“maize” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “maize”:

+ She developed theories to explain the control of genetic information from one generation of maize plants to the next.

+ For example, a maize geneticist described how chromosomal knobs led to female meiotic drive in maize.

+ In Europe and the rest of North America, maize is grown mostly for use as animal feed.

+ In the summer of 1944 at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, McClintock began systematic studies on the inheritance of colour patterns of maize seeds.

+ The main products made are coffee, maize and beans.

+ They also eat crops such as Appleapples, and will take maize and sorghum.

+ Other groups in North America aslo started growing maize as well.

maize - example sentences
maize – example sentences

Example sentences of “maize”:

+ Tortillas are made from a special flour of maize called “masa”.

+ The agriculture includes farming like cultivation of paddy, wheat, millets, maize etc.

+ In summer 1951, when she reported on her work on gene mutability in maize at the annual symposium at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

+ The chief crops were Millets, Cotton, Maize and Opium.

+ One beetle that hurts crops is the Colorado beetle; another is the Maize weevil.

+ Some people used maize leaves.

+ About 40% of the world’s maize grows in the United States, mostly on land that formerly grew grass.

+ Later, she made an extensive study of the cytogenetics of maize races from South America.

+ As maize is native to North America, the various kinds of cornbreads are more prevalent there.

+ Tortillas are made from a special flour of maize called "masa".

+ The agriculture includes farming like cultivation of paddy, wheat, millets, maize etc.
+ In summer 1951, when she reported on her work on gene mutability in maize at the annual symposium at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

+ Potato, rice, wheat, and maize are major sources of starch in the human diet.

+ In the Red River Valley, there is more rain, and maize and sugar beets are grown as well.

+ It has a higher protein content than other major cereals such as maize or rice.

+ The maize weevil is a species of beetle in the family Curculionidae.

+ She is the mother of Centeotl and Yum-Kax, the Maya peopleMaya maize god.

+ Research has shown that artificial selection developed maize from a Mexican plant called Teosinte.

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