“madrigal” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “madrigal”:

– The madrigal was the most important secular form of music of its time.

– The madrigal started in Italy and became very popular for a short while in England from the 1580s.

– Of course, other madrigal composers used such words, but Gesualdo’s music is really extreme.

– The style of Arcadelt’s music influenced the next generation of madrigal composers.

– Sometimes the lines would also be played by an instrument, but the madrigal is usually sung unaccompanied.

– The madrigal suddenly became extremely popular in England and remained so until after 1620 when it gradually became less important.

– Nowadays, madrigals are often sung by high school or college madrigal choirs often as an after-dinner entertainment.

– One very famous madrigal is called “Il bianco e dolce cigno”.

madrigal in-sentences
madrigal in-sentences

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