“linked” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “linked”:

– The music of this long opera is extremely cleverly linked so that musical ideas flow into one another and combine to comment on the drama.

– Tārā or Ārya Tārā, also known as Jetsun Dolma in Tibetan, is a female Buddha linked with Buddhist tantra practice in Tibetan Buddhism.

– On the morning of 17 April 2019, García shot himself in the neck when police officials were planning to arrest him linked to a corruption scandal.

– Each station’s linked article gives more detailed information, including services.

– CamelCase is used in some wikitextwiki markup languages for terms that should be automatically linked to other wiki pages.

linked how to use in sentences
linked how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “linked”:

– However, some will not be linked together when Downtown Line opens in 2017.

– The Art Institute building is unusual because it is two sets of buildings linked by a two-story bridge over open-air railroad tracks.

– One of the most famous teachers at Tuskegee was George Washington Carver, whose name is linked to new forms of research into Southern farming method and crops.

– In May 2002, federal police in Brazil conducted a number of raids on organizations linked to Sun Myung Moon.

– Narmer is also the earliest king linked to the symbols of power over the two lands.

– Wouldn’t it be better if it linked to Help:Contents? Sending someone to Mediawiki when they want help on Simple seems a bit, well, unhelpful.

– We could add it to the linked categories, but I didn’t do that because 1 I think :Category:Languages of Asia connects them well enough and 2 I’m not a fan of navboxes on categories.

– Scotland is traditionally linked to the bagpipes, and many pipe tunes come from there.

– It helped not to have the name linked to the king.

– Check that the content type of the linked page is as some pages may instead be rendered solely by platform-dependent plugins.

– Inugamis were often linked to important Japanese clans and families, and sometimes these same families were accused of having been possessed by a Kitsune as well, gaining fame and power very quickly.

- However, some will not be linked together when Downtown Line opens in 2017.

- The Art Institute building is unusual because it is two sets of buildings linked by a two-story bridge over open-air railroad tracks.

– These are tunes or chords or little musical phrases which are linked to particular people in the opera.

– Obesity in this area is linked to diabetes mellitus type 2Type 2 Diabetes, insulin resistance and heart disease in humans of both genders.

– It was built on a Roman road Ermine Street, which linked London to York.

– PMC identifier is linked to the article through the link at cfg.id_handlers.prefix.

– Behaviour is also linked to learning.

– All three events in the novel are linked by this.

– Editors looking at the Deaths in 2011 page will know that blue linked articles have a page or are being worked on, and so can move to the next interesting red linked person.

– This infobox shows the use of an image and linked text over the blue background in title area.

More in-sentence examples of “linked”:

– If there is an infobox, the word can be linked in the box and also the first time it’s in the text.

– Hi all, I would like recommendations and suggestions for my unblock request for enwiki on the linked page’s talk page.

– Brezhnev’s rule is often linked with the decline in Soviet economy and starting the chain of events that would lead to the union’s eventual collapse.

– During the C-H breaking event the hydrocarbyl group remains linked in the inner-sphere and under the influence of the metal atom.

– In May there was an outbreak of the virus linked to a meat processing factory in Victoria.

– Philosophy of mind is the branch of philosophy that studies the nature of the mind and how it is linked to the body.

– Semmelweis is known today because he linked an increase in childbed fever to missing hygiene in hospitals.

– The imposter syndrome has also been found to be linked to some traits from the Big Five personality traits.

– Epidermal cells are linked tightly to each other.

– Language processing has been linked to Broca’s area after Pierre Paul Broca.

– As for all identifiers, the access status of the linked document is not reflected in the parameter.

– In addition the following murders have been officially linked to the Charlie Hebdo massacre: Clarissa Jean-Philippe, 27, a policewoman was killed in the suburb of Montrouge.

– In 1852 the North London Railway linked up with the LBR at Poplar.

– Therefore, if you want anything to be linked to something else, they must be added when including the template.

– When players get the fully-powered portal gun, they can make two portals that are linked together on some white surfaces.

– Originally the area that was to become Bournville consisted of a few scattered farmsteads and cottages, linked by winding country lanes, with the only visual highlight being the Georgian built Bournbrook Hall.

– Some mental health therapies are often linked to classical conditioning.

– After 900 years of being linked to Europe, Malta began to look southward.

– Apart from the German state, many of which were linked to Great Britain by marriage, Liechtenstein and Switzerland used the tune.

– The choice of the name “Truman Show Delusion” by the Golds was influenced by the fact that three of the five patients Joel Gold initially treated for the syndrome explicitly linked their perceived experiences to the film.

– Because people normally die before this age, the word centenarian is usually linked to longevity.

– Used only by the article linked in the heading.

– So the months are not linked with the seasons.

– When activism is linked to art, the action, in street art is called artivism.

– This music is very closely linked to what happens in the story: the overture describes the harshness of the Spanish oppression of the Netherlands which is what the play is about.

- If there is an infobox, the word can be linked in the box and also the first time it's in the text.

- Hi all, I would like recommendations and suggestions for my unblock request for enwiki on the linked page's talk page.

– This is linked to another under the gut by nerve fibres running down each side of the gut.

– It is made of one or more movie projectors, which are linked to a movie camera.

– It is linked to the sea through a canal, nowadays.

– When the tag name is not supported, the template will render as “” instead of a linked tag.

– Drug addiction is often linked with other mental disorders.

– Notice how several footnotes can all be linked to the section title “Notes” because that link goes to the entire “Notes” section.

– A number of workarounds exist; full details are available on the linked page.

– There are a number of shelters in this large outcrop linked by paths and stairways.

– The terms should be linked the first time they are used in an article.

– Newspapers have suggested Lee can be linked to other unsolved murders in the area, but the police lacked DNA evidence to prove these connections.

– These beliefs according to some religious sects, are often linked to supernatural beings such as God, a number of Deitygods or spirits.

– For example, a company might contribute 10% of a worker’s salary to a pension account of the worker’s choice, with final benefit received linked to the performance of the investment chosen.

– Therefore, “Bayswater” produces, all linked and ready to go.

– There are conflicting findings about how much specific symptoms are linked to an increase in violent behaviour.

– The airport in Chennai is directly linked to airports of Delhi, Mumbai, Calcutta, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Goa, Bhubaneswar, Cochin, Hyderabad, Port Blair and Pune.

– It should rather focus on how data are linked together.

– A lisp is a speech problem, linked to the misarticulation of ‘s’-sounds.

– It demonstrates coordinates in degree, minute, second format, a relief map, label background color and linked labels.

– Nike is often linked with sport, with companies named for her like Nike Inc.

– Websites are composed of pages linked by hypertext links that are written in HTML.

– Wherever possible, the old names have been included and linked to the new ones.

– This parameter is a more concise alternative to `education`, and will most often simply consist of the linked name of the last-attended higher education institution.

– He has a group called Silk Road Ensemble which tries to bring together musicians from different countries which are historically linked by the Silk Road.

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