the world, continuing into the 19th century in some isolated South Pacific cultures, and to the present day in parts of tropical Africa.

+ A continuing problem is the human rights violations during capture and custody of suspects.

+ Starting in 1985 and continuing until 1997, the sets were designed to have a blue background for the Jeopardy! round and a red background for the Double Jeopardy! and Final Jeopardy! rounds; however, starting in 2005 and continuing into the present, the background color changes to red when the lights dim during Final Jeopardy! In November 1996, two months after the start of Season 13, a new set designed by Naomi Slodki was brought in.

+ Cuomo has promoted several policies such as legalizing same-sex marriage, tough laws against guns, allowing businesses not to pay taxes for some time in some parts of the state, continuing the moratorium petroleum and natural gas, he started the United States Climate Alliance, a group of states intending to stop climate change by following the terms of the Paris AgreementParis Climate Accords and pro-immigration policies.

+ This IP may need to be monitored closely for continuing vandalism as well as all of its contributions rechecked for validity.

+ I see no use in continuing to indent, so I’ll just comment here.

+ Roosevelt’s continuing popularity was the main theme of his campaign.

+ Since it was released in 1988, the “Fuck the Police” slogan is continuing to influence pop culture in the form of songs, T-shirts and artwork.

+ The ambiguity of the sitter’s expression, the monumentality of the half-figure composition, and the subtle modeling of forms and atmospheric illusionism were novel qualities that have contributed to the painting’s continuing fascination.

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