Make sentence of “amid”

How to use in-sentence of “amid”:

+ On June 1, 2020, amid the George Floyd protests in Washington, D.C., law enforcement officers used tear gas and other riot control tactics to forcefully clear peaceful protesters from Lafayette Square.

+ On 21 December 2015 it was announced that Blatter would be banned for a period of eight years amid the corruption case.

+ The incident has been compared to the Attempted assassination of Ronald Reagannon-fatal shooting of Ronald Reagan in 1981, which saw similar concerns over continuity of government amid incapacitation of the president.

+ The money is bet on a horse race, and upon hearing this, the Pastor gives the shortest sermon in history and begins a pursuit of the money and the organized crime syndicate, amid the hijinx of assorted feminine members of the congregation in a pursuit of the “money trail”.

+ His counter to the doctrine of original sin, born amid the optimistic atmosphere of Renaissance humanism, was taken up by another author who lived at the same time, the essayist Richard Steele, who attributed the corruption of contemporary manners to false education.

+ He resigned amid allegations of receipt of payments to throw a game against Pontevedra CF, which would assure the opposition’s maintenance in the category.

+ Under cover of darkness and amid the clamor of the rail yard, Barnum was said to have had an animal keeper fire a single shot from a powerful pistol into Jumbo’s eye.

+ President of EcuadorPresident Moreno declared a state of emergency on October 4, 2019, amid nationwide protests against a hike in fuel prices.

Make sentence of amid
Make sentence of amid

Example sentences of “amid”:

+ On 17 March 2020, Matuidi tested positive for Coronavirus disease 2019COVID-19, amid its pandemic in Italy.

+ The move towards readmittance came amid considerable opposition from senior party members, including Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown, Deputy Prime Minister Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott, and former party leader Neil Kinnock.

+ Tamil nationalists in both Sri Lanka and the Indian state of Tamil Nadu attempted to create an independent state amid the increasing political and physical violence against ordinary Tamils by the Sri Lankan government since the pogroms of 1983, known as Black July.

+ Aaliyah starred opposite martial artist Jet Li, playing a couple who fall in love amid their warring families.

+ In 1983, Hassan cancelled planned elections amid political unrest and economic crisis.

+ At the end of the year, Cato stepped down from his quaestorship amid popular acclaim, but he never ceased to keep an eye on the treasury, always looking for irregularities.

+ On 29 October 2019, amid the 2019 Lebanese protests, Hariri announced his resignation, and that of his cabinet.

+ He was imprisoned by French authorities on Guadeloupe amid accusations of spying for the British, and narrowly eluded hanging by escaping to the blockading British fleet after bribing his guards.

+ The coup took place amid troubles in the ruling ZANU–PF party between former Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who was backed by the army, and First Lady of ZimbabweFirst Lady G40 section, over who would replace the elderly President Mugabe.

+ Dewar’s funeral service was held at Glasgow Cathedral, amid scenes of mourning unknown for a politician in Scotland’s largest city.

+ Its campus comprises 1,300 acres amid a natural preserve on Jacksonville’s Southside.

+ In December 2010, some 10,000 people turned out to oppose the Jaitapur Nuclear Power Project in western Maharashtra state in India, amid a heavy police presence.

+ An extradition request from Germany also collapsed amid political maneuvering.

+ This was, amid the horrors of World War I, a protest at the meaninglessness of civilised life.

+ On 12 March 2020, it was announced that Arteta had tested positive for COVID-19 amid its pandemic in the UK.

+ I explained precisely my valid concerns, linked to the valid location for the accounts in question, and had them removed amid accusations of vandalism.

+ The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was the YugoslaviaYugoslav state that existed from the second half of World War II amid the Yugoslav wars.

+ On 19 March 2020, amid the large-scale outbreak of COVID-19, it was officially announced that Albert II had tested positive.

+ In 2018, findings from the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry have indicated a negative culture within the Bank, amid allegations of fraud, deception, and money laundering, among various other crimes.

+ On 13 March 2020 it was announced by Chelsea that he had tested positive for COVID-19 amid the pandemic in the UK.

+ On 17 March 2020, Matuidi tested positive for Coronavirus disease 2019COVID-19, amid its pandemic in Italy.

+ The move towards readmittance came amid considerable opposition from senior party members, including Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown, Deputy Prime Minister Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott, and former party leader Neil Kinnock.

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