“lying” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “lying”:

– They bury themselves in sand or mud lying in wait for their prey, which includes fish, crustaceans, and many different types of mollusks.

– Starr filed the Starr Report, which accused President Clinton of lying in court about having an Monica Lewinsky scandalaffair with an intern at the White House.

– When they got to Sydney, the half naked convicts were lying without bedding, too ill to move.

– Malindi is a town lying on the Indian Ocean coast of Kenya.

– Thus whilst the other Saxon-Thuringian principalities were later incorporated into the German Democratic Republic after World War II, Coburg became part of West Germany As a result, the town spent the Cold War years lying right next to the Iron Curtain, surrounded by East German territory on three sides.

– Its natural habitats are Sub-tropicssubtropical or tropical wet low lying land bushes and few trees.

– Mtwapa is a small town lying on the Indian Ocean coast of Kenya.

– At the end of the video, Liam is filmed in a close-up profile shot lying down.

lying example in sentences
lying example in sentences

Example sentences of “lying”:

– Its antonym is “lathomenon”, meaning “something lying beneath the surface”.

– One of his sons sees Noah lying naked and laughs at his father.

– Everyone blames Boog, but he accuses Elliot of lying to him about leading him home.

– But Popper discovers that Jones is lying with help from the shouting penguin named Loudy.

– These two groups are separated by the 10° N parallel, the Andamans lying to the north of this latitude, and the Nicobars to the south.

– Central Europe is the region around the Alps and Carpathian Mountains lying between the areas of Eastern EuropeEastern and Western Europe.

– Philadelphia’s Mayor Michael Nutter asked residents in low lying areas to leave their home by 2 p.m October28.

– On their 1960 descent, the crew of the “Trieste” noted that the floor consisted of diatomaceous ooze and reported observing “some type of flatfish, resembling a sole, about 1 foot long and 6 inches across” lying on the seabed.

- Its antonym is "lathomenon", meaning "something lying beneath the surface".

- One of his sons sees Noah lying naked and laughs at his father.

– The Buddha taught people to meditationmeditate while sitting in the lotus position or when standing, sitting, walking, or lying down.

– At the beginning of the opera he is lying in pain.

– This version was more accurate than the BAR when firing automatically and while lying down, it was less accurate when fired from the shoulder.

– Certain types of behavior are also sometimes seen as evil such as killing or lying to be punished.

– The largest stone scree in Northern Europe, with huge boulders lying on the floor of the valley is here.

More in-sentence examples of “lying”:

– Mobile Bay is an inlet of the Gulf of Mexico, lying within the state of Alabama in the United States.

– The Buddha taught that killing, stealing, having sex in a harmful way, and lying are not signs of skill.

– Ole Andreson was lying on the bed with all his clothes on.

– In the third painting Tom is shown as a murderer, with the woman he killed lying on the ground, while in the fourth, titled “Reward of Cruelty”, the murderer is shown being dissected by surgeons after his execution.

– During questioning police may use trickery, lying or other forms of deception in order to get a confession from a suspect.

– After lying in state for thirty-four hours in the Capitol buildingCapitol Rotunda, a state funeral service was held at the Washington National Cathedral on June 11.

– An hour later, she was found lying dead in front of a gated stable entrance in Buck’s Row, Whitechapel, her throat cut and her abdomen ripped open.

– When the Ancient RomeRomans ate they were almost lying down, and the food was brought to them by slaves.

– Keetmanshoop is a city in the Karas Region of southern Namibia, lying on the Trans-Namib Railway from Windhoek to Upington in South Africa.

– The Secretary typically comes from a American Westwestern state; only one of the last 16 Secretaries is not identified with a state lying west of the Mississippi River.

– They, occupied a compact territory in the Kirana Bar, lying to the west of Gondal territory, although a smaller number are also in Jhelum and Gujrat districts.

– In 2012, he finished second in the Free rifle lying R6, Mixed gender SH1 event.

– An overhead kick is a move where a wrestler starts by either lying down or dropping down on the mat while the opponent standing near their head.

– This album was released on the first day of Kim’s sentencing, in which she went to jail for nearly a year for lying in a court case that had involved Kim a few year back.

– In mid summer over 200 can be seen, lying in the sun on the rocks or swimming in the sea.

– Dee Dee abused her daughter Gypsy by lying about her age, faking medical illnesses about Gypsy and physically tying her up.

– His coffin Lying in statelay in state on Parliament Hill from September 30 to October 1 and the following day at Montréal City Hall.

– Mandela’s body Lying in statelayed in state at the Union Buildings in Pretoria from 11 to 13 December 2013.

– However, Indu, Parth’s mother, starts criticizing Shorvori,for lying about her pregnancy to the family.

– He was Impeachment of Bill Clintonimpeached in 1998 for lying about his sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

– This historical region however, sees today, little but significant nationalistic conflict, for who, out of the coastal Balkan countries should control the western coastal lying areas of the Black Sea.

– Some of these remains were brought up and were lying at the harbour on public view at the end of 1995.

– One diver had photographed Tina, lying on the ocean floor, while taking a picture of another diver on holiday.

– The metal detector worked but it was confused between the bullet and a coiled bed-spring which he had been lying on.

– The parish is rural in character, the northeast being moorland and the southwest lower lying farmland.

– His hypotheses are that the fixed stars and the Sun remain unmoved, that the Earth revolves about the Sun on the circumference of a circle, the Sun lying in the middle of the floor, and that the sphere of the fixed stars, situated about the same center as the Sun, is so great that the circle in which he supposes the Earth to revolve bears such a proportion to the distance of the fixed stars as the center of the sphere bears to its surface.

– At rest, the proboscis is inside a long tube that may take up a considerable portion of the worm’s length, lying just above the gut.

– Sometimes she was seen lying horizontally between the ground and the sky.

– This was because bolt-action rifles could easily be fired when soldiers are lying on the ground, but lever-actions cannot do so easily.

– It is an active stratovolcano lying on the island of Fogo.

– Nonsense existed in William ShakespeareShakespeare’s work and was well known in the Brothers Grimm’s fairytales, some of which are called lying tales or “lügenmärchen”.

– A second sarcophagus, was found lying on its side, with its almost undamaged lid propped against the wall.

– He said that lying in his bed at the Comedy villa was like lying in a fishing boat on the lake.Orrery, John Boyle, 5th Earl of.

– Important superclusters of galaxies lying hidden or partly hidden by ZOA are The Great Attractor and the Norma Cluster.

– The 24 edges bound 6 squares lying in the 6 coordinate planes.

– He was sacked after allegedly lying about a sex scandal.

– All ends well, with Titania once again in love with Oberon this ends straight away as they both find out they are lying to each other.

– Although lying with serious pneumonia, the prison doctor refused him the necessary medication claiming he was not worthy of it.

– When the fight was broken up, a fan threw a drink at Artest while he was lying on the scorer’s table.

– In the Early Dynastic period Egyptians drew and carved her to look like a lioness lying down with three bent poles coming out of her back.

– It looks bad to have stale stuff lying around.

– The gluttons are punished here, lying in cold mud.

– As they left the building, just before killing policeman Ahmed Merabet who was lying on the pavement wounded and begging for mercy, the terrorists shouted: “We’ve avenged the prophet Muhammad”.

– Perjury means lying at a trial.

– Saint Augustine believed that some lies could be pardoned, and that there were in fact occasions when lying would be the right thing to do.

– Jesus saw a man lying on a mattress.

– It can be very difficult for a doctor to help them become better since they tend to lie to doctors because they are afraid, and their pathological lying can be convincing even though they view it similar to a child and often believe they should be rewarded for having taken the time to invent such a good lie.

– As I have said a few times already, I know it will be hard to believe me for alot of you, because Ben is my Friend, and I very well could be lying for all you know.

– This allows easier loading by a shooter lying on the ground, without affecting aim.

- Mobile Bay is an inlet of the Gulf of Mexico, lying within the state of Alabama in the United States.

- The Buddha taught that killing, stealing, having sex in a harmful way, and lying are not signs of skill.

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