“make peace” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “make peace”:

– Briand was criticised for trying to make peace with Germany.

– The purpose of the law was to make peace after the French Wars of Religion.

– United States President Theodore Roosevelt helped Russia and Japan make peace after the war.

– As the Boers lost battle after battle they were eventually forced to make peace on the 23rd of March, 1902, and surrender to British authority.

– That made Burgundy stop being England’s ally and make peace with France.

make peace in sentences?
make peace in sentences?

Example sentences of “make peace”:

- Richard wanted to make peace with the English king.

- In 1809, the Finnish War began between Russia and Sweden when Sweden and Portugal did make peace with France.

– Richard wanted to make peace with the English king.

– In 1809, the Finnish War began between Russia and Sweden when Sweden and Portugal did make peace with France.

– To make peace it was decided that each side should have its own assembly in 1623.

– Forgiveness in Hinduism does not require that a person make peace with their offender and it does not rule out reconciliation in some situations.

– However, once people within the state itself started fighting, the kings had to make peace and start parliaments.

– In order to make peace between Soviet Union and US, they decided they would dock an Apollo spacecraft to a Soyuz spacecraft in space.

– During the American Revolutionary War, Adams helped make peace with Great Britain.

– White tried to talk to the Croatans and make peace with them.

– In 1833 he stopped at Pitcairn Island, where he attempted to make peace in the leadership dispute between Joshua Hill Joshua Hill and George Hunn Nobbs.

– To make peace after World War II, Finland had to give most of Karelia to the Soviet Union.

– The building was burned several times during the years of fighting, until 1998 when the president of Sri Lanka tried to make peace between the Sinhalese and Tamil sides.

– This award was named after a 1963 encyclical letter by Pope John XXIII that calls on all people of good will to make peace among all countries.

– But when the Jovians eventually discover that the robots are too powerful to be destroyed, they decide instead to make peace with humans.

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