“lot” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “lot”:

– A protest is when a lot of people come together to show others that they strongly like or are against an idea or event.

– So, this random distribution may still be too high for some applications that are rounding a lot of data.

– Communication for people who are experiencing presbycusis usually will become a lot more difficult.

– I spent a lot of time on this post and would hate to not have this information utilized in any partiuclar way.

– It can cause a lot of stress.

– Galvani and Volta talked a lot about this, but they never agreed.

lot - example sentences
lot – example sentences

Example sentences of “lot”:

– The instrument has a lot of decoration, with a carved animal or a carved woman’s head as part of the scroll at the top of the pegbox, mother of pearl in the tailpiece and fingerboard, and black ink decorations called ‘rosing’ on the body of the instrument.

– This made the plane much cheaper to design, as the Rolls-Royce RB207 which would have been used in the A300 made up a lot of the costs.

– The M249 was made because a lot of the squadrons of the U.S.

– They were most often built in places where a lot of snow covers the land for weeks or months at a time, such as the far north of Canada and Greenland.

– It was a time when there were a lot of changes in society.

– Since the release of “Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace”, Best was unhappy that not a lot of people liked Jar Jar and nearly committed suicide.

– Doing some digging, I see a lot of stuff from Fandom, and blurbs written by the artist on publisher’s pages.

– Even if it’s not a slam-dunk that would block a newbie, or light contributor, is this the kind of response we want to model to others from powerful members here? Shouldn’t they know better a whole lot better? I am trying to piece together a scenario in my mind, where one of the admins I know on en-wiki, through some unfortunate wording or misunderstanding might have left me wondering about their intentions in a case similar this, prompting me to query them on their en-wiki talk page in a similar fashion.

– There is a lot of pressure from the neighboring Muslim empires.

– This was so that his name did not look Jewish, because there was a lot of antisemitism in Europe.

- The instrument has a lot of decoration, with a carved animal or a carved woman's head as part of the scroll at the top of the pegbox, mother of pearl in the tailpiece and fingerboard, and black ink decorations called 'rosing' on the body of the instrument.

- This made the plane much cheaper to design, as the Rolls-Royce RB207 which would have been used in the A300 made up a lot of the costs.
- The M249 was made because a lot of the squadrons of the U.S.

– In 1997 the Oder River flooded, causing a lot of damage.

– He used complex numbers to study electrical circuits and did a lot of work on electromagnetic wave theory which made it necessary to find new ways of working with differential equations.

– In 1895 he toured through many countries in Europe giving concerts and composing a lot of piano music.

– The amount of power belonging to the emperor of Japan has changed a lot throughout Japanese history.

– In England quite a lot of young children who lived in the country, a long way from good schools, had a governess.

– Smetana also wrote a lot for piano.

– He was one of the greatest organists of his time and he had many pupils who learned a lot from him and became famous.

More in-sentence examples of “lot”:

– Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights in New Zealand have improved a lot in recent years.

– Super Cyclonic Storm Amphan was a very powerful tropical cyclone that caused a lot of damage in East India and Bangladesh in May 2020.

– He had learned a lot by trying to write these operas and he used some of the musical ideas in “Boris Godunov”.

– A lot of people compared it to stories by H.P.

– I think it meets our criteria and hope for a lot of input.

– After a lot of work and much expansion, I believe that this is ready for GA status.

– During his trips, he spent a lot of time on science experiments, and mapping new areas.

– His marriage was unhappy and, although they remained married all his life, they spent a lot of time separated.

– When a person rides a fixed-gear bicycle, he/she/they need not put a lot of energy into it as with a geared bike.

– He designed a lot of buildings in Paris.

– A lot of Escoffier’s ideas and ways of working were based on Antoine Carême’s.

– Alkynes are also used a lot in pericyclic reactions.

– The storm weakened a lot over Mexico and it died on August 26.

– Boys often have shorter hair than girls, although this can vary a lot according to quickly changing fashions.

– This was because Spain found a lot of silver in the newly explored North and South America.

– However, the movie faced a lot of scandals and delays during its production and was released straight-to-DVD instead on October 8, 2013 with a Christmas theme.

– It has a lot of ingredients: boar meat, vegetables, root vegetables, mushrooms, konyaku, fu, and tofu.

– This action has received a lot of attention worldwide, with many heads of state expressing their support for South Korea and condemnation of North Korea’s actions.

– She had also suffered a lot of pain from a fused spinal disc.

– Any lot of mixes of colours is allowed in this breed, but they are mostly brown and white, black and white, red and white or tri-coloured.

– The worst happened on December 23 when groups of fanatical Slavs destroyed the offices of the main Italian institutions in Spalato and hit many dozens of Italians on the streets, while destroying a lot of Italian-owned shops.

– Houay Xay, the capital city of the province, has a lot of eco nomic activity.

– Because the plates need a lot of area to store even a small amount of charge, the plates are usually rolled up into some other shape, such as a cylinder.

– It may sound a lot like wheezing.

– There are a lot of essential nutrients in bulgogi.

– For articles or sections which have a lot of material lacking sources, there are other, more appropriate templates, such as.

– Robinson and his abilities contributed a lot to the civil rights movement.

– Because he was a lot lighter than the other racers, he was much faster than all of them.

– He seemed to use a lot of time on go over his writing and reading a lot of hard person such as King Arthur.

– He also wrote a lot of church music including the “1610 Vespers”.

– Woodward’s discovery saved chemists from spending a lot of time using chemical methods to work out the structures of compounds.

– Since then, he has recovered largely but he lost a lot of weight going from 231 pounds or even less.

– Morgan did a lot of research on the Iroquois people, who lived in big groups and shared everything that they grew, hunted, and gathered.

– Sith have a lot of anger, fear, hate and aggression.

– He also found out a lot about the way electricity can be used with chemicals to make them change.

– Augustine was the where a lot of the slave trade in Spanish colonial Florida happened.

– In countries where abortion can be done legally, it is often done by specialists who know a lot about women’s bodies.

– In the 20th century, a lot of people moved into Cornwall from the south east part of England near London.

– The British did not understand the Aboriginal people’s way of living and there was a lot of fighting and many people died.

– Despite its many successes, Team Columbia does not seem to be able to afford as many top riders as they have, and due to their many victories, a lot of riders were targeted by other teams for the 2010 season.

– He has already fought a lot of vandals.

– DC power could be sent, but it would lose a lot of energy and you would have to put more work in it to send it great distances.

– There is a lot of vandalism on this article all of a sudden coming from various IPs.

– There are a lot of other programs which are competitors to Microsoft Office.

– A landslide victory is when one candidate or political party in an election receives a lot more votes or seats than their opponent.

– During the following years he composed a lot and performed with famous musicians such as Jacques Thibaud, Pau Casals and Camille Saint-Saëns.

– In the 2000s there were a lot of changes of job policy and ways of helping people in need.

– Steinitz wrote a lot about music.

– It is the “sous-prefecture” of the “arrondissement” and “canton” of the same name in the Lot department.

– The note got a lot of attention on Tumblr.

- Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights in New Zealand have improved a lot in recent years.

- Super Cyclonic Storm Amphan was a very powerful tropical cyclone that caused a lot of damage in East India and Bangladesh in May 2020.

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