“logical” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “logical”:

– This permits backing out the logical change, but few storage systems provide an atomic write semantic on a RAID disk.

– The bitwise NOT, or complement, is an operation that performs logical negation on each bit.

– The concept of moral equivalence is not a term of philosophy; rather, it is only a logical fallacy used in arguments.

– All that is visible of a SAN is a number of logical disks.

– The truth is that both hemispheres work together on both logical and creative thinking.Westen “et al” 2006 “Psychology”: Australian and New Zealand edition.

– Thus, the logical division to discuss the history and present-day state of railways in these areas is by geographical division, rather than the political division of nation states.

– That does not alter the fact that absolute truth is only to be found inside a well-defined logical system.

– This means that more than one physical disks are “RAID-ed” together to produce a single logical disk.

logical how to use in sentences
logical how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “logical”:

– There is no longer any logical reason to have article text cluttered with large blobs of footnotes that clog sentences.

– The names depend on what the logical formula looks like.

– In logic and mathematics, alternative is the element of logical disjunction.

– Samarkand is on the trade route between China and the Mediterranean, and so it is a logical place for a trader to store some of his precious goods.

– For this reason, an argument based on false premises can be much more difficult to refute, or even discuss, than one featuring a normal logical error, as the truth of its premises must be established to the satisfaction of all parties.

– VME/B was an advanced operating system and was logical and straightforward to use.

– They have logical problems such as the grandfather paradox.

– A sufficient condition for a statement is a logical precursor of the statement, in the sense that if the condition is true, then so will the statement.

– In our case they sometimes run against our attempt to live our lives in a logical way.

– This is different from true logical negation.

- There is no longer any logical reason to have article text cluttered with large blobs of footnotes that clog sentences.

- The names depend on what the logical formula looks like.

More in-sentence examples of “logical”:

- In programming languages such as C, semicolons are used to separate logical statements.

- Logical equality is a logical operation.

– In programming languages such as C, semicolons are used to separate logical statements.

Logical equality is a logical operation.

– The rules of logic let philosophers make valid logical deductions about the world.

– If it goes mostly through one of these ways/paths, a logical zero is produced, whereas if it goes through the other way/path, a logical one is produced.

– Not all paradoxes are true logical paradoxes, since they can also be common-sense-defying statements that appear true.

– In logic, a rule of inference, inference rule, or transformation rule is a logical form consisting of a function which takes premises, analyzes their syntax, and returns a conclusion.

– People who study math create proofs that use logical rules to show that mathematical theorems are correct.

– An actor may appeal to logos by presenting logical or well-rounded arguments, may cite important information, or may refer to historical analogies for explanations and proof.

– With RAID, several hard disks are made into one logical disk.

– If a single logical statement can be found, which is also logically sound, and which contradicts one of the statements in the theory, then the theory is proven wrong.

– Generally this is because, under normal RAID operational conditions, the computer is not permitted by the RAID subsystem to ‘see’ individual physical drives, but may access only logical volumes instead.

– This syllogism connects the first two statements to make a logical deduction: Socrates is mortal.

– A bitwise AND is an operation that takes two bit patterns and performs the logical AND operation on each pair of bits.

– Therefore, one can apply a chain of logical rules and algorithms to create animations without manually specify any key poses.

– He contends that sometimes the player with the initiative loses it with no logical explanation, and that, “Sometimes you must lose it, just like that.

– Therefore logical disks are used to partition the available capacity and provide the amount of storage needed by each host from a common pool of logical disks.

– For example, twisted pair Ethernet is a logical bus topology in a physical star topology layout.

– British cryptanalysts worked out its logical structure three years before they saw the machine.

– The use of electronic “gates” to work as a system of logical gates is the basic idea behind the computer —i.e.

– In logical positivism, a proposition whose truth value cannot possibly be decided is meaningless.

– A network’s logical topology is not necessarily the same as its physical topology.

– Much of the early work on computational intelligence and games was directed toward classic board games, such as tic-tac-toe, Go strategy is said to rely heavily on pattern recognition, and not just logical analysis as with chess and other more piece-independent games.

– An association fallacy is a logical fallacy that occurs when someone says that a quality of one thing must applies to another just because they share a similar quality or belief.

– Acceptance or rejection of some paradigm is, he argued, a social process as much as a logical process.

– The size of the resulting logical disk will be the size of all disks together, except for one disk which holds parity information.

– Illogical statements or mistakes in logic are called logical fallacies.

– That way one of the RAID levels above can be used with a set of logical disks.

– Precedents viewed against passing time can serve to establish trends, thus indicating the next logical step in evolving interpretations of the law.

– Another option to add storage is to create a new array, and to let a logical volume manager handle the situation.

– Having had lots of time to experience this help I’ve learned that Brian has both the technical knowledge of checkuser and sockpuppetry and the logical knowledge of when it should be performed.

– Its central location was the logical choice for state capital, and Concord was so named in 1808.

– With a logical volume manager it is possible to grow partitions, even beyond the size of one physical disk.

– The most logical route was beside the river, since that was the smoothest land.

– While IBM’s Token Ring is a logical ring topology, it is physically set up in a star topology.

– These symbols are used to describe logical reasoning in an abstract way.

– It also promotes prudence and logical reasoning.

– A physical USB device can have several logical sub-devices that are referred to as “device functions”.

– Some logical problems cannot be decided that way.

– As a logical connective, the converse of.

– Lewis says that logical contradictions are not a “thing”.

– These plot twists challenge reality, but they do not completely substitute a supernatural explanation for a logical one.

– A RAID array joins two or more hard disks so that they make a logical disk.

– Mathematical models can include logical models.

– The syllogism is made from three logical statements or propositions.

– He was followed by Diogenes of Sinope, who lived in a tub on the streets of Athens, took Cynicism to its logical extremes, and came to be seen as the archetypal Cynic philosopher.

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