“load” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “load”:

– With lever action guns, on the other hand, the ground is in the way of loading downwards, and to load the gun would mean to throw off the shooter’s aim since the gun must be turned sideways.

– First, you need to load the module.

– Most soldiers used the musket because it was much easier and quicker to load in battle.

– Has anyone else had problems with Simple running slow? The pages load very slow.

– Being at the head of Cook Inlet it became an important place for shipping in Alaska because ships could load and unload cargo to and from the new railroad.

– It is a muzzle load single shot pistol made for the East India Company Cavalry.

load how to use?
load how to use?

Example sentences of “load”:

- An elevator cab is typically borne by six or eight hoist cables, each of which is capable on its own of supporting the full load of the elevator plus twenty-five per cent more weight.

- The load is attached to the hoist by means of a lifting hook.
- At full load the dam can produce 6,809 megawatts or enough for 5 million typical American households.

– An elevator cab is typically borne by six or eight hoist cables, each of which is capable on its own of supporting the full load of the elevator plus twenty-five per cent more weight.

– The load is attached to the hoist by means of a lifting hook.

– At full load the dam can produce 6,809 megawatts or enough for 5 million typical American households.

– AutoHotkey scripts can be used to load Computer programprograms, open documents, and issue mouse clicks.

– The grid connects all of those parts in power systems to deliver power from the generators at the power station to the customers or load center which will use the electricity.

– Some harbours are used as ports to load and unload ships.

– Caching proxy servers reduce the work load of the remote server.

– The trial of the service was hailed as a major operational success, with an average passenger load of 85%.

– A disk operating system will load from a floppy disk each time a computer starts, and will access that disk for software to complete operations.

– Internal frame packs originally had smaller load carrying ability and less comfortable fit during walking, but 21st century ones are better.

– A silicon component has been developed with a matrix of pixels called “FingerChip”, that is, “finger integrated circuit”, each of which is covered with a layer of pyroelectric material in which a change in temperature translates into a change in the load distribution of its surface.

– Some boxcars have end doors and adjustable bulkheads to load very large items.

Load following power plants are usually in between base load power plant and peaking power plant in terms of construction cost, cost of the electricity it generates, efficiency, and capacity.

– The Mutiny on the Bounty was caused by breadfruit trees: In 1787, William Bligh was ordered to load a number of these trees on Tahiti and to ship them to the Caribbean; there they would serve as a cheap food for the slaves working on plantations.

– Later, 258 African American sailors refused to load any more weapons.

– For example, an ISO property class 10 nut can support the bolt bolted joint#Property classproof strength load of an ISO property class 10.9 bolt without stripping its thread.

– This leaves the shoulder straps mainly for keeping the load in place.

– If a pin is configured as output, it can handleup to 40mA of load per pin and max 100mA for all pins on the port.

– Multiple standard sockets can be protected by being wired in a string to the output of a single GFCI wall outlet although the wiring has to be carefully done considering the maximum load and to prevent false “nuisance” tripping.

More in-sentence examples of “load”:

- A player can save or load data with a memory card.

- Because of that, the price of electricity it generates is generally higher than the electricity generated by base load power plant, which operates continuously throughout the year.

– A player can save or load data with a memory card.

– Because of that, the price of electricity it generates is generally higher than the electricity generated by base load power plant, which operates continuously throughout the year.

– Plug and play does not require the user to load a specific device driver to access the device.

– These courses were generated in a way that depended on the background music and players could load their own music to play along.

– Sun Cellular’s electronic prepaid reload service allows to load “Over-the-Air” via an accredited Sun Xpress Load Retailer.

– Seismic load is one of the basic concepts of earthquake engineering which means application of an earthquake-generated agitation to a building structure or its model.

– This theory of elasticity says the extension of a spring is proportional to the load applied to it.

– So the load on the remote server will be reduced by using a proxy server.

– Washing machines may load from the top or the front.

– Metallica’s music shifted towards a more mainstream hard rock style, and continued their success with Load Load and ReLoad, released in 1996 and 1997, which both debuted at #1 on the “Billboard” 200.

– Ships over 24m long doing international business have to respect the International Convention on Load Lines.

– The DEAD LOAD was completely omitted from the calculation.

– Some of the other nicknames include The Chuckster, The Chuck Wagon, The Prince of Pizza and Wide Load from Leeds.

– It has a wide range of desktop and rescue software, and can load entirely into RAM or be installed to a hard drive.

– It uses plastic cartridges instead of CDs or disks, making load times faster.

– The eight suspension cables are tensioned to pull with a force of 2,000tons against the piers set into each bank— enough to support a working load of up to 5,000people on the bridge at one time.

– The native had forgotten to load his rifle with ammunition, but shot at the animal anyway.

– A wheelbarrow is a kind of vehicle that is built to be pushed around with a load inside it.

– Stations may be operated as Load following power plant, peaking power plant, or base load power plant.

– A gravity load is one that the downward force of gravity affects.

– Since it must move the contents of A into B, it must wait for the ending of the LOAD instruction.

– Also, unlike a double-action revolver, power from one shot is used load the next, instead of using power from pulling the trigger.

– Cargo ships are usually specially designed for a special task, often carrying tools like cranes to load and unload.

– Brownouts may be done intentionally in order to reduce the load during an emergency.

– The call to has been subst’ed for quicker load times.

– Base load power plant has the character of slow demand respond, a mechanism to match generation with the load it supplies.

– This prevents the system from needing to load the entire translation table every time the system.

– It can also load the content from other places if instructed to.

– If the player dies in a Strike Force mission, the campaign continues recording that loss, as opposed to letting the player load a previously saved checkpoint.

– This allows webpages to load faster and the applet can begin functioning.

– A complex instruction set computer instruction can execute several low-level operations, such as a load from memory, an memory store, all in a single instruction.

– They also have shorter load times and better graphics.

– Factors that can cause PF to be less than one is non-linear load, which are capacitive load and inductive load.

– Maximum offensive load of the Rafale is 21 000 pound.

– In general, the load they can carry is measured in Twenty-foot equivalent units.

– It may also be used outdoors to load and unload trucks and trailers.

– It was also clip-fed, which means that the shooter can load many bullets at one time, rather than just one bullet at a time.

– A load following power plant is a power plant that can adjust the amount of electricity it generates to match the changing demand throughout the day.

– The idea was to build a world class road network and to reduce the load off the heavily used national highways throughout the country.

– The slider view is collapsed by default, and will load by clicking on it.

– He led a group of police from South Australia to the Victorian gold fields and escorted a load of gold back to Adelaide.

– This idea results to be efficient if the power load used for mixing the air is a small fraction of the total load of the datacenter.

– When the load requires it, special software in the application container can be used to run several instances of the specific service.

– Cabral returned to Portugal on 23 June 1501, with only 5 of the original 13 ships, carrying a big load of spices.

– UNetbootin is a cross-platform utility that can create Linux Live USB drives and can load a variety of system utilities or install various Linux distributions and other operating systems without a CD.

– The investigation found that during the calculation of the building’s structural load, only the LIVE LOAD was factored in.

– The people in charge load up two ferries with people to get them out of the city.

– Now some load from the front or side.

– Many have cranes to load cargo onto the truck.

– In electrical grid, operating reserve is the ability of the power generation to respond for any power loss or power failure at the load side in a relatively short time to avoid long power shortage.

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