“literacy” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “literacy”:

+ Average literacy rate of Neyveli city is 90.98%.

+ The taluk had a literacy rate of 60.38.

+ The taluk had a literacy rate of 61.6.

+ The taluk had a literacy rate of 78.05.

+ The taluk had a literacy rate of 64.54.

+ South Goa has a sex ratio of 980 females for every 1000 males, and a literacy rate of 85.53%.

literacy some ways to use
literacy some ways to use

Example sentences of “literacy”:

+ Juengling has advocated for increased literacy in the overall population, and started a queer men’s book club in Portland in 2013 through the Cascade AIDS Project.

+ One of the things that Barnes Noble does in the community is sponsor a children’s summer reading program that promotes literacy and puts over 2 million books into the hands of the children each year.

+ In 2011, literacy rate of this village was 77.27% compared to 61.80% of Bihar.

+ General populace is educated with literacy rate of 55%.

+ The taluk had a literacy rate of 81.18.

+ As a result, most Singaporeans have at least conversational ability and basic literacy in a minimum of two languages: English, and the language that is used at home.

+ The average literacy of the town was 76.04%, compared to the national average of 72.99%.

+ Supporting research at the faculty of medicine: the development of imperial college London’s Medicine Information Literacy Group.

+ John Maxwell Coetzee is a South African-Australian novelist, essayist, linguist, literacy critic, activist and translator.

+ Kanglatongbi has a high literacy rate as compared to the entire state, Manipur.

+ The literacy rate of Uganda is 68%, which mean people in Uganda who are at least 15 years old know how to read and write.

+ The taluk had a literacy rate of 70%.

+ The average literacy of the district was 74.86%, close to the national average.

+ The literacy rate is approximately 99.7%.

+ Ghaziabad has a sex ratio of 878 females for every 1000 males, and a literacy rate of 85%.

+ Tunceli has one of the highest literacy rates in Turkey.

+ The literacy rate was 85.62 per cent.

+ One of the tablets confirms that Roman soldiers wore underpants, and also testifies to a high degree of literacy in the Roman army.

+ This correspondence suggests that a contributing factor to a society’s level of civic literacy is the capacity of schools to ensure students attain the functional literacy required to comprehend the basic texts and documents associated with competent citizenship.

+ Juengling has advocated for increased literacy in the overall population, and started a queer men's book club in Portland in 2013 through the Cascade AIDS Project.

+ One of the things that Barnes Noble does in the community is sponsor a children's summer reading program that promotes literacy and puts over 2 million books into the hands of the children each year.
+ In 2011, literacy rate of this village was 77.27% compared to 61.80% of Bihar.

More in-sentence examples of “literacy”:

+ The Empire of Japan had brought changes to the Japanese writing system during the earlier Meiji Restoration to make literacy and education more widely available to all Japanese citizens.

+ The average literacy of the district was 69.66%, compared to the national average of 72.99%.

+ The literacy rate of Namli Maira is about 75%.

+ The rate of literacy among the Dalits, as per 1991 census, was 37.41% as compared to 57.69% for non-Dalits.

+ Shyampur has an average literacy rate of 52.68%, and the national average of 32.4% literate.

+ The literacy rate for Bali is 45.55%.

+ In 2011, literacy rate of Shahzadpur village was 85.41 % compared to 75.55 % of Haryana.

+ The Coimbatore district had a population of 34,58,045 with literacy rate of 84% and sex ratio of 1000 females per 1000 males.

+ The taluk had a literacy rate of 67.57.

+ The taluk had a literacy rate of 65.6.

+ He is also praised for having improved the Social statusstatus of women in China and for improving literacy and education.

+ Private English Medium Schools are also here – these account for the high literacy rate.

+ She is the only author to have three children’s books make the Best Children’s Books for Family Literacy list in the same year.”The Pennsylvania Center for the Book presents the 2010 A Baker’s Dozen: The Best Children’s Books for Family Literacy, accessed May 16, 2011.

+ It is a peaceful area with high literacy and low crime rates.

+ Gautam Budh Nagar has a sex ratio of 852 females for every 1,000 males, and a literacy rate of 82.2%.

+ The district has a literacy rate of 72.84%, higher than the state average of 69.72%.

+ The literacy rate in Benin is one of the lowest in the world.

+ The taluk had a literacy rate of 70.41.

+ As places using Traditional Chinese characters did not have literacy problems, in 2009 Pan Qing-Lin, a Chinese official, suggested to stop using Simplified Chinese characters.

+ Conscious language revival movements in the 19th century, such as Félibrige in Provence, coupled with wider literacy and regional presses, enabled a new flowering of literary production in the Norman language and others.

+ Thrissur has a literacy rate of 86%, higher than the national average of 59.5%: male literacy is 87%, and female literacy is 85%.

+ In Pandalam, male literacy rate was 97.84% while female literacy rate was 95.80%.

+ The taluk had a literacy rate of 71.41.

+ The taluk had a literacy rate of 72.65.

+ The Empire of Japan had brought changes to the Japanese writing system during the earlier Meiji Restoration to make literacy and education more widely available to all Japanese citizens.

+ The average literacy of the district was 69.66%, compared to the national average of 72.99%.
+ The literacy rate of Namli Maira is about 75%.

+ The literacy rate of the city is 94.20%.

+ The taluk had a literacy rate of 74.84.

+ The taluk had a literacy rate of 64.96.

+ In Arimalam, Male literacy is around 87.25% while female literacy rate is 70.69%.

+ The literacy rate is 90.18%.

+ Can Braille be revived? A possible impact of high-end braille and mainstream technology on the revival of tactile literacy medium.

+ Medicine is socialized and so is education, making Argentina’s literacy rate about 98%.

+ Mass literacy needed cheap books.

+ In Shahzadpur Male literacy stands at 90.68 % while female literacy rate was 79.51 %.

+ The average literacy of the district was 65.64%, compared to the national average of 72.99%.

+ A tremendous change has been observed in the literacy rate of Nagar over the past 5 decades.

+ The taluk had a literacy rate of 73.87.

+ The taluk had a literacy rate of 76.08.

+ Before he became a writer, Freeman worked as a game designer for a children’s literacy video game.

+ The literacy rate of the city is 82.59%.

+ Although King Sejong the Great led the development of Hangeul to allow literacy to spread among common people and to create a writing system that represented the language more accurately than Hanja, it was not adopted by the upper classes of Koreans.

+ The average literacy of the town was 80.77%, compared to the national average of 72.99%.

+ She was chairwoman of the Board of Reading is Fundamental, the nation’s largest children’s literacy organization, as well as chairwoman of the President’s Advisory Committee for Women.

+ From 1890 to 1910, all the states of the former Confederacy passed new constitutions and other laws that found new methods to get around the Fifteenth Amendment, such as poll tax poll taxes, residency rules, and literacy tests administered by white staff, sometimes with exemptions for whites via grandfather clauses.

+ Shahzadpur has higher literacy rate compared to Haryana.

+ The literacy rate is 89%.

+ Until then, literacy was mainly for Clergyclerics, that is, people who had training as priests.

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