“loads” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “loads”:

– Structural engineering is a subset of civil engineering dealing with the design and analysis of buildings and large non-building structures to withstand both the gravity and wind loads as well as natural disasters.

– Has made many reverts, nominations for quick deletions, commented in loads of RFDs, and taken part in countless discussions within the community.

– The resulting aerodynamic loads sheared both engines from the aircraft seconds before impact.

– With the DS, a level in the game loads up quickly, just like with Game Boy games.

– An automatic weapon works by firing, automatically removing the cartridge case from the chamber, ejecting it from the side of the gun, and then loads a new cartridge into the chamber.

– I would like to propose that fair use images can be uploaded here, because there are loads of albums and company articles without any pictures, plus we all know fair use on commons is not allowed.

– Solar thermal power plants designed for solar-only generation are ideally matched to summer noon peak loads in prosperous areas with significant cooling demands, such as Spain.

loads example in sentences
loads example in sentences

Example sentences of “loads”:

- Machine pistols are usually self-loading, which means that the gun automatically loads a new cartridge into the chamber after a shot is fired.

- He brings in Madame - along with loads of supplies on the backs of camels - to the Great Forest, and together with the rest of the elephants they build huts with thatched roofs for residences, as well as other common city buildings such as a hospital, a theatre, and a courthouse.

– Machine pistols are usually self-loading, which means that the gun automatically loads a new cartridge into the chamber after a shot is fired.

– He brings in Madame – along with loads of supplies on the backs of camels – to the Great Forest, and together with the rest of the elephants they build huts with thatched roofs for residences, as well as other common city buildings such as a hospital, a theatre, and a courthouse.

– The Alaskan Malamute is strong and powerful and was used to carry heavy loads for long distances.

– The Voltage in a parallel circuit is the same across all of the loads in the circuit.

– Gust loads are determined Statisticsstatistically and are provided by an agency such as the Federal Aviation Administration.

– There are loads of performance artists who seem to be absent from the site but I didn’t want to do loads and have all my work deleted.

– Because of the small size of the MBR, Stage 1 just loads the next stage of GRUB.

– Engineers in the nineteenth century knew that a bridge which was built across multiple supports would distribute the loads among them.

– They may also be used to isolate electrical loads from the electrical power supply line.

– Crash loads are loosely bounded by the ability of structures to survive the deceleration of a major ground impact.

– But they did have a respectable road system to move heavy loads by cart.J.

– This also prevents tension from occurring in the arch ring as loads move across the bridge.

– Trains cross at less than walking pace and trucks were limited to loads of 30 tons.

– I’ve had loads of chats with him where we’ve disagreed on beliefs and politics but now it’s always in a friendly way.

– After loads of delays, the album was to be released in 2010.

– Large backpacks, used to carry loads over 10 kg, and smaller sports backpacks, usually offload the biggest part of their weight onto padded hip belts.

– This template feeds “” to the editnotices it loads when in view mode.

– Gingy starts first with a story about his girlfriend dumping him and asking the muffin man for a new girlfriend, made with loads of sugar, thus giving her the name Sugar as revealed in the credits.

– Harnesses may also be used to hitch animals to other loads such as a plough.

– Instead of charging the homes based on how many electricity loads they had, charging on how much electricity they used became more accurate and fair.

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