“liquid” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “liquid”:

– The liquid steel is then poured.

– It was at first thought that dark areas near the center of Titan could be a lake of a liquid or tar-like substance, but the probe landed on the dark area, and it is solid without any liquid.

– When liquid water is available between the snow and ice crystals, they may color the surface green, yellow or red during the summer months.

– For the liquid to minimize its energy state, the number of higher energy boundary molecules must be minimized.

– If a liquid is in a container, then besides the liquid/air interface at its top surface, there is also an interface between the liquid and the walls of the container.

– The water is not liquid but is in the form of hydrates and hydroxides.

– New discoveries in Syphon Pump Metering allows for dispensing liquid above the source.

– The liquid then return to the engine.

liquid in-sentences
liquid in-sentences

Example sentences of “liquid”:

– The FDA regards “juice” as a liquid derived from fruits or vegetables, so the preferred term is “cane sugar”.

– Another method of protection is the release of a sour liquid from the skin.

– Very slowly this darker and hotter area blends into the superheated liquid interior.

– The lakes of Titan, a moon of Saturn, are made of liquid methane.

– If a tube is sufficiently narrow and the liquid adhesion to its walls is sufficiently strong, surface tension can draw liquid up the tube in a phenomenon known as capillary action.

– And the liquid is poured out, drained, and boiled with sugar and ginger.

– Diffusion usually happens in a solution in gas, a liquid and occasionally colloids.

– Gas spills may be made harmless with a special liquid spray.

– Sodium telluride is made by reacting tellurium and sodium in liquid ammonia.

– Its most common name as an illegal drug is probably liquid Ecstasy.

– UPS batteries are lead acid batteries that use gel sulfuric acid instead of the liquid sulfuric acid car batteries use.

- The FDA regards "juice" as a liquid derived from fruits or vegetables, so the preferred term is "cane sugar".

- Another method of protection is the release of a sour liquid from the skin.

More in-sentence examples of “liquid”:

– His mother, Bette Nesmith Graham invented Liquid Paper in 1951 and made the family very rich.

– The end which is placed in the drink is wider, with small holes or slots that let the brewed liquid in, but block the chunky matter that makes up much of the mixture.

– While in cysts, brine shrimp eggs survive temperatures of liquid air for up to two hours.

– The liquid silica cools and hardens quickly, leaving behind a thin glassy tube, usually with a rough outer surface and a smooth inner surface.

– The twisted cord of strings is then wrapped around a frame and immersed in a vat of liquid of natural glue that binds the strands together.

– Sublimation is the process by which a solid transforms into a gas without passing through the liquid stage.

– Depending on how much thickener is added, the resulting viscosity may range between syrupy liquid and thick rubbery gel.

– Stock in cooking is a liquid flavoring base for soups and sauces.

– This involves coagulation, blood changing from a liquid to a gel.

– In a pot still, the pot holding the liquid is heated.

– Scientists now think that there is a large underground ocean of liquid water, around 10km thick, near Enceladus’ south pole.

– It is used to cool liquid hydrogen in space vehicles before the rocket launches.

– However, it seems Mars once had liquid water flowing on the surface.

– The particles which get stuck on can be from a gas, liquid or a solutiondissolved solid.

– It is made by reacting sodium hypochlorite with liquid ammonia.

– Nectar, in botany, is a liquid made by the flowers of plants.

– Aerogel is a gel in which the liquid part has been replaced with a gas.

– In general, if animals need quantity of a liquid substance they produce it with special cells in a gland, and send the product to where it is needed or stored.

– The field of astrobiology looks for conditions necessary for life, like liquid water, a good temperature, or the presence of oxygen.

– The main sauces of French cuisine are built on a basis of roux, which is just flour and the liquid part of butter.

– Perfume is a liquid that gives people, things and rooms a good smell.

– Heating fresh liquid resin vaporizes light volatiles like terpenes.

– This means that it has a very narrow liquid range.

– Titan is the only place in the Solar System, except Earth, that has lakes and much liquid on its surface.

– This liquid has in it male sex cells.

– The convectionconvective motions in the liquid conducting core inside the center of the Earth are important for making the magnetic field.

– The liquid with cells forms in another gland.

– The other stages burned liquid oxygen with liquid hydrogen.

– In this process one of the components of a mixture dissolves in a particular liquid and the other component is separated as a residue by filtration.

– The display output device may be a cathode ray tube plasma or liquid crystal display screen.

– It may stabilize the magnetic field generated by the liquid outer core.

– Because ice is poor conductor of heat, it does not allow heat energy transfer from the liquid water beneath the layers of ice, which prevents the liquid water from freezing.

– Food is given to the larvae by trophallaxis, a process in which an ant regurgitates liquid food held in its crop.

– This clear, mobile, easy-to-burn liquid is the simplest example of the ketones.

– This property is caused by the molecules in the liquid being attracted to each other, and is responsible for many of the behaviors of liquids.

– The medicine comes in a pill or liquid that a person swallows.

– Measuring dipsticks show the amount of liquid in a container.

– The destruction of “John Harvey” caused liquid sulfur mustard from the bombs to spill into waters.

– The main use of indium is in the chemical compound Indium tin oxide in liquid crystal displays.

– Oil produced from bitumen sands is often referred to as unconventional oil, to separate it from traditional liquid oil.

– The surface of any liquid is an interface between that liquid and some other medium.In a mercury barometer, the upper liquid surface is an interface between the liquid and a vacuum containing some molecules of evaporated liquid.

– This oxidationoxidizes the sulfide to sulfur dioxide, leaving liquid nickel behind.

– Toothpaste is a part liquid paste, applied to the bristles of a toothbrush in order to aid oneself with the act of toothbrushing.

– It can be made by reacting liquid sodium with phosphorus chloride.

– The pure liquid goes in and the impure dialysate comes out.

– They behave more like a liquid when exposed to stress.

– The bottle breaks when it lands, spilling the flammable liquid over the target, which is then ignited by the burning rag.

– The other inlet and outlet are beside through which a supporter liquid goes into the dialyser.

– These devices have a battery powered heating element and tank that contains a liquid solution made by combining nicotine, vegetable glycol or propylene glycol and flavorings.

- His mother, Bette Nesmith Graham invented Liquid Paper in 1951 and made the family very rich.

- The end which is placed in the drink is wider, with small holes or slots that let the brewed liquid in, but block the chunky matter that makes up much of the mixture.
- While in cysts, brine shrimp eggs survive temperatures of liquid air for up to two hours.

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