“liturgy” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “liturgy”:

+ The second version was created in 1656, as part of changes to liturgy made by Patriarch Nikon of Moscow.

+ This was the first visit of a reigning monarch of the United Kingdom to a Catholic liturgy since 1688 when James II VII was king.

+ It has both a poetrypoetic view of the heavenly liturgy with a declaration of faith.

+ In the Roman CatholicismRoman liturgy these Sundays are dated “after Pentecoste”.

+ In 2008, the “Vatican” reiterated a directive that the full name YAHWEH should not be used in Catholic liturgy out of respect for the Jews who never pronounce the full word and YHWH was to be used instead.

+ The most prominent among them was Frano Ivanišević, a national fighter and promoter of Old Slavonic Church language as the language of liturgy in the Croatian Catholic Church.

+ It also has a liturgy similar to Protestantism and it is organized like the Roman Catholic Church.

+ Another name for this is the Liturgy of The Hours.

liturgy in sentences?
liturgy in sentences?

Example sentences of “liturgy”:

+ During the Second Vatican Council, Catholic liturgy changed to local languages, although Latin remains the official language of the Vatican.

+ During the Liturgy of the Eucharist, the bread and wine is offered at the altar.
+ Most people think that the liturgy of the Roman Mass was put together during the 7th century.

+ During the Second Vatican Council, Catholic liturgy changed to local languages, although Latin remains the official language of the Vatican.

+ During the Liturgy of the Eucharist, the bread and wine is offered at the altar.

+ Most people think that the liturgy of the Roman Mass was put together during the 7th century.

+ The Church issued the dogmadogmatic definitions of the first seven General Councils in Greek, and even in Rome, Greek remained at first the language of the liturgy and the language in which the first popes wrote.

+ These were based on the older liturgy but influenced by Protestant principles.

+ The Latin influence in Dalmatia was increased and the Byzantine practices were further suppressed on the general synods of 1059-1060, 1066, 1075-1076 and on other local synods, notably by demoting the bishopric of Nin, installing the archbishoprics of Spalatum, and explicitly forbidding use of any liturgy other than Greek or Latin.

+ The liturgy may date to the second century or earlier.

+ It is sung at the liturgy on the memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows.

+ The four parts are the Introductory Rites, the Liturgy of the Word, the Liturgy of the Eucharist, and Concluding Rites.

+ Hieromonk Vasily Kostic recalled that father Thaddeus was very weak, nevertheless on March 13 he already served the Divine Liturgy together with the Bishop Nicholas.

+ Josip Juraj Strossmayer’s ideas, of which the most important one was – serving God equals to serving people, “Novak “, page XIV created close relations between Croats and Serbs by introducing the Old Slavonic language as the liturgy language of the Roman Catholic Church in the Balkans “Novak “, page 257: “Uvođenje starog slavenskog jezika u bogosluženje katoličkih Hrvata Strossmayer je punih pet decenija smatrao kao jedno od sredstava za zbližavanje zapadne s istočnom crkvom.

+ The words were not from the liturgy but made up by poets or taken from the Bible.

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