Make sentence of “betrayal”

How to use in-sentence of “betrayal”:

+ When Eustace changes his behavior after being changed back from a dragon, Edmund mentions his own betrayal and says that Eustace was not worse than he was with the words “You are an ass, but I was a traitor”.

+ After defeating almost all of the Republic territories, Revan was captured by the Jedi due to the betrayal of his apprentice Darth Malak.

+ After the Munich betrayal in spring 1939 he was in underground organization named National Defence.

+ As Dante chases after Vergil, he meets a large demon named Beowulf, who wants to get revenge on Sparda’s betrayal of demons by killing his children.

+ When news of Zhao’s death and Iroh’s betrayal reaches him, Ozai appoints his daughter Azula to capture both her uncle and older brother while hindering the Avatar in any way before Sozin’s Comet makes its return within three years time.

+ In psychology, they say betrayal is the breaking of a social related things.

+ It is about betrayal and revenge.

+ The Irish republicanismRepublican opposition saw it as a betrayal of the Irish Republic.

Make sentence of betrayal
Make sentence of betrayal

Example sentences of “betrayal”:

+ The demonization of Arnold began immediately after his betrayal became public.

+ The betrayal of James and Lily Potter, the murder of Peter Pettigrew and 12 muggles with an unknown curse.

+ The single focuses about betrayal of the protagonist by a person he thought was there to stay.

+ His themes are the beauty of nature, the tragicomic life of the common man, the situation of the individual in mass society, and the dream and betrayal of democracy.

+ After the betrayal of Judas, the disciples of Jesus needed to choose a new apostle.

+ Instead of focusing on anger, betrayal or other negative emotions, as they had been known for in the past, many of the songs focus on family, friends, and emotions.

+ This Pact was agreed without Griffith’s knowledge and he opposed it as a potential betrayal of the Treaty.

+ Here the player must control Arbiter and his followers as they attempt to escape the betrayal and ambush.

+ Abolitionists in the North saw this as a betrayal and giving in to slavery interests.

+ An example of betrayal trauma is childhood Human bodyphysical or childhood problems.

+ The demonization of Arnold began immediately after his betrayal became public.

+ The betrayal of James and Lily Potter, the murder of Peter Pettigrew and 12 muggles with an unknown curse.

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