“make one” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “make one”:

– Alfred Nobel used it to make one of the most famous explosives in the world during 1867, named dynamite.

– One thousand kilobytes make one megabyte.

– Beam bridges can be connected to make one longer bridge.

– Individual differences are the behaviors and ways of thinking that make one person different from another.

– After six players were voted off, the tribes were combined, or merged, to make one tribe, Rattana.

make one how to use?
make one how to use?

Example sentences of “make one”:

– Then he tried to make one for every idea, but gave up.

– Each of 5566’s members has had some success before joining to make one band.

– It is not possible to make one map only, which would have no edges.

– They also stated that T-ara would make one more album as a six member group.

– Most video cards also can make one computer use more than one computer monitor at one time.

– He used his skills to make one of the first pottery factories, Ivy Works, in Burslem, now part of Stoke-on-Trent.

– The Murrumbidgee River was in flood so they had to make one of the carts into a kind of boat to get across.

– Federal Rules of Civil Procedure regarding Amended and Supplemental Pleadings was amended to allow three changes in the time previously allowed to make one change.

– If you think there is a need for a WikiKids in English, go make one at Vikidia.

– Classical physics uses the methods of the French mathematician Fourier to make a math picture of the physical world, and it uses collections of smooth curves that go together to make one smooth curve that gives, in this case, intensities for light of all frequencies from some light.

- Then he tried to make one for every idea, but gave up.

- Each of 5566's members has had some success before joining to make one band.

– The second is the basis for time measurement, and it is based on the sexagesimal system: 60 seconds make one minute, and 60 minutes make one hour.

– The book was very popular and the company decided to make one updated edition each year.

– If there were three pieces of bread, it would be possible to make one cut along a plane to divide each of bread into two equal pieces.

– However, I need you to make one edit.

– Many trees in temperate zones make one growth ring each year, with the newest adjacent to the bark.

– Each of these servers are able to talk with each other to make one gigantic web of social networks.

– For both, the process would be this: user wanting an account sends an email asking for an account and noting the issue they face, an admin looks and verifies that they are indeed unable to make one themselves, if so they create an account with a random password and the requesting user’s email address, then the admin would send the information to the user and request the user then login and change the password on the new account.

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