Make sentence of “coal”

How to use in-sentence of “coal”:

+ She had three coal engines and could go at 20 knots or 9600 miles at 12 knots.

+ Reid took a wrong turn and found himself in a lake rather than a river, with no coal to be seen anywhere.

+ An example of this is the Drumheller district of the Red Deer River in Alberta, where the Atlas Coal Mine historical site shows the last of 139 mines which operated in the badlands.

+ These people moved for the Coal miningcoal mines.

+ Horace Mayhew which intended to develop the coal seam at Cochrane’s Lake.

+ The city developed, because of the coal reserves that were found nearby.

Make sentence of coal
Make sentence of coal

Example sentences of “coal”:

+ In the past it was dominated by coal mining and steel industry.

+ On June 23, 2009, Hechler, then aged 94, participated in a protest near mountaintop removal mining sites in the West Virginia coalfields in the Coal River Valley along with others.
+ Savile was also a professional wrestler and cyclist when he was young and during World War II he was conscripted to work as a Bevin Boy in the coal mines.

+ In the past it was dominated by coal mining and steel industry.

+ On June 23, 2009, Hechler, then aged 94, participated in a protest near mountaintop removal mining sites in the West Virginia coalfields in the Coal River Valley along with others.

+ Savile was also a professional wrestler and cyclist when he was young and during World War II he was conscripted to work as a Bevin Boy in the coal mines.

+ In this process, coal miners and all of the coal mining equipment are brought deep underground and coal is carried up out of the ground.

+ In 1955 the brown coal industry developed close to the city.

+ Beginning in the mid 14th century coal was mined along the Ruhr.

+ After coal miners went on strike, Truman had the Department of the Interior take over the mines.

+ On the present distribution and origin of the calcareous concretions in coal seams, known as ‘coal balls’.

+ The coal measures of the Pennsylvanian period were laid down in a gigantic tropical river Basin basin, and later squeezed and heated to form the metamorphic rock we call ‘coal‘.

+ In the north of Essen is “Katernberg”, where in the past the coal mine workers lived.

+ Launched in 1764 as a coal carrying ship “Earl of Pembroke”, she was bought by the Navy in 1768 for a scientific mission to the Pacific Ocean.

+ They are extracted from complex mixtures obtained by the refining of oil or by distillation of coal tar.

+ Small amounts of it are found in coal gas, a fuel produced by heating coal without any air.

+ Almost half of the carbon dioxide from people is because of burning coal so it is the biggest single cause of global warming.

+ Often the bowl is covered with perforated tin foil or a metal screen and coal placed on top.

+ Carbonate mineralization occurs as coal balls.

+ The declaration of various areas of many Australian states as nuclear free zones was a key factor in the selection of coal plants over nuclear plants.

+ In 1845 the first deep coal mine was made in the village, it was the first coal mine to be opened in the Rhondda Fach valley.

+ Watson also examined coal ball samples.

More in-sentence examples of “coal”:

+ The “Devonian” was named after the English county of Devon, and the name “Carboniferous” was simply an adaptation of “the Coal Measures” the old British geologists’ term for the same set of strata.

+ It was a centre for coal mining and glassmaking.

+ So even though each steam engine used less coal, the demand for coal increased, as there were more steam engines.

+ Jharia has the largest coal reserves in India with an estimated 19.4 billion tonnes of coking coal.

+ Upon its incorporation a year later, it was formally named for John Baylis Earle, a lawyer who was central to developing the coal industry in the region.

+ The plant will increase coal mining, and cause more pollution.

+ In addition to air pollution, burning coal produces toxic coal ash, which can cause water pollution if it is accidentally released into the environment.

+ They were typical plants of the coal forests or coal swamps which lasted from the Pennsylvanian to the end of the Permian.

+ This contributed to the amount of coal found.

+ The Kennet and Avon Canal has been a very important part of the town’s growth because it allowed coal to be moved from the Somerset Coalfield.

+ It was developed significantly during the Soviet Union period due to Burshtyn Coal Power Station.

+ Flooding in coal minecoal and tin mines was a large problem.

+ Eventually layers of coal alternate with layers of sandy deposit.

+ Science student, Cary Easterday, found a giant 300 million year old fossil cockroach long, in a coal mine in Ohio.

+ In the United States, people got less of their electricity from coal power but kept using gas and renewable power like wind and solar power.

+ The book also explains that nuclear power and clean coal are not clean technologies.

+ Sasol employs coal and natural gas in the F-T Process.

+ The foil or screen separates the coal and the tobacco, which minimizes inhalation of coal ash with the smoke and reduces the temperature the tobacco is exposed to, in order to prevent burning the tobacco directly.

+ The three rooms of their flat and the winch which helped to wind up food, water and coal up to the flat are to be still seen there.

+ Like other synthetic fuels, hydrogen can be created from natural fuels such as coal or natural gas, or from electricity, and therefore represents a valuable addition to the power grid; in the same role as natural gas.

+ All the men who joined the Tunnelling Companies were experienced miners; they came from the coal mines in Northumberland, from the sewers in Manchester and the tubes in London.

+ Settlements had spread out from Sydney, firstly to Norfolk Island and to Van Diemen’s Land, and also up the coast to Newcastle, where coal was discovered, and inland where the missing cattle were found to have grown to a large herd.

+ During most of the rest of Carboniferous times, the coal forests were restricted to North America and central Europe.

+ She suffered from strong opposition during a coal miner’s strike in 1984 and 1985.

+ Between 1911 and 1913, he worked for his uncle in the office of the Branch coal miningmines in West Virginia.

+ Higher grades of coal burn more cleanly than lower grades, although they still pollute more than other fuels.

+ The "Devonian" was named after the English county of Devon, and the name "Carboniferous" was simply an adaptation of "the Coal Measures" the old British geologists' term for the same set of strata.

+ It was a centre for coal mining and glassmaking.

+ The town is known for methane production from the coal bed methane extraction method that is used in the Powder River Basin.

+ This idea started when the European Coal and Steel Community was set up by the Treaty of Paris in 1951.

+ The gas collected from coal gasification often has a CO/H ratio of ~0.7 instead of the optimal ratio of ~2.

+ Wind farms do not emit greenhouse gases in the generation of electricity, and so wind power is considered a highly desirable form of renewable energy which assists in the reduction of the State’s reliance on coal and gas fired electricity generation.Mount Millar Wind Farm.

+ Gold for the wheat, red for the Prairie Lily which is the provincial flower, green for the forests, white for the snow, brown for the fresh cut fields, yellow for the canola and sunflowers, and black for the coal and oil.

+ Other firms like the UK’s coal mines also struck at this time.

+ Zinke “frequently votes against environmentalists on issues ranging from coal extraction to oil and gas drilling” and received a 3 percent rating from the League of Conservation Voters.

+ By the time he died in 1929, Kennedy held an interest in a coal company and a substantial amount ofstock in a bank, the Columbia Trust Company.

+ Only poor quality coal was used in salt panning; the best coal was sold and shipped out of the town.

+ In 1890, Mitsubishi bought the inhabited island to mine coal from undersea tunnels.

+ He stayed with families in different towns and also went to workplaces like coal mines.

+ Compared to other non-renewable sources of energy, coal is inefficient and produces high amounts of greenhouse gases.

+ The fossil was found in an open-cast coal Miningmine in Colombia, in 2009.

+ The history goes back to 1919 where the club was originally founded by coal miners as FSV Glückauf Brieske-Senftenberg.

+ The efficiency of various heat engines proposed or used today ranges from 3 percent for the Ocean thermal energy conversionOTEC ocean power proposal through 25 percent for most automotive engines, to 45 percent for a supercritical coal plant, to about 60 percent for a steam-cooled combined cycle gas turbine.

+ It is known for its harness racing track, its now closed coal mine in Lohberg, and its wealthy neighborhoods “Hiesfeld” and “Eppinghoven”.

+ Arch Coal shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol ACI.

+ The Port of Gladstone cut back its coal exports because the coal piles at the port were too wet and further coal deliveries could not be made by rail.

+ On 19 September, Stakhanov was reported to have set a new record by mining 227 tonnes of coal in a single shift.

+ The dramatic coastal exposure of the Coal Age rocks, known as the Joggins Fossil Cliffs, are continually hewn and freshly exposed by the actions of the tides in the Cumberland Basin.

+ In the mid 20th century coal and steel industries came to an end.

+ Underground coal mining is especially dangerous because coal can give off poisonous and explosive gases.

+ One of his grandfathers made a lot of money from coal and timber.

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