“long before” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “long before”:

+ Some of the general concepts were featured elsewhere before being introduced in the games; double battles appeared in the Pokémon anime long before appearing in the games, and Pokémon abilities are similar to the Pokémon Powers introduced in the “Pokémon Trading Card Game”.

+ The Patriots found out long before that could happen, and they safely evacuated the place.

+ The LBK people lived over a period of 1000 years, long before the Bronze Age and farmed crops like wheat, lentils and peas.

+ However, many were made long before then.

+ The Gruiformes evolved early, long before the passerine songbirds which are the most common birds today.

+ The Lapps of these four countries lived there long before the countries of Northway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia were created.

+ Humans can make a little bit of quark-gluon plasma in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, but it doesn’t last long before cooling down.

long before use in-sentences
long before use in-sentences

Example sentences of “long before”:

+ Large-seeded legumes were part of the human diet long before the Neolithic agricultural revolution, as evident from archaeobotanical finds from the Mousterian layers of Kebara Cave, in Israel.

+ It seems certain that Egypt was unified culturally and economically long before its first king ruled from the city of Memphis.

+ The valley of the Moselle, which owes its wealth to the fact that it is close to the water and it has fertile land, was settled long before the Roman era.

+ Tropical Storm Chris was a tropical storm for not very long before wind shear destroyed it on August 19.

+ It is likely that people were living there long before that, but rising sea levels will have covered earlier sites.

+ Eskimo and Lapp people lived in the Arctic long before electric heaters, snow-mobiles, and modern houses.

+ The Mpongwé tribe lived in the area long before the French took control of the land in 1839.

+ The quilt is said to have evolved long before it.

+ The fruit, however, may have originated long before in Asia.

+ The cranial features on the bone seem to be intermediate between those found on “Homo erectus” and those of later species such as “Homo heidelbergensis” which dominated Europe long before “Homo neanderthalensis”.

+ The medical tradition dates back long before the university began.

+ In the case of linear programming, the word “programming” should be seen as “planning”; George Dantzig coined the term in the 1940s, long before computers were used to solve such problems.

+ One example of preadaptation is in dinosaurs, which evolved feathers with the function of thermo-insulation and display long before they were used for flight by early birds.

+ This was long before the theories of modern paleontologists like Robert Bakker.

+ Jack the Ripper is thought by many to be one of the first serial killers that many people knew about, even though his victims were killed long before the phrase was invented.

+ He was born long before Thutmose’s coronation.

+ Eriksson is said to have visited North America long before anyone else in Europe did.

+ His “Blues Brothers” act with Dan Aykroyd was famous, long before “The Blues Brothers” movie.

+ According to the Chinese historian Sima Qian, Qin Shi Huang ordered this army to be built long before he became the first Emperor of all China in 221 BC.

+ Leah could sign full sentences long before her ‘hearing’ peers could even speak, and because of that, her parents say she never threw a tantrum.

+ Large-seeded legumes were part of the human diet long before the Neolithic agricultural revolution, as evident from archaeobotanical finds from the Mousterian layers of Kebara Cave, in Israel.

+ It seems certain that Egypt was unified culturally and economically long before its first king ruled from the city of Memphis.
+ The valley of the Moselle, which owes its wealth to the fact that it is close to the water and it has fertile land, was settled long before the Roman era.

More in-sentence examples of “long before”:

+ Despite the infobox on the right, the earliest fungi were probably in existence long before the Devonian period.

+ Disneyland may have had problems when it opened, but it was not long before it became a success.

+ The slim, elegant Castles were trendsetters in many ways: they travelled with a black orchestra, had an openly lesbian manager, and were animal rights advocates long before it became a public issue.

+ It was not long before Spanish settlers turned to the hills, where they found rich volcanic soil and a better climate.

+ Sometime not long before the year 1160 he was inspired by some events.

+ The coat of arms of Estonia has existed long before they were official recognized after the War of Independence between 1918 and 1920, when the Republic of Estonia was internationally recognized.

+ Germany declared war on Russia, and began to carry out a plan created long before to fight a war in Europe.

+ It was spoken long before the Roman EmpireRomans brought Latin to the Iberian Peninsula.

+ Harry has not been back at school very long before it becomes clear that everybody inside the school is in danger.

+ He stopped spending money on new players, and sold the club not long before his death.

+ Though the US Forest Service fought wildfires long before World War II, the war made doing it even more important.

+ The other book was called “The Dark Frigate, Wherein is told the story of Philip Marsham who lived in the time of King Charles and was bred a sailor but came home to England after many hazards by sea and land and fought for the King at Newbury and lost a great inheritance and departed for Barbados by the same ship, by curious chance, in which he had long before adventured with the pirates.” That book won the Newbery Medal for 1924.

+ During his nearly 30 years service with the NZHRM, Dorus saved hundreds of people from drowning at sea, becoming legendary long before his retirement.

+ The split between Synapsids and Sauropsids took place long before therapsids evolved.

+ Manson was a convicted criminal long before the infamous murders.

+ Andhra or AP was ruled by him, long before the times of Ramayana and Mahabharata.

+ In the United States, the carved pumpkin was first associated with the harvest season in general, long before it became an emblem of Halloween.

+ It doesn’t take long before Angeline becomes pregnant and gives up on her dreams of becoming a nurse in order to marry Marcel.

+ Writing started long before the invention of paper.

+ According to the legend, he explored America long before Christopher Columbus.

+ However, Tropical Storm Ana formed on April 20, long before the official start of the season.

+ This does not last long before others in his neighborhood begin to see the area as a danger and the wildlife within it as a threat. Billy eventually runs away with one of the young foxes.

+ Wagner died long before the Nazis arose.

+ It would not be long before the idea was adopted worldwide.

+ Despite the infobox on the right, the earliest fungi were probably in existence long before the Devonian period.

+ Disneyland may have had problems when it opened, but it was not long before it became a success.
+ The slim, elegant Castles were trendsetters in many ways: they travelled with a black orchestra, had an openly lesbian manager, and were animal rights advocates long before it became a public issue.

+ She was a doctor and a surgeon long before it was permitted for women.

+ It was not long before Peña was touring the world, both as a soloist and an accompanist with performances at Carnegie Hall in New York City, the Royal Albert Hall in London and the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam.

+ However, many groups had already disappeared long before then.

+ It wasn’t long before clashes broke out between the two groups.

+ The effects of electrons were known long before it could be explained.

+ However, long before it reached Hawaii, it lost strength and dissipated on the evening of July 31.

+ Many, many couples in the western world today have had sexual intercourse long before the wedding, and the honeymoon has become a time of intimate relaxation before returning to work, debts, and other obligations.

+ Tiān has several meanings including “sky” “day” “Heaven” and “God.” The earliest versions of the character 天 is a picture of a man with a very large head, which suggests “head man” or “leader.” Since Chinese people believed that when any person dies he or she goes to Tiān, and that dead ancestors are more powerful than they were while still alive, it is possible that Tiān originally was the name of the earliest ancestor of the Zhōu ruling house from long before the fall of the previous dynasty, the Shàng.

+ The large number of resources, in particular, led to the creation of very complex hierarchical societies in British Columbia, long before the government of the Europeans.

+ He became a star in Mexico long before he wrestled in the United States.

+ In this season a Subtropical Storm One Subtropical Storm formed in the month of January, long before June 1.

+ He also moved its story into his fictional world Middle-earth, which he had already invented long before he wrote “The Hobbit”.

+ Sarah lived 42 more years and the Civil War freed their slaves long before she died.

+ Augustine says that it is of Apostolic origin, and he speaks of it in a way that shows that all Christians celebrated it long before his time.

+ After 2 years a thief had come and took not much, but after about two and a half years in hiding, not long before the end of the war, the thief was caught and, in exchange of not going to jail or death, he told the Nazis that a Jewish family – the Franks – were in hiding.

+ However instances of open division on doctrinal questions as well as daily matters had occurred long before the Great Schism of 1054.

+ This are also signs that there may have been holes dug for some sort of ritual purpose long before the dolmen was set up.

+ The characters refer to “Earth-that-was” and in the movie, it is said that long before the events in the series a large population had left from Earth to a new star system: “Earth that was could no longer sustain our numbers, we were so many.” The people settled in this new star system, with “dozens of planets and hundreds of moons.” Many of these were terraformed, a process in which a planet or moon is altered to resemble the Earth.

+ Because of the air, meteorites generally burn up long before they get to the earth.

+ Beninese literature had a strong oral tradition long before French became the main language.

+ It’s not long before the player realizes that a toy found buried in a park was made at one of Cruella de Vil’s toy factories; the fact that her toys are being buried rather than being played with is making mean Cruella very upset.

+ A good example is England, where relief for the poor was available in every parish in the land, long before there were any government social services.

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