“lower” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “lower”:

+ They are Pitjantjatjara, Yankunytjatjara, Luritja, and Lower Southern Arrernte people.

+ It appears in Kanto in “Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen” if the player started off with Bulbasaur, but, due to an error with roaming wild Pokémon in these games, will have lower stats than other Pokémon.

+ Melk is a city in the Austrian state of Lower Austria.

+ The medulla oblongata is the lower half of the brainstem.

+ It is the Capital capital of the federal state of Lower Saxony.

+ Notoceratops was named by Augusto Tapia in 1918 from a partial lower jaw found in Chubut, Argentina.

lower use in sentences
lower use in sentences

Example sentences of “lower”:

+ In rich countries in the 21st century, the average age at which children, especially girls, reach puberty is lower compared to the 19th century, when it was 15 for girls and 16 for boys.

+ The Early Dynastic Period of Egypt began when Lower EgyptLower and Upper Egypt were joined together as one country in about 3100BC.
+ It can be used both to raise and lower things or to move them left and right.

+ In rich countries in the 21st century, the average age at which children, especially girls, reach puberty is lower compared to the 19th century, when it was 15 for girls and 16 for boys.

+ The Early Dynastic Period of Egypt began when Lower EgyptLower and Upper Egypt were joined together as one country in about 3100BC.

+ It can be used both to raise and lower things or to move them left and right.

+ The hindlimb is also long because of an elongated lower leg.

+ Guetzloe helped found the Florida Taxpayers Union in 2004 as an affiliate of the National Taxpayers Union, a grassroots organization working for lower taxes, smaller government and accountability from public officials.

+ I’m working with a group of high school students in Lower Normandy.

+ The diagonal compressor has a lower diameter diffuser than the equivalent centrifugal compressor.

+ The lower part is simply known as Ventnor.

+ Pure oxygen is used but at a much lower pressure.

+ Those lower quality diamonds are called industrial diamonds, and are used to make things like drill bits and diamond saws.

+ However, in the lower levels, soon all the clubs are amateur.

+ Africa is rich in Triassic and Lower Jurassic dinosaurs.

+ According to the United States Federal Railroad Administration, they should go above 90mph but there is no single standard, and lower speeds can be required by local constraints.

+ In 1620, the French part, called Lower Navarre, became part of France.

+ They are shorter than normal pants; they end between the knee and lower leg.

+ Lrrr calls it the lower human horn and wants it removed.

+ The small letter, a or α, is used as a lower case vowel.

More in-sentence examples of “lower”:

+ However, it is possible to push the reaction in one direction if the product is at a significantly lower energy level.

+ The trees are so close together that very little light penetrates through to the lower layers.

+ When a lower court judgement is filed, the losing party must file a notice of appeal.

+ This is because the natural mutation rate of an allele is almost always much lower than 1%.

+ As the motor nerve fibres move down through the lower part of the brain, they cross over to the opposite side of the body.

+ The height of attachment of each cable on the tower is similar to the distance from the tower along the roadway to its lower attachment.

+ They helped raise awareness about climate change and how people can lower their environmental impact.

+ Quakenbrück is a small town in Lower Saxony.

+ The Cretaceous is traditionally divided into Lower Cretaceous, because of the different rocks.

+ As it crosses the Valle d’AostaAosta Valley, the Dora Baltea flows through the city of Aosta and near all the main cities of the lower Aosta Valley: Châtillon, Saint-Vincent, Verrès and Pont-Saint-Martin.

+ However, when an SI unit is spelled out in English, it should always begin with a lower case letter —except in a situation where any word in that position would be capitalized, such as at the beginning of a sentence or in material using title case.

+ Below, in the brine, the number of cells is much lower than in the halocline.

+ From 1964 to 1973, he was mayor of the city of Celle in Lower Saxony.

+ Others live in the lower half.

+ In that case it is more usual for the hybrids to have lower fitness.

+ The island belongs to the municipality of the Wittmund district of Wittmund, in Lower Saxony, Germany.

+ Borkum is an island and municipality of the state of Lower Saxony, Germany.

+ One is Lower Farm Primary School.

+ Like a regular blizzard, a ground blizzard can lower visibility and make driving hard to do.

+ The coasts are part of the Lower Saxony Wadden Sea National Park.

+ Monarchs can also have monarchs of lower honour below them.

+ The number of people who get migraines is highest between the ages of 25 to 55 years in both men and women, after which, the risk of getting migraines get lower as a person gets older.

+ From 1991 to 1995 he represented the citizens of the Canton of Zürich as member of the Evangelische Volkspartei political party in the “Nationalrat”, the lower Swiss parliament’s house.

+ As is the case with most lower level PPV’s made by WWE, the event was held only in arenas in the United States.

+ Berne is a municipality of the district Wesermarsch Wesermarsch in the state of Lower Saxony in Germany.

+ In mammals, the trachea begins at the lower part of the larynx and continues to the lungs, where it branches into the right and left bronchi.

+ Their temperature is held at a high level when they are active, and at a lower level when they are hibernating.

+ All species of requiem sharks have a head of normal shape, eyes with a nictitating membranes, caudal fins with the upper lobe being quite larger than the lower but not very long, 2 spineless dorsal fins, the first one usually much larger than the second in most of the Atlantic OceanAtlantic species, an anal fin, a caudal peduncle which doesn’t have lateral keels, and sharp, bladelike teeth with a single cusp.

+ Both groups started evolving in the Lower Paleocene, possibly from condylarth stock, diversified, dwindled before the great interchange, and went Extinctionextinct at the end of the Pleistocene.

+ Neptune’s dark spots are thought to happen in the troposphere at lower heights than the brighter upper cloud deck features.

+ At lower pH’s, hydrogen telluride, HTe, is made.

+ The vast majority of it is double-decked; the upper level intended for local traffic, and the lower level for through-traffic and trucks servicing buildings on the road.

+ Sociological research has demonstrated that countries with lower levels of functional illiteracy among their adult populations tend to be those with the highest levels of scientific literacy among the lower stratum of young people nearing the end of their formal academic studies.

+ The edit count may be lower as it does not include deleted edits.

+ The effect of mountain chains on winds is to carry warm air belonging to the lower region into an upper zone, where it expands and loses heat, and drops snow or rain.

+ It was followed by the Lower Cretaceous.

+ The density of carbon fiber is also much lower than the density of steel.

+ Coins are generally used for lower valued monetary units, and banknotes for higher values.

+ He was elected county legislator in Morris County, New JerseyMorris County, serving from 1995 to 1998, during which time he generally pushed for lower taxes and lower spending.

+ Reviews of this new album were mixed, but Stefanie said that all she wanted was to make quality music, instead of releases that sell well but have a lower level of artistic quality.

+ The other part of the county, lower down the river Wupper was called Niederbergisch or Lower Berg.

+ Various Central Asian countries and the lower Caucasus and Cyprus and Greece are sometimes also included.

+ The Chamber of Deputies is the lower house of the Argentine National Congress.

+ However, healthy eating and regular exercise can help to lower the chances of getting GDM.

+ Fatehpur Sikri has an average literacy rate of 46%, lower than the national average of 74%; male literacy is 57%, and female literacy is 34%.

+ It was built in 1990 to lower the amount of cars on the A6.

+ However, it is possible to push the reaction in one direction if the product is at a significantly lower energy level.

+ The trees are so close together that very little light penetrates through to the lower layers.
+ When a lower court judgement is filed, the losing party must file a notice of appeal.

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