“maintain” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “maintain”:

– In finance and accounting, capital generally refers to financial wealth, especially that used to start or maintain a business.

– Most of the functions of municipal government for several villages are consolidated and administered centrally from a larger or more central village among the group, while the individual villages still maintain a limited degree of local autonomy.

– It isn’t a mistery anymore, we need more editors to maintain the project.

– Fairly complex circuitry is needed to convert from one ordering to the other and maintain a logical ordering of the output; the processor itself appears to be running the instructions in random order.

– From this it is clear that one important function of sleep is to maintain normal brain activity during awake time.

– Reactions catalysiscatalyzed by enzymes allow organisms to grow, reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to their environments.

– But President Yanukovych wanted to maintain close relationships with Russia.

maintain how to use in sentences
maintain how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “maintain”:

- Many celebrities maintain homes in the city, especially in the South beach area.

- Taxobox works fine without this system, so is there enough of an advantage to warrant this new system considering the lack of infrastructure and editor support to maintain its hundreds of templates? The documentation page seems to indicate that one of the main purposes of this system is that it updates hundreds of thousands of taxobox transclusions automatically...

– Many celebrities maintain homes in the city, especially in the South beach area.

– Taxobox works fine without this system, so is there enough of an advantage to warrant this new system considering the lack of infrastructure and editor support to maintain its hundreds of templates? The documentation page seems to indicate that one of the main purposes of this system is that it updates hundreds of thousands of taxobox transclusions automatically…

– In fact, they usually maintain a certain political distance from the party leadership, because under the rules of collegiality, they will often have to publicly promote a Council decision which does not match the political conviction of their party.

– One can maintain this argument in that Jesus himself maintained the Sabbath, although not within the restrictions that were mandated by Jewish traditions; the Pharisees often tried Jesus by asking him if certain tasks were acceptable according to the Law.

– Serbia continues to maintain its sovereignty claim over Kosovo.

– Take care to maintain the integrity of chains, so that when release “A” points to “B” as the next release, “B” points back to “A” as the previous release.

– The purpose of the agency was to encourage development and to maintain control over the development of atomic sciences and technology during peacetime.

– Knowing that Françoise Madeleine was so young and timid, it allowed Christine the opportunity to maintain her power over Savoy and her son.

– A Google representative stated, “It’s in keeping with our vision of a unified Google search experience to make popular, useful features part of the default experience, rather than maintain different versions of Google.

– The vitreous humur is a clear, thick, gel-like fluid, that fills the inside of the eyeball and helps it to maintain its shape.

– Most, if not all UK police services still maintain a Special Branch.

– The system also allowed the British to maintain their army at the expense of local rulers.

– Italians maintain that Sicilian is simply a subset dialect of Italian, while Sicilians see their spoken word as a true and separate language.

More in-sentence examples of “maintain”:

– To maintain a connection with his fan base, he would use question cards that he had audiences fill out for his performances to build a database, which was tailor-made for the burgeoning World Wide Web.

– Many go on to start their own recording studios, or maintain a private studio or mobile recording service.

– The project SOAR stands for Stability, Opportunity, Achievement, and Recovery, and helps clients maintain a healthy lifestyle and provide support in moving to permanent housing.

– Pielke who published Landsea’s letter writes: “How anyone can deny that political factors were everpresent in the negotiations isn’t paying attention”, but says that “Despite the pressures, on tropical cyclones they figured out a way to maintain consistency with the actual balance of opinion but the human contribution itself has not been quantitatively assessed, yet the experts, using their judgment, expect it to be there.

– On that date, GRI transferred the database back to Columbia University, which continues to maintain it.

– Although now separate from Rome, the English Church, at this point in history, continued to maintain the Roman Catholic theology on many things, such as the sacraments.

– They have clinched the Gold award and hopes to maintain it in 2006.

– This deal is often done using solar technology, where the electricity provider will install, operate, and maintain solar panels on the land owner’s roof.

– The schools, which were faithful to tangsudo had to choose the strategy of the emigration, by installing them outside of Korea, in America, Europe, Southern Africa, etc., to maintain live and unaltered the message of the ancient, wise men of Orient.

– To him, this was necessary to maintain a position of outward strength so that France and Great Britain would consider Spain as an ally without supposing Spain’s renunciation of its claim to Gibraltar.

– She tried to maintain their friendship, but by March 1995, it began to get worse.

– The Small Business Administration wants “to maintain and strengthen the nation’s economy by enabling the establishment and viability of small businesses and by assisting in the economic recovery of communities after disasters”.

– The minorities speak Spanish and maintain their ancestral languages as well.

– Because they control a system, thermostats are examples of feedback devices which maintain a steady local environment against temperature changes outside the outside world.

– Although he was stunned by the offer, Pizarro had no intention of releasing the Inca because he needed the ruler’s influence over the native people to maintain order in the surrounding country.

– Max Vasmer maintain that the Yiddish word is derived from the Turkic ‘, meaning ‘raincoat’.

– They undergo metabolism, maintain homeostasis, possess a capacity to grow, respond to stimuli and reproduce.

– In dog fighting breeds, “gameness” is valued as it gives the dog the ability to maintain the attack in Bait baiting, despite ripped dehydration, exhaustion or broken bones.

– In addition they would swear to maintain the peace within the city proper.

– Mark left the band in 1985 and was replaced by Bruce Kulick, who would maintain the lead guitar until 1997.

– He traveled abroad helping to maintain the Nueva_Canción#ChileNueva Canción tradition in Chilean expatriate communities in Europe, North America, and Australia.

– This is known as signature-based detection, and it is only effective when a malware file has been previously identified and shared with the community of malware researchers who maintain the malware database.

– Some maintain a silent protest against the event.

– He argued that the cost of labor power is determined by the cost of the goods and services nececssary to maintain and reproduce workers.

– If the page gets moved, the taxon template that links to that article will need to be updated in order to maintain the proper bolding.

– Lee believed that ministers should be well paid in order to maintain a clean and honest government.

– A group home is different from a halfway house because it is not restricted to recovering addicts or convicted criminals, and also because the people who live there usually have to help maintain the household by doing chores or helping to manage a budget.

– And, finally, there are nouns that maintain their Latin or Greek form in the plural.

– Kadesh, however, soon reverted to Hittite control because the Egyptians did not or could not maintain a permanent military occupation of Kadesh and Amurru which were close to the Hittite homelands.

– After Seleucus I died, his heirs spent much of their time and money trying to maintain the enormous empire they had inherited.

– Following the December 2007 decision by landlords, the Vale of Glamorgan Council to terminate the £65,000 funding of the Barry Island Railway, the society maintain a service.

– These features are still being tested and developed by using a smart phone’s ability to maintain a very accurate GPS location.

– Some Mandaeans, who are motivated perhaps by an ecumenical spirit, maintain that Jesus was not a “lying Messiah” but a “book Messiah”.

– The best method for preventing food odor is to maintain a good foot hygiene.

– Its main functions are to maintain a cell’s shape, cell motility, chromosome movement in cell division, and organelle movement.

– In cybernetics, the thermostat is an example of a machine which uses feedback to maintain the stability of a heating system.

– Eta briefly gained a eye feature before bad conditions removed most of its convection, although the storm was able to maintain its intensity as it grew in size and approached South Florida.

– In the “ghotul”, the minors govern themselves and it is important to maintain social and traditional order in the group.

– The following can be done to maintain the template.

– Even though the album did not maintain the same popularity as “Smash”, “Ixnay on the Hombre” was well received by both critics and fans, selling more than 5.5 million copies worldwide, and being certified platinum by the RIAA.

– This has been a result of many Puerto Ricans moving to the United States and wanting to maintain a connection with their typical island traditions.

– The only remaining Caucasian Albanians are the Udi people, who maintain the Christian faith of their Roman influenced ancestors.

– Each ward is directed by its ward member, they work hand-in-hand with the Pradhan and oopa-Pradhan to maintain and promote the village’s welfare, development, socio-economic enrichment, cultural and safety arrangements.

– Always eager to help, fix, and maintain this pedia.

– That is mainly given Wikidata were estabilished in 2013, and it is no longer necessary to have dozens of bots that maintain interwiki links.

– In 1730 Commonwealth’s neighbours, namely Prussia, Austria and Russia, signed a secret agreement in order to maintain the “status quo”: specifically, to ensure that the Commonwealth laws would not change.

– Military forces may be deployed for various purposes such as to stop looting, maintain order, impose a curfew, and secure buildings of the government.

– Speaking of maintenance, the configuration file will be in the MediaWiki namespace, therefore, only admins can maintain it…

- To maintain a connection with his fan base, he would use question cards that he had audiences fill out for his performances to build a database, which was tailor-made for the burgeoning World Wide Web.

- Many go on to start their own recording studios, or maintain a private studio or mobile recording service.

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