Make sentence of “breathe”

How to use in-sentence of “breathe”:

– Soon after, the froglets begin to breathe air and lose their tails.

– The pallet was later shrink wrapped but McNair managed to use a tube that he could breathe through.

– Snails do not breathe through their mouths, instead they have a breathing hole under their shells.

– This causes them to breathe through their mouths.

– Alpha radiation can be very harmful if the source is inside the body, such as when people breathe dust or gas containing materials which decay by emitting alpha particles.

Make sentence of breathe
Make sentence of breathe

Example sentences of “breathe”:

– If there is too much carbon dioxide, the medulla tells the body to breathe faster.

– Epinephrine makes the bronchi get wider so air can get into the lungs and the person can breathe again.

– They have lungs because their bodies adapted to their environment because of frequent droughts; so they need lungs to breathe during the droughts.

– CPR is a common technique used to help someone breathe in an emergency.

– Like lions, they have fur, breathe air, give birth to live young, and feed milk to their young.

– The person may become unable to breathe and die.

– Scuba divers breathe through an oxygen tank, which allows them to breathe underwater for long periods at a time.

- If there is too much carbon dioxide, the medulla tells the body to breathe faster.

- Epinephrine makes the bronchi get wider so air can get into the lungs and the person can breathe again.

– Groups of neurons in the medulla tell the breathing muscles when to breathe in, when to breathe faster, and when to breathe slower.

– They have fourteen legs and breathe through gills.

– In military aircraft the crew may breathe oxygen before the flight for a few hours so most of the nitrogen that is dissolved in their bodies can escape.

– Alfie continued to breathe naturally after the removal of his breathing tube.

– In Marvel Comics, Atlantis is at the bottom of the ocean and exists in modern times, with people who breathe water.

More in-sentence examples of “breathe”:

– Sometimes people breathe in the vapors by mistake.

– Fish do not breathe through their noses, but they do have two small holes used for smelling which may be called nostrils.

– This lets them to breathe where there is little oxygen in the water.

– People can breathe in helium: it makes their voices sound higher than it normally does.

– Since the Mariner can breathe underwater, he “breathes” for both of them using a kiss.

– Pill bugs do not breathe through lungs; they have gills.

– Adults breathe about 18 times a minute, which is more than 25,000 times a day.

– Jogging is a kind of aerobic exercise which helps people breathe better.

– Once the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood is normal again, the medulla tells the body to breathe slower again.

– That is breathing in one molecule of Oxygen for every two molecules of carbon each time they breathe out.

– Because the sympathetic nervous system has the opposite effects, it will make the person breathe faster and raise their heart rate.

– Pipe smokers do not usually breathe in the smoke.

– Studies have found that bar-headed geese breathe more deeply and efficiently under low oxygen conditions, which serves to increase oxygen uptake from the environment.

– A dolphin’s nose is on top of its head so the dolphin can easily breathe on the surface of the water.

– They may need medication, extra oxygen given through a mask, or even emergency medical treatment to help them breathe normally.

– The lungfish evolved the first proto-lungs and proto-limbs; they learned in the middle Devonian to walk on land and find new water if their waterhole was depleted, and their lungs to breathe air and get sufficient oxygen.

– This gives the body the oxygen it needs until the medication wears off, the breathing muscles can work again, and they can breathe in oxygen on their own.

– This helps the person breathe out the extra carbon dioxide.

– When pugs get excited, they begin to “reverse sneeze”, in which they will breathe in short, quick breaths.

– For example, they can give fluids through a needle placed into a vein if a person is very dehydrated; help the person breathe if needed; and give medications to prevent them from getting any other infections.

– The nostrils were located at the top, allowing the creature to breathe with only the upper side of its head breaking the surface.

– Most people who are exposed to blood agents breathe in or swallow the chemical.

– Myriapods breathe through spiracles that connect to a tracheal system similar to that of insects.

– The young need to breathe more often than the adults, and the food may be in deeper waters.

– It can be helped by massaging the dog’s throat or covering its nose to make it breathe instead with its mouth.

– As the air is forced into the lungs, the patient would later breathe out through a “patient circuit” with a one-way valve.

– Another important tool is a snorkel which helps free-divers breathe when swimming close to the surface of the water.

– This is a joke, but is dangerous as if they breathe in too much, hypoxia can injure or kill them as they are not breathing normal air.

– It also leaves fewer places for spiders and insects to live and removes dust so that people in the house can breathe more easily.

– The oxygen-filled blood goes back to the heart and the carbon dioxide in the alveoli is pushed out of the lungs and into the air we breathe out.

– Inuit would use their dogs to find the air holes, then wait patiently until the seal came back to breathe and kill it with a harpoon.

– Spacesuits also provide a supply of fresh air for the astronauts to breathe and create a normal atmospheric pressure.

– Gills are what fish, amphibians, and some other animals use to breathe in water.

– In Winter they move back to the icy waters, where they breathe from small holes in the ice.

– Most sea snakes are able to breathe through their skin.

– While the infant is feeding, his or her nostrils may flare to breathe in air.

– A brain-dead person cannot breathe on their own.

– When a person is resting, the about 30% to 40% of their ability to breathe comes from the intercostal muscles.

– In earlier times, some of the paints were very poisonous and the artist had to be careful not to breathe in the powdered paint.

– This makes it hard for enough air to pass through and for the person to breathe normally.

– However, if a person has to use accessory muscles to breathe while they are resting, this is a sign that they are not getting the oxygen their body needs.

– Land snails and slugs breathe with a kind of lung.

– The doctors gave the patients interferon beta by letting them breathe in a spray.

– The airways are already to narrow to breathe properly because of the tissue swelling caused by inflammation and the constriction caused by the bronchospasms, so the extra mucous blocks the airway even more.

– They can also breathe in air.

- Sometimes people breathe in the vapors by mistake.

- Fish do not breathe through their noses, but they do have two small holes used for smelling which may be called nostrils.
- This lets them to breathe where there is little oxygen in the water.

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