“logarithm” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “logarithm”:

+ An example of a logarithm is.

+ This template calculates the order of magnitude of a number, using the natural logarithm of the absolute value of the number, divided by the log of 10.

+ Before calculators became popular and common, people used logarithm tables in books to multiply and divide.

+ Many logarithm tables give logarithms by separately providing the characteristic and common logarithmmantissa of “x”, that is to say, the integer part and the fractional part of log.

+ Adding the numbers from the table would give the logarithm of the product.

+ The logarithm to base “b” of a number “a”, is the same as the logarithm of “a” divided by the logarithm of “b”.

+ The slide rule works because it is marked such that the distance from 1 to “x” is proportional to the logarithm of “x”.alt=A slide rule: two rectangles with logarithmically ticked axes, arrangement to add the distance from 1 to 2 to the distance from 1 to 3, indicating the product 6.

logarithm use in sentences
logarithm use in sentences

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