“lit” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “lit”:

– This can be seen best at night, when the bridge is lit up by a series of lights that show the double helix structure.

– The explosion was caused by miners carrying open flames which lit pockets of gas.

– The Moon being round, half of it is lit up by the sun.

– Police believe someone lit the Churchill fire.

– It is believed that the houses where lit by fires.

– As the Moon orbits around the Earth, the half of the Moon that faces the Sun will be lit up.

– About 80 signed works by him have been catalogued, and nearly all of them follow the same pattern; small arrangements of fruits, vegetables, or shells on a stone slab, lit from above, with the dark background typical of still lifes earlier in the century.

lit - example sentences
lit – example sentences

Example sentences of “lit”:

– It also celebrates a miracle that happened during this time, where just a day’s supply of olive oiloil allowed the menorah in the rededicated “Temple in Jerusalem” to remain lit for eight days.

– Some things it theorized were that the Moon was lit by the Sun instead of making its own light.

– On each day, a branch of the nine-branch Hanukkah menorah is lit with the “shamash which sits on the middle branch.

– The candles in more than 300 snow lanterns and 3,000 snow lamps are lit up.

– His house was the first in the world to be lit by electric light bulbs.

– It is beautifully lit at night.

– In a moving ceremony after sunset, luminaries placed around the track are lit in honour of cancer survivors and in memory of those who have lost the battle against cancer.

– The rest of the tribe members are then told to return to camp with their torches; in some seasons, this has allowed a tribe access to a source of fire, while in other seasons, the tribe is not allowed to return to camp with their torches lit if they do not yet have their own source of fire or a way of starting one.

– When a candle was lit near the icon, it shone on the gold surface and made the figures stand out.

– The “Karthigai Deepam” festival is celebrated during the day of the full moon between November and December, and a huge beacon is lit at the top of the hill.The event is witnessed by millions of pilgrims from different parts of Tamil Nadu.

– Other elements of current Olympic opening ceremonies were started later: the Olympic flame was first lit in 1928 Summer Olympics1928, the first athletes’ oath was sworn at the 1972 Olympic Games.

– They often have gold backgrounds which glow when they are lit by candlelight.

– Sometimes, the balloons are lit up against the night sky.

– The modern Olympic Flame is lit at the Altar of Hera which stands to the east of the temple.

– After that, it was lit up for the second anniversary of the attacks, on September 11, 2003.

- It also celebrates a miracle that happened during this time, where just a day's supply of olive oiloil allowed the menorah in the rededicated "Temple in Jerusalem" to remain lit for eight days.

- Some things it theorized were that the Moon was lit by the Sun instead of making its own light.

More in-sentence examples of “lit”:

- The candles are never lit directly - instead, the higher candle, is lit first, and then used to light the rest of the candles.

- It is lit by 6,600 lights and 50 coloured projectors.

– The candles are never lit directly – instead, the higher candle, is lit first, and then used to light the rest of the candles.

– It is lit by 6,600 lights and 50 coloured projectors.

– Some parts of the collection are not lit to protect the objects from light and visitors use torches to see inside the cases.

– Pairs of coloured letters on the bridge which are lit up in red and green.

– The home contains a central dining room in the shape of a cube, measuring 20 feet on all sides and lit from a skylight above.

– The “shamash” is lit first, then used to light the others, while a prayer is recited.

– On the last night of the festival, a single light would be lit inside the Temple of Bast and from there the light would spread through the town, carried by devotees.

– The port was lit on the night of the raid to help the unloading of supplies.

– The Beijing Olympic torch was lit on Baekdu/Changbai Mountain.

– She commands that a huge fire be lit in the courtyard, and that Talia be thrown into the flames.

– They lit signal fires on signal towers to warn other outposts of possible invasion by Germans from across the border.

– They also carried pipe bombs and molotov cocktails, which they lit and threw.

– When people thought about pulling the trolley switch to kill one person instead of five, the parts of the brain that do cool, rational thinking lit up.

– The English defeated the Armada by using the wind to blow ships that were lit on fire into the anchored fleet.

– After Jason killed both Kia and Charlie, Lori and Will lit the propane tank on fire and caused the camp to explode.

– Both these places lit his interest in the natural world.

– Streets can be lit for safety or visibility reasons, so people can see where they are walking at night.

Lita then hit Foley in between the legs with a barbed wire bat, and lit the table which then allowed Edge to hit a Spear to Foley through the ring ropes through the flaming table on the outside, and pinned Foley to get the win.

– For example, the player can use a lit cigarette butt to burn up a spider that wants to eat the player.

– Then the process was the same as above, except red circles lit up.

– People only see the parts that are being lit by sunlight.

– A year later, playing opposite Daniel Craig, he portrayed the father of a series of cloned sons in Caryl Churchill’s “A Number” at the Royal Court, notable for a recumbent moment when he smoked a cigarette, the brightly lit spiral of smoke rising against a black backdrop, an effect which he dreamed up during rehearsals.

– On the west, the Cape Otway Lighthouse was first lit in 1848.

– They are lit at midnight each night during Ghost month.

– While turning on a lamp in a dark room will be very noticeable and the change in lighting will be very obvious, the change from turning a lamp on in a room that is already lit will not be very obvious.

– It was a small generator that lit four light bulbs.

– The torch can also refer to a flammable stick that is lit on fire to provide light and heat.

– Tinder is a material that is used to start fires easily when lit with a match.

– They made art and lit candles to honor her.

– Each bar that was lit would represent a rank.

– Each hole is filled with a pin that can slide back and forth and the screen is lit by the two vertical sides, allowing the pins to cast their shadow on the screen.

– As it goes around the Earth, sometimes the side that people on Earth can see is all lit brightly.

– Before each Games, the Olympic flame is lit in Olympia in a ceremony that reflects ancient Greek rituals.

– The police are investigating whether someone had lit this fire.

– The exhibition included exhibits of his inventions, and the city was lit with electric light, thanks to Swan’s invention.

– The only traces left of the later occupation during the Gravettian include a child’s footprints, the charred remains of ancient hearths and carbon smoke stains from torches that lit the caves.

– At night it is lit by 4,000bulbs, making it one of West London’s most striking landmarks.

– Because this image of the Virgin Mary was said to work miracles, many hundreds of candles were lit in front of it which soon stained the frescoes so that their bright colours could no longer be seen.

– It is lit up at dusk every September 11, lasting until dawn the next day.

– The top of the tower had a mirror that reflected sunlight during the day; a fire was lit at night.

– At night, it is lit up with different coloured lights.

– It did not have a match to keep lit and generated a spark mechanically with a wheel mechanism.

– On the second night, a second candle is added, and they are lit from left to right — but the Hanukkiah is filled from right to left.

– It will take a lit of time doing this.

– To their surprise, the menorah stayed lit for eight days, which was seven more days than they expected.

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